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It is certainly interesting, and a bit sad. The Akerna thing is wild, and I don't see them holding on, just my take. Their entire cap is ~15M, they have what 20M is notes due soon and the current drop happened BEFORE they reminded shareholders of an upcoming split (their last press release I can find). I have to assume some really poor leadership on their behalf as well as at Forian. BioTrack, Forian's cannabis arm, has won multiple government contracts and converted some medical only into recreational markets, further expanding a foothold. Barely any mentions and zero company hype, despite what records show as positive growth at the company level. I'm holding on because of where I bought in, I'll be at a great enough loss anyway so riding for shits and giggles.
I noticed this forum seems to have somewhat dried up. I'm curious if things are about to shift in Forian's favor. In the last several months they seem to have won 2 more government contracts. I see metrc just won NJ, but it looks like their Biotrack arm has won the Florida and Connecticut tracking contracts. History seems to indicate they also gain a majority of the market share in areas they also do the gov side, so that's looking better. I ignored my shares and didn't prepare for such a plummet, so I'm looking to any good signs. :)
I was curious after your post and did a quick search, and got a laugh at my results. Just for some humor, you are incorrect, Whatsup...
Zac is listed on the 10k.
He is listed in 2 different sections. He is listed under the pending lawsuits as defendant. and he appears to also be the only listed exception to the non-solicitation clause. So I'm interpreting that as him being the only one they are ok with being solicited away from the company without needing to wait the 6 month requirement. That is a little funny and telling. I am thinking it means there might be a transition away from his advising sooner than later, to you point though. I may be interpreting that slightly wrong, as it's not my forte, but listing a specific employee, in otherwise boilerplate language is something I'm a little thrown by.
Perhaps there are good things to come if they can get real leadership in soon and make us a few $.
Yeah, I'd agree with it not being the worst place, but I'm still confident. I am seeing more and more companies with seemingly less value (likely less baggage too, though) make big funding rounds. The dutchie stuff was one thing, then in the last couple days Fyllo got a nice little 30M oversubscribed injection. I truly think people are getting close to patching in on the cannabis tech players, I am a bit concerned Forian doesn't know how to market or sell itself properly though.
As for the leadership, I'm hoping that the FORA CEO, Dan can bring things to a solid stomp sooner than later. I know I've definitely been a bit critical of the "leadership" at the helix tech team, and I still am. It's nothing personal, as I don't really know them like it seems some folks on here do... but I have zero question they are in the wrong sandbox and playing way above their league. I think the FORA things was a smart and necessary move. I've always thought BB was an underrated firm, I expect to see big things out of them. I used to LOVE my BB phones. I think their initial mistake was waiting to go the android route in lieu of attempting their own entire marketplace instead of simply focusing on sweet proprietary apps that only work on BB devices. I digress though.
I'm hopeful it will go up, but I am still ahead at the moment so I'm going to just smile and go with the flow.
So I'm looking over all my stuff, did I miss something? It looks to me it ended up being a 20:1 in the conversion of our shares to Forian ones? So instead of $0.10 it's $0.05 per $1. That kind of sucks. I mean it's still much better than it was 2-3 months ago, but I got my hopes up. I'm actually pretty optimistic despite the shit show so far.
Likely good news on the horizon!
Perhaps I am being too optimistic, but looking at the cannabis trends how companies have been growing and the big news on Dutchie's funding and acquisitions, I think Forian is about to look a lot more appealing. These are thought children, so if you have any ideas that add to or counter these, please share!
1. Dutchie is not yet publicly traded, so folks are going to start getting in on similar cannabis tech action.
2. NY just (finally) announced recreational cannabis legalization which requires a large expanse in the industry. This is a state where it seems BioTrack not only has the government contract but over 90% of the current market on commercial platforms. That number might be wrong, but I saw a pretty recent article that said as much.
3. NM, also just announced full legalization. BioTrack already has their government contract too. I don't know their current hold on the commercial system market, but there was an article from MJ Biz Daily that said it was close to 70% in 2019.
So I think they will get a big boost in revenue from commercial system expansions and government contract money. Right now their contracts are for medical systems, with the timelines those will have to get expanded in scope. I can't imagine all that added work won't lead to a big bump in contract fees.
Maybe I'm spitballing, but I was laying in bed this morning thinking about it and thought I'd post.
Yeah, I suppose I should have known better. Not great, but it's still better than the sub 10 cent levels it had been teetering on. So that'd be what, $2 on FORA. Hmm. I'm still hopeful it makes it up. I have been hearing a lot of issues around the trades still, it's like they rushed it and messed a bunch of stuff up. I think with a little more momentum it'll bounce back up to $20. I'm going to finally unload most of mine closer to $22. I am not as open to risk as some, but this was all done with my "play" money so hopefully the play comes with some fun.
I agree completely. I was kind of shocked at how few press releases went out considering what seemed to be the norm in the space. I feel it could have helped a lot on bringing better attention to it. I think it's going to do well now. This will likely remove the stigma of it being another "cannabis" company a bit.
Cheers to the moon!
So, I agree it's less than ideal given the current momentum, but given the ride and where it's been most comfortable this is a huge step up. Looks like it is set to close on day one at $19, not the best... but I think given the average trends over the last 2 years with HLIX, most of us are just hoping for some better stability and I think it's here. Hopefully with this new leadership at the helm it'll do what it's been ready to do.
Welcome to the Forian Inc. FORA Message Board. For those of you who have been on this wild ride for some time, take a rest, say hello. Today is the first day trading of the new company. We are expecting big things now that former Helix TCS assets are owned by a real data company. It was very murky for some time, and I for one am quite glad to see where we've come. I look forward to a strong and entertaining discourse. Cheers!
Wow, I missed a lot.
I want to say a few things after playing catch up on all of your messages.
1. I hope some of you are extremely wealthy and the reason you spend so much time on this particular board is because you truly have nothing better to do with your time.
2. Can we please keep the topics to HLIX? I mean if you're using a specific and directly correlated topic that involves another company awesome, but if not... those other companies have their very own message boards.
3. Related to point 2, can we please refrain from constant name calling going forward. If it isn't obvious from the message archives who the idiots are by now then you have no place being an investor of any size. Let's move on please so we can keep one another up to date on things we find directly related to the company, their officers and market performance. Really... no one cares who knows who, who likes who and who gave an old fashioned to what CEO. If there's not any substantial info to provide to the class, please keep it between you and your cat.
4. Also, I just became a father to a beautiful baby girl and while I know I'm a hypocrite for injecting that after saying to keep it to business as much as we can... but it's changed my outlook on a lot of things and can't help but share.
Many of us are/get emotional because we've sunk money into this. Even at .33 I lost thousands of dollars and while it isn't my life savings it still sucks. We have a responsibility to understand the environment here and we're not being fair to ourselves.
I think other than the occasional hiccup and some artificial manipulation HLIX has got to be at the floor. I am in this for the long haul and based on my own research I don't think they are going under despite many of the questionable or downright stupid decisions made by their current management team. Let's calm down and see where these folks are really at, reset... then see where it's going.
Thank you guys!
Hey Nobel,
Yeah Biotrack and MJ Freeway are pretty common in the industry, at least they have been over the years. I've only used a few but I can try to answer your questions about them. All frustrating in their own ways.
As for MRST, have you ever tried using their platform? It's the absolute worst. I mean, it makes me miss myspace and foursquare (which I just googled and still somehow still exist). But yeah I can't believe people still give those assclowns money. MRST was my first cannabis stock, and I'm glad I only bought a handful.
To be fair. I do think they all have some issues, basing that also on what I've heard in the industry. The one I hear the most positive about is one called Flowhub, I haven't personally seen it though and the only places I've heard of using it are all in CO, so it may be a local thing.
So, I want to add something as I seem to be the one or one of the ones who originally asked about Mr. Fox.
I absolutely appreciate the follow up by NobleRoman in finding more information, especially when HLIX seemed to be almost dismissive. I am still not completely sold, because well... it still seems very unofficial and it's hard to put AS MUCH faith in verbal statements as a tangible document. I do feel better about it though since it's not ghosted, just seems back-burnered.
I do feel similar as many on here though. I feel like the company postured a LOT, and seems kind of like vapor in many regards. I do have some buyer's regret, but I'm hopeful it'll at least start averaging over $0.40 so I can get some money back.
I hadn't been following this much lately, as I've honestly been kind of depressed about where the price is at, but last week was ok it looks like! I, unfortunately bought a lot of mine around the 0.30 point so I'm not looking to make a flip, but I feel like it might be leveling out some.
The industry itself seems to be picking up and I haven't been hearing bad so many bad things about the Biotrack leg like I was over the last few months. Still hearing about MJ Freeway though. I feel like things are turning around and I'll make something long run.
I am super stoked about them FINALLY launching the data analytics stuff. Should be a good rest of the year.
Hmmm. Overall not sure where I stand on that earnings call. Thoughts for anyone else that was on?
Things I liked-ish:
They at the very least brought up the V. Fox thing, but I'm not sure their answer really makes sense. They said they are holding up adding him to the board because things in Mexico on legalization have slowed down... but the guy is connected all over South America and Europe, so I fail to see the direct connection here. That just seemed like a weird answer, maybe I just don't understand what they were looking for from his involvement, especially since HLIX had been broadcasting that "our" market share in both Europe and in Latin markets has been expanding.
This seemed much more structured than the last one, so kudos there.
Not sure how the response of how do we stack up to the likes of KERN is too "forward looking", don't they compete directly in almost all of the same sects that we do minus security stuff (which is probably the most burn we have in respects to not being profitable). They are publicly traded too, just seems like a pretty much apples to apples thing. I feel like we should be gleaming more insight here and if our biggest competitor isn't insight they know... wtf are they doing? Just seems silly.
What I don't like:
They seemed to read directly off of EMERALDSEA's post but were very pick and choose on what questions to touch. I thought you made some valid points (especially the ones that echoed mine, Whatsup's and NobleRoman's points. I hadn't really thought about the pre-launch point. That adds concern for me. How do you mess up so badly before your first live day? I just re-read the announcement from the gov. in Maine. I know they tend to be cautious on phrasing to avoid vendor lawsuits, but it doesn't sound very comforting the way they literally call us out for an inability to perform. (Not sure if they make a pill for that?) It's right here.
I do not like that they continue to act like it's all sunshine and rainbows and butterflies on everything when it's clearly not. It seemed more like a sales pitch than an honest relay of information on how our investment is actually doing.
They mentioned the analytics suite being used in 100s of locations. What markets, and more importantly, is it free is it interactive or passive installation? If you give me something free, I'll likely give it a go... but no mention of actual viability even anecdotally from those licenses. It just seemed very passing with little substance for something they seem to be focusing on as the future.
I heard them mention adding new features to the legacy BioTrack platform, which is awesome... but did anyone hear them mention the big next generation BioTrack they have been touting? I may have missed it when I ran to grab a Redbull from the fridge.
Not the worst call I've seen... but I'm about as impressed with them as I am with society's handling of this Coronavirus stuff. Just stfu and do what you need to do, it doesn't need to be pretty if it's real.
Ok, I think I'm just ranting now. I am curious to here other thoughts on the call. I may be overreacting, can someone give me a litmus?
I think there was just a back and forth between the toupe guy that used to be the founder of Biotrack one of their subsidiaries. I'm sure there are some former employees or even current CEOs or their proxies (cough cough? EBIT...?). I imagine at least some of them are shareholders and got bonuses or deals earlier on. Not sure if they'd admit it, or if it matters other than them adding to my verbose bitching.
I did see that IL renewed with them, which is awesome, don't get me wrong... I'm a skeptic, but I'll take all the good news I can get. The good of that is that it shows continued faith even though they switched to adult-use from medical, but it's not a new state. I want to hear about them getting NEW states. Maybe I'm just bored and living vicariously though my investments.
I think I'm mostly just really torn about the the lack of transparency I've seen from them as opposed to other investments and the whole V. Fox thing.
Only time will tell, I hope the insiders and C-suite quit selling off at these prices and hope some of us make some MONEY. At the end of the day, shady or not... I want my money. I guess I'm a noob with all this, it just seems like unnecessary drama.
Didn't they just recently lose the Maine contract or did I misread that somewhere? I can't actually find the article, but there's a PR from HELIX saying they won it and all of the Maine sites say it's Metrc. I just feel like there's some internal issues that need to be looked at here. I do agree that state contracts are harder to lose than ROs... but nothing is guaranteed but death and taxes. How do we know they aren't already losing them, or even abandoning them. Maybe they don't even want to do the state contracts, where is their plan of action? Just looking for something to make me feel better. I'd be ecstatic if it hits .70... but I'm in agreement that with the low volume it may hit .07 soon. I'll be honest, if it does and they let us know more about what's coming... I'd buy a bunch at .07... but where it's at. I'll agree with .07 and hope I'm wrong.
OK, that actually makes perfect sense and adds a lot more questions. I feel a lot better about my uncertainty around their lack of transparency and honesty. This used to feel like a steal of a stock and now that it's bottoming out (hopefully), it somehow feels borderline worthless. Maybe that's because I'm feeling less and less comfortable playing the long game with these clowns.
But I bought most of mine well north of a $1... so here we are. I agree with whatsup23, this is toxic AF. What happened to these guys? They obviously don't care about shareholders. This seems like an elongated pump and dump money grab. As much as I've heard nothing but utter incompetence from Akerna, I kind of hope they win. They seem slightly more open and sympathetic than these guys. Maybe I'm just sore and speaking out of turn, but I think this covid stuff has me looking at life priorities.
So I get that things happen and don't always go to plan, but using certain things to hype us up into buying more shares when all they are doing is sell at shit prices paints a pretty clear picture. We are in a pandemic, and there are plenty of other reasons to postpone these sales... that's a load of shit, EBITDoobie (Venegas' proxy).
I want some answers and I know NobleRoman does too at the very least. I hopefully some get addressed on the earnings call. I hope the numbers look good too, but at this point my peace of mind from these guys is only going to come from them coming clean and not posturing shit numbers on bad faith. If the problem isn't the leadership, they need to prove it. But at this point I'm thinking they need to do what's best for the company and step the fuck aside or fix whatever they are doing.
Questions I have for them:
What happened to the Vicente Fox thing? Be honest. Or did he revoke his agreement because of their lack of transparency and honesty? Either way, I'd say that's pretty substantial information that should have been put out there. I feel like the SEC would more than frown on this.
What happened with the other board members and leadership changes? This all seems murky and buried. I guess this is their prerogative, but it seems like they have some levels of seriously toxic shit going on and it's driving people away. Looking on LinkedIN, I see more and more of the BioTrack side going away. It'd be nice to know if they are leaving willingly, being forced out or what... some of those folks were leading the industry for 5 or more years. This industry talks. It's much smaller than it seems the bigger it gets If this is the direction we are going, we should be made aware. They need to own it and make it a defined and confident plan because all they are doing is creating doubts.
Whoever said the biotrack contracts don't just go away... why not? There is no obligation for any of these states to stay with them if the scope of the contact shifts even a small amount. If they go from medical to adult-use, they can phase the contract out and not renew. If the size of the project changes and the scope doesn't cover that... poof. Hopefully they still have the leadership that was doing government contracts in place (I don't know their employee make-up but looking at linked-in on departed employees it looks like at least 6 of their government lead folks are gone over the last year. Hopefully they have some consistency. I know when I was a contractor for 3 years in Denver most of our bids had major points awarded to the experience of personnel and points of contact. If there's that level of turnover it's possible.
I haven't heard anything new about Americannex or the new Biotrack in a long time. How are those coming? I remember reading articles about Biotrack and how unstoppable they were, now all I hear about is Akerna, Leaf Logix, Green Bits and Metrc. Where did BioTrack go?
What is the status of the pending lawsuits against Helix TCS? Like Noble said... just own up to everything so we can know the folks we're getting into bed with a little better before we catch something...
You guys have any other questions or topics to put out there before the earnings call? No that I expect anything to be covered at this point.
Rant over...
Very valid point. Lies and secrecy have no place in business in this day and age. I too am very disappointed in their current leadership. I wasn't aware that Garvis knew them from before, the old friends thing makes sense. I remembering seeing an interview with their CEO, Mr. Venegas and he talked about being friends with Scott for like 15-20 years (I can't recall but remember thinking it was longer than any current friendship I have had.). While I get comfort, doing things with your friends when it comes time to business seems a bit sketch. Very Ulysses S. Grant presidency. I don't think that there's a single person to blame, I think maybe they need to look into replacing (upgrading) their CEO and CFO. Unclear if that would mean abdicating their roles on the board too for the benefit of the company and sending a solid message to us, or if that's mostly moot, but I think it might help the public perception, especially if your theory on Vicente Fox not being there and they are covering it up is true.
I didn't mean to imply that this should go unchecked, I just meant that under the current market conditions all over I personally didn't feel like rocking the boat. Warren Buffet says to stay the course right now and the market will heal itself, just trying not to put a finger in the wound when I don't know what could be happening at the company in the background. For all we know they could be doing some pretty awesome stuff, but it's all speculation at this point. Hopefully I am wrong and the biotrack and americannex stuff blows up and does well, eventually. Good tech doesn't always make good business if the leadership is wrong for the company. The companies they acquired seem to have a solid shelf life, so I'm pretty optimistic.
I think that this is actually the bottom. I really don't see it getting any lower based on the cards in the hand alone. Even a blind idiot can win a hand with 4 aces. After looking into their competitors more and more, I think I'll hop on the bandwagon and buy some blocks soon. At this rate, it's going to be hard to lose money (hopefully).
At any rate... OUT OF THE DARKENESS!
I haven’t been able to come across anything either. Like you said, the success of the company doesn’t rest on Vicente Fox, I just thought it was odd especially in light of other “departures” not disclosed. Employees turn over, I get that... but board members of any sort that’s something I prefer to have in the light... regardless of where it leads. I agree with the just be honest approach. Disheartening. Honestly, I’d be a bit concerned at having it investigated, the stock price is low enough and I haven’t heard any industry hubbub about anything biotrackthc it americannex are actually doing in any existing or new markets. Not saying they are not, but historically those are things that warrant a PR. The last ones have been very meh and I’d be lying if I said that didn’t irk me some.
I’m on the fence right now on whether or not I want to buy anymore shares, given the record low prices, or if I’m going to hold off to see any trends of corrections. I think I’ll buy some more, but I’m hoping it at least hits $1 again. Let me know if you stumble upon anything, mostly just curious at this point.
I've only met him once at a CannaCon in Seattle, seemed like a solid dude. I used the Biotrack software in two of my jobs when I was still in Denver. I don't know anything about his leaving, but I have a couple friends from the PNW that I asked about it (after seeing your post). I guess he made a very quiet departure and didn't say anything bad (so maybe it was mutual?), but they said as soon as people heard he wasn't there, licensees started jumping ship or starting preparing for a different platform. Sounds like he was pretty highly regarded among the OG industry leaders. I remember reading on MJBiz that Patrick Vo left as well, no idea what that means, but from what my friends in the know seem to say is those were the main two guys and why people trusted Biotrack.
Yeah, the Helix folks seem really less than transparent about internal stuff for a public company. I recall reading about Vicente Fox joining the board and that doesn't seem to have actually happened and swept under the rug maybe?
Hopefully everything is on the up and up, but the Biotrack reputation seems to be in the shitter since the Helix guys started actually showing up. But at these shit prices, I am thankful for that! I may buy more if it hits 40-ish cents again soon. (looking likely, fingers crossed!)
How is MJ Freeway still around? They are the mass roots of seed to sale software. Turd polishing.
I can't believe this is still a thing. Their platform is absolute shit, their leadership is shit... this is one of the worst investments I've seen. The idea had prospect... but damn
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