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It's now a good amount of days gone by since this discussion,and the same situation is still the case, it would probably be better for a wash out high volume drop,then the slow bleeding and draining longs out day after day.
It would be awesome if it was to drop to below $0.60,that would be a great load zone, there is some kind of orchestrated grind down programs in place for more than the past week,most likely being run by a group of very corrupt hedge funds, probably still holding large naked short positions that won't cover until there is a high volume breakdown and flush out so the scm bags can close them out,the pricks squash every uptick with naked shorting the bid right back down, probably not a good buy until there is a big volume flush with a good size downstick,and a nice little bounce,of course some kind of big news could change all that in a hurry,and burn the crap out of the shorting criminals.
Dip shtt $0.52 offer stacker needs to get kicked in the face
If there wasn't so much corrupt manipulation by most likely naked short hedge funds,it would be over $1.25,and setting up for a run to $2.00, with all of the recent positive news, the future looks really positive,once bigger investors and more retail investors stop being foolish and flip selling,and realize its probably really foolish selling at these low levels.
Another on their backs BS biotech that used head lines to pump their stock and turn it into the toxic cesspool it has been like forever, perhaps all those who have been waiting like forever to sell,all got out today, and perhaps this sleazeball company and stock can bounce from here,with today's total wash out of most of the sleazeballs responsible for the pump and dump gone.
A fight between those who think and believe there is big upside coming in the future, and those who operate criminal hedge funds who get away with naked shorting it down to keep their crooked short positions from getting squeezed, with the right news,the believers will get rewarded much more then the corrupt naked shorts are getting rewarded are right now, with their crooked manipulation.
Such a shame with the news they had to be such a bunch of filthy toxic slobs,with the low life insides probably tipping off insiders with large positions,and naked shorting hedge fund trash, to fill their greedy little pockets, perhaps all that filthy trash has sold out, and this piece of toxic trash can bounce off it's azz.
Not sure what the deal is there today with the selloff on no news, sold that stock at $1.85 with a profit, perhaps it's a buy down here,or where the smarter shorts should be covering wickedman.
If you really had that many shares and are more of a trader, then it makes sense to take some off the table, probably at least half, most investors probably would want to hold some shares, it's very difficult to trade large size without having very short term targets, especially in the current market conditions,and why it's not a very good idea for most to do it, unless they have really deep pockets, sure make some really nice profits in the short term,but run the risk of missing out on a much bigger outcome in the near future, spooked by the news, well Genentech and Pfizer don't seemed to be spooked in the slightest bit, both really big company's doing deals with a penny stock company,if they didn't believe in the their genomic therapies they developed,they wouldn't give them the time of day, and don't seem spooked at all, I used to be a much bigger size day trader years ago, and worked at two different day trading firms back over twenty years ago, and also at home and had traded lots of over 100,000 shares at a time and did really well with it seven out of ten trades on average, but there were more then just a few I wish I never just traded them,one of them I had 8,000 shares at $12.00 sold out at $55.00,did great on it,but eight months later it was over $300.00 a share,and l think it got close to $500,00, I made many thousands on just that one,but in the longer run,less than a year,gave up many millions,you just never know witch one will be the one,but this one comes across of having much better potential than being just a penny stock, being held down by a bunch of corrupt short hedge funds.
Look at the low life criminal naked short hedge funds using their manipulation tactics to try and keep their corrupt azzas getting squeezed much higher like they should be, today's sellers are going to end up looking like the biggest fools out there.
One of the better things about the beat down in the past three beat down days, is that the bears shoved their dirty socks down the throats of the CNBC pump bags, Jimmy squeak box Cramer, Tommy pump boy Lee, professor Jeremy pump Siegel,all had to keep themselves from choking,and couldn't pump anything.
I owned $UVXY and forgot I had a sell order in place, put in when it was 50% lower during the BS AI pump job going on, that got sold on me on Friday, not happy about that right now, but I did buy puts last night around 10:00,pm of the monday $4650 contract at $0.10 sold some at just below a buck 1:00am and the rest of them $2.85.
You would think that tightening the spread would make things even worse for those caught in the carry trade bloodbath, depending on if most of it gets unwind before a cut, in this market of a total pro pump desire,it wouldn't be surprising for the market to act assine, if it's programed to act that way, if a cut came sooner than expected.
Now professor pump bag Jeremy Siegel on CNBC right now begging the Fed for an emergency cut of 0.75, all these big pumpers don't like it when wind turns direction.
Nothing in the market is very simple,it just comes across that way at times, when the trends are strong enough to support technical analysis to perform in the way that it does, with so many programs and trend chasers to support it, but once again Logic gets lost when things turn into a shit show,and things turn into an Irrational environment, once again like this morning, being greatly affected by the massive unwind of the yen carry trade, most technical analysis doesn't hold up as well as expected during meltdowns.
The smell in the morning of burning MM options put sellers,those who bought them from them, love the smell of them burning up.
CNBC right now Tommy pump boy Lee with his tail between his legs,is pump boy tone has now been forced to change.
Logical gets lost when things turn into an Irrational environment, such as today.
Wow look at that $SPY take it on the chin,after getting a big beat down yesterday, another big drop over night,then the big jobs numbers hit,and a total ass kicking,another five bucks drop, ugly red Friday, the CNBC pump bag market cops running around with any kind of BS to try and stop the bleeding.
Hmmm perhaps there is something going on here after all, today's buy side volume is higher than usual.
There is a big banner hanging outside of the NY stock exchange and NASDAQ exchange today, big summer liquidation sale, red bag discounts on just about everything in sight, if you bought yesterday that's too bad, the sale started today,and the price you pay for running into the store and over paying pumped prices in a chasers sale.
Look at that $VIX kick the butts of yesterday's pumps.
Wow, WTF happened to this one, stepped on big time
Oh the naked shorting hedge fund fools are really playing with fire right now on this one, after how they got their azzes handed to them on $SERV.
That's a good amount of info you posted,that could make many want to hold on to this stock,and perhaps not get shacked out at these low levels,by the corrupt manipulators who could be holding naked short positions.
That Probably has been the case for some time, apparently that just out news of the settled law suit was an overhang on them,that the corrupt wall Street hedge funds were using as a reason to naked them down.
It was nice to see the dumbass below $0.03 warrants sellers get slammed headfirst into a wall,hope they were all MM shorters.
Foolish below $0.03 warrants sellers,as clueless as a bat that flys headfirst into a caves wall,then looks up from the floor and says we'll that was pretty freaking stupid thing to do.
Can't argue with that not being the case, it's an outright major crime that the SEC lets these criminals in their cheap suits getaway with it,day in and day out, sure many start out believing they can become something that could turn into something good,but most turn into a toxic cesspools with no way out,other than becoming the self-centered selfish toxic slobs they become, and think they are doing nothing wrong ripping off the public and lining their pockets and over compensating themselves with greedy payouts,that none of them deserve,when the company's are using burning through cash to support their scam until the worthless brainless SEC some times do their usual half-ass job of shutting them down,after the retail public ends up losing many millions,to be one of them I guess you have to have a few bucks buyout a shell company and hype of some kind of BS that you have something great,and sucker in the public to believe the BS, and have a few cheap suits,for when you get involved with the toxic note dilution lenders,and the pump and dump promoters.
Total morons selling the warrants at below $0.03, they could double sooner or later if the run goes over $0.50 on stock and stays above that level.
Those who chase machines led pumps, and are not on their toes, learn quickly about being too greedy, will most likely leave you with a shiny red bag.
Wouldn't be surprised if they pump it higher again in the 4:00 am premarket tomorrow morning,and possibly run it up to a Buck.
Ugly close hands down,and if tomorrows numbers are hot, look out below,but of course the CNBC market cops will spin it as some kind of Goldilocks BS as usual,and sucker more suckers into some kind of another fake bounce pump trade,that creates more red bag club members.
Oh man LMAO at the clueless foolish bounce pump chasers
A new batch of pump chasing fools added to the club, congratulations chasing fools.
If they don't, and another leg down kicks in,the red bags club will expand their bags.
Today's bounce pump chasers between 11:30am and 1:15pm all now part of the red bag club, foolishness being led by fool pump manipulator Algo machines.
This is what I posted 3 hour ago, just like I warned about.
If $SPY drops below $543.60 things will get more ugly in a flash,market sell programs could get switched on.
That's what happens when one of the biggest corrupt trading firms can no longer carry the weight of the buy side of the manipulation trade,when the rest of the market,retail and so on,say screw you corrupt MM manipulators, not letting you sucker me in for only more rug pulls, because the majority of supports aren't present right now.
And it will most likely end up in failure with them doing 80% of the buying, not being able to sucker in bounce pump buyers,since too many have gotten burned badly lately by the corrupt Algo machines of the Wall Street manipulators.
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