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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
If you invested in a bubblegum ball machine the day Zion oil came out, you’d have made more $$ by now. This is insane.
Zion Oil and Gas blocked me from commenting on their Facebook because I asked if they were going to reverse stock split to get their value above $1 to stay on the exchange.
They also deleted a bunch of other comments that were near mine.
My question was not worded rudely or anything.
Isn’t there a September date they will have run out of $$ to operate?
Lol, Mam not Sir.
But yeah, 8 hour time difference and 11:45 min in air time, without layovers or delays.
I just don’t feel good about him not being there. I’d be there to get pictures and make the announcement.
Did someone say J.B. is still in Dallas????? If so, that is not good news..... ????????
Yes. Absolutely.
I want to know. Those who are 100% behind Zion.
What are your plans if there is no Oil again? Are you staying? Going? How much longer do they have $$ for operations without a Rights Offering? Would you buy if they tried to go for another well?
Worse case scenario here. What’s the game plan?
Not trying to be rude or argumentative, I just want to know if this is it for some of you. The last chance?
I’m personally hoping he’s just blowing smoke. Just talking out his rear end.
I’m confused. What more is being said?
While the translation is not amazing (And Im not THAT versed, we are talking 17 years ago) he is saying basically what is translated there. Unfortunately. I was hoping for some “mistakes”. There were a couple of words, basically grammar things, I was unsure about, but that is all they were saying, unless there’s another video I can see???? I might be able to grab more info. Is there a longer one? Better audio? Anything? I will defiantly try my best. There has to be someone out there with better and fresher skills than I.
So, yes, I’m still staying. BUT 2 sets of lawsuits in 2 days (yesterday and today) and this video. Zion needs to do something soon, like NOW to damage control this mess. There’s still time.
Another? How many are we up to?
Just so you know, I’m not leaving or selling....... BUT What if those “gifts” were done so while the stock still had some value they can sell it. What if they know it’s going to tank because of no real useable oil and they gave it away before it becomes useless?
Anyone have a link to this video of the security guard?
Anyone not thrilled with “Expecting” and “Eventually” in this reply.....
Always right? I’m struggling with this lack of communication.
Didn’t they say on 6/5 that it would be WEEKS not MONTHS????
Yeah, wonder what’s up? No news maybe?
$2.86???? What Happened?
Ok, for personal curiosity. What will everyone do IF this well is dry? (I don’t believe it is, but I’m playing devils advocate).
Will they try again? Will you support them? Is this your final go-round?
As the stock dips under $3.00 I find myself asking these questions. I’d like to know especially what the long term investors are feeling right now.
Robinhood has it down to $3.53 this morning, an hour in....... I’m so confused.
You and me both....
Ok, so there is the Genie Well also correct? Is this Well in the same position? Can we look at it for an example of how long testing should take? I keep hearing news they found Oil and have already tested etc...
Newbie here, so I don’t know how all this works.
So Stop Loss Limit or Stop Loss Market? Any advice?
I cannot participate in the Rights offering with this kind of news. I really wanted to, I was poised to jump in on the hint of something good. 50+ more days? Unless they release info after the first zone, which they wont. I feel like I’m being “put off” a lot. I don’t own much, but that’s not the point, what is a lot to some is nothing to others, it’s all relative.
Do y’all have a Stop Loss in place? And what price?
3 months is enough time. Come on already, this is really starting to make me and most people I know doubt this entire thing. Another John Brown scheme? I’m trying to hold tight but with these supposed dates just flying by and more excuses I’m starting to lose all faith in this.
Don’t give me prophecy updates, prayers, give me real information.
I hope you’re not speaking to me. Because apparently emails and announcements and such have quite a bit of pull around here (everyone seems to be poised for such).
I could not open the other post. That’s funny. I wonder why this email is causing such a stir?
Apparently an email, which I have yet to see. I don’t know.
Ok, how do we get emails? I’d like to know what it said. I have the app and I think I signed up for updates?
Thank You, I’m still learning but I am not selling. Just gonna let it ride....
Could you explain this? I’m very very very new, I only have the stock due to some weird circumstances and not very much, so I am not set to lose much no matter what, but I’d like to know what this means. Thank You!
I use RobinHood how would I go about getting rights offering or am I outta luck?
Can anyone explain the new offering I’m layman’s terms?
So, what’s the reason for the drop? People Buying, Selling, What? #NoobieHere
I’m so jealous of all of you. You’ve been in so much longer and have such great amounts. Aghhh can I go back 5 years in time???
Anyone have a good YouTube or similar video to explain a lot of this? I’ve got some stock, but it would save some lives if I could get more (long story). I have a small amount of ZN...
Makes more sense now... lol