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I like this line:
"600,000 incentive common stock purchase options issued to employees of Flotation Technologies with an exercise price of $1.15 per share"
Although we added about 60M shares in this transaction we also added about 2-3 times the potential earnings we would have seen otherwise plus I get the feeling we are not done yet...
I think this was a great move for us and they must think so too or what kind of "incentive" would stock options at $1.15 be?
Just 3 more 300% days and I am good to
And say what? "Thanks a lot, suckers..."?
Exactly...Frey will get tired and give up eventually. It will cost him more in lawyer fees than anything. By the time he gets some kind of settlement (IF he gets one) he will see very little actual cash.
My bet is this one goes away.
Still holding some .009 shares so here's hoping we really fly...LOL
Just waiting patiently for end of August. That will tell the tale. All the rest of this is just noise...
All this is a valid concern to a degree but if I were going to perpetrate a fraud/scam/whatever I would not have telegraphed my intentions in a shareholder letter and been so up front in my intentions to do some more equity financing, change direction, etc...
I would have just PR'ed it when I sold the wells, waited for folks to figure out I was diluting and kept up a string of PR's to keep my stock price up. Instead we get a forthright shareholder letter that, although unpopular on this board, more or less spelled out exactly what is taking place. There has not been a deluge of PRs. On the contrary, I think I have seen more complain of a LACK of PR's. There has been some dilution but not more that one might expect considering the acquistions proposed.
I am willing to give these guys the benefit of the doubt considering the confirmed interest on the part of those companies being acquired, the fact that they are not "pumping" with almost daily PR's, and the fact that this company does have assets (wells) that give this some intrinsic value at these prices with or without the companies being acquired.
At this point, at these prices, this seems like a fairly safe entry point. (If you can use the word safe with a pink sheet stock). In a month we will know. One closing and this goes to pennies quick, imo.
The appropriate way to answer questions about our CEO's competence is to wait and see if he closes any or all of these deals with (what DD shows to be) 2 real, fully functioning and profitable companies. If they close we will have our answer. We will know in a month.
PS. I am glad no one is digging too deep in my past. I am sure I am connected with someone, somewhere who might have possibly been connected with something...
You know you have been here a while when you start to see old arguments brought up and re-hashed like they were brand new discoveries...this is not going much lower than these levels until we see what happens in August. I am betting Rees comes through for us...and himself.
"All M&A targets remain viable and are scheduled to close on or before the end of August."
Buy and forget until September 1st imo... After all three are closed this could be 10x current price.
I am looking for a steady climb to those .006's before the end of next week. Upon closing news look for a race to .01+ imo
If Cementers, Team, and that 3rd LOI all close the revenues stated will justify .03 as long as shares used for those transactions are restricted and there is no further significant dilution. It doesn't appear that any dilution has taken place the past few weeks just poor sentiment. That can change in a hurry upon closing news.
A guy walks into a bar...
WRNW .005x.0055 I like it at this price. That update on friday scared alot of folks out of this but I didn't see it as that bad. Narrowing focus to better match the name of the company and if those two LOI's close you have got to think this goes right back to where it came from if not higher. Am I missing something?
ACTC .75x.76
ACTC .84x.86
ACTC gapping early .81x.815
ACTC - How many news outlets and newspapers will pick up that reuters story tonight? Could gap big in the am. imo
here's the article in the Nature Methods Journal it costs $30 to download. FWIW
That is more than a press release it is an article written by their science editor..see byline
By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Editor
ACTC: Big reuters article..Drudge Report has link:
Embryonic stem cells can repair eyes, company says
Mon May 7, 2007 1:11PM EDT
By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Editor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Stem cells made from human embryos can home in on damaged eyes, hearts and arteries of mice and rats, and appear to start repairs, a U.S. company said on Monday.
Massachusetts-based Advanced Cell Technology said it had devised a straightforward way to make blood vessel precursor cells out of the stem cells and plans to test them in humans.
"We figured out how to produce literally billions of so-called 'hemangioblasts' -- the mythical cell in the embryo that gives rise to our entire blood and immune system as well as to the blood vessels in our body," Dr. Robert Lanza, vice president of research and scientific development at ACT, said in an e-mail.
"We've also tested these cells in animals for the first time, and it turns out that they have incredible reparative potential."
Embryonic stem cells are the ultimate master cell of the body, giving rise to all of the tissues and organs. The use of human embryonic stem cells is controversial because many people oppose destroying the embryo.
The U.S. Congress has passed several bills that would expand federal funding of human embryonic stem cell research but President George W. Bush vetoed one and has said he will veto any more.
However, companies working with private funding, such as the over-the-counter listed ACT, may do as they please.
Working with embryonic stem cells is not easy. For medical uses, researchers would like to partly differentiate them -- start them down the road toward becoming a specific cell or tissue type.
Another roadblock is that many of the current batches, or lines, of stem cells must be grown in a serum culture taken from animal blood. This can contaminate them with viruses.
Writing in the journal Nature Methods, Lanza's team said they found a way to grow and differentiate human embryonic stem cells without using culture.
They directed the stem cells into becoming what they believe are hemangioblasts, the blood vessel precursor cells, although other teams will have to replicate this for it to be accepted.
"When injected into the bloodstream, they homed to the other side of the body and repaired damaged vasculature within 24 to 48 hours," Lanza said.
"For example, we injected the cells into mice with damaged retinas due to diabetes or other eye injury. The cells (labeled green) migrated to the injured eye, and incorporated and lit-up the entire damaged vasculature. The cells are really smart, and amazingly, knew not to do anything in uninjured eyes."
The researchers killed the mice to check the cells' progress, so they do not know the long-term effects.
"The cells also showed remarkable reparative capacity in animals with heart attacks and ischemic (blocked by a blood clot) limbs. The cells reduce the mortality rate by 50 percent after a massive heart attack," Lanza said.
"If the same thing works in humans (these would be the same human cells we would probably use), you might be able to prevent patients from having legs and other limbs amputated by simply injecting some cells."
William Caldwell, chairman and chief executive officer of Advanced Cell Technology, said the company wanted to test the cells in people and had asked the Food and Drug Administration for permission to do so by the end of next year.
"We also have studies underway indicating that the cells can also considerably accelerate wound healing, repair lung damage, and can even generate unlimited amounts of red blood cells for transfusion," Lanza said.
4.11x4.15 gonna move higher here..
TEXG- heads up...some sort of short squeeze/screw-up
wohoo, i am back to even! lol..
WRWN-turnaround in progress .011x.0115 (edit)
Some can't read between the lines here, Robin. We were looking for flowrate news. This is not bad news at all rather just not the news we expected. IF this drops below .08 I am loading the boat. Plenty of good news ahead.
.13x.14 we start the day up!
I like where we are right now. Down 8% after 3 days of double digit gains and all the "pump" on other boards has settled down. It is a great chance to accumulate and scare off flippers before news on the flow rate and finalizing of other leases promised for "mid april". We are sitting pretty imo...
ALRY dip over .135 x .14
Here's your buying opp...
ALRY .155x.16 (edit)
When news comes today or tomorrow we bust through .2 imo
ALRY uptick .135x.15 news on flow rate today or tomorrow imo...
ALRY Closes HOD .13!!
ALRY .115x.12
Is there news leaking? This move is great!
ALRY printing .10
ALRY broke .08 resistance .08x.083
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