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If I remember correctly, it ran to approximately $.17 not too long ago with no news.
The market doesn't like what they see I guess. I would have expected the pps to be over $1.00 by now. Something happened to make this stay at this level. Analyst don't expect any good news until the company can prove they can make a profit and not just sales. More dilution coming?
Now that the clinic is open and other online stores are open shouldn't we see some trade activity? Meaning the pps goes up?
I could be wrong, but I think autologous treatments are an FDA exception. Not sure.
Thank you.
After all my research on this company it was looking like the company was setting up to expand adding professional people to its staff and Board, lining up funding, etc. They must know something we don't obviously. I do agree they are aiming for the NASDAQ short term (Fall possibly) then launch globally in a bigger way. (especially the US market). I see that the analyst is rating it $6 cdn, I'm a US citizen so it would be around $4.50 usd). I believe this has the potential for much much more. Time will tell.
Why did it rise to $2.07 and then drop to $.57 in one week? PPO shareholders selling possibly? Analysts say $6.00 (Cdn) Serious comments only please.
I've done my homework. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Thanks for your concerns anyway.
I have reviewed these properties and I agree with you 100%.
I believe the entire gold exploration market has been blown up over the past two years. Whether Sokoman can recover is yet to be seen. I hope it can but they need to show more than just drilling. JMO
I want this company to be successful but so far it's no more than a pin cushion. Too much drilling. JMO
I did my homework on the properties. Risk I'm willing to take. Time will tell.
I believe something positive is about to happen.
I've been following the company's news. Looks like they have another great stake with REE's. I agree something large is about to happen.
Stay tuned.
Appears it's back again.
At this point, the company should refund the PPO shareholders that was completed just a few months ago. Approx. $.28 Canadien. Pretty ugly.
Thank you. That explains it. Have my fingers crossed for a positive summer. I'm retiring next Friday, and it would be a nice safety net.
What's up with the $10+ million share purchase at close?
Is this stock dead? Nothing but selling lately. I thought it was getting legs.
I have one recommendation for Tim. Hire a professional promotion company. Not a pump n dump firm but professionals. Currently, the market has no interest in Sokoman. Interviews on Rocks n Stocks are not working.
I learned and worked for a very successful and wealthy businessman (top 300 wealthiest in the world from Forbes magazine) that in order to be successful you have to surround yourself with successful people. Tim may have successful miners, geologist, operational people, etc. but I don't see any successful marketing people involved.
Can't wait! Thumbs up!
I was told by a Schwab agent that ADIA wasn't following SEC guidelines so I couldn't trade ADIA online only through an agent for now.
So far, my brokerage company won't let me trade this symbol. I bought it through Schwab a while back but now the symbol ADIA won't come up to sell. Maybe that will change when the merger takes place.
Another breakthrough for the company. Huge intersection finding and many assay samples should provide more great news. Hold on for the ride!
Not sure why the market doesn't like this company anymore. It started tumbling beginning of last summer and never recovered since. Maybe once the assays return with positive results the market may respond favorably. I emailed Tim (CEO) twice but no reply. Cathy (investor relations) replied last December mentioning a turnaround beginning 2022 but that never happened. Good news happened but no market interest.
It has a long ways to go for those people who bought in back when they did a reverse split. Lot's of investors bought in at $7/share. At that time people were pumping $10/share. Time will tell but those investors haven't forgotten.
This board seems to be dead like Sokoman's pps. I tried to get a reply from a couple of emails I sent to Tim Froude, CEO but no response. I guess I will get out while I still have a few pennies profit. Very disappointed in this company's performance. I don't think the market cares about the news since the pps has tumbled 60%-70% since June. GLTA
60% drop and continues to drop despite good news. Something isn't right. Maybe there are too many junior exploration companies and the market isn't interested. Poor marketing for this company. You can't just rely on the drill. JMO
Getting the phone number is simple. All you have to do is google the company and there you have it. Don't know why the question was ever asked.
Correction. Now over 50% drop. Tried emailing the company but no reply. Any thoughts?
You heard right. Financials appear to be getting current, metals are up and pps is staying around .01 and actually went to .0234. Something is up.
Why did the stock drop 40% in the last 2-3 weeks but yet have all this great news? I'm stumped.
Typically when a late annual report comes out the Q's will follow. I'm a patient investor.
BTW. I haven't heard from Doubloon in years. I do my own due diligence.
Q's will be out any day.
I think you meant 10,610,000 shares not 10,610,000,000 shares. :)
Looks like warrants are being sold causing a 20% drop in the pps over the past few days. It's time for an upside based on recent news.
From everything I read about this company it seems they are on the trail of a large finding. Just raised more money from a ppo that will allow them to keep on drilling. I think this one will climb fast once the assays show lots of gold. JMO
From everything I read about this company it seems they are on the trail of a large finding. Just raised more money from a ppo that will allow them to keep on drilling. I think this one will climb fast once the assays show lots of gold. JMO
After viewing a recent video I think this stock will soar as soon as they prove their findings.
If you're going to quote someone please have the courtesy of quoting everything.
Jake P. Noch? @ProMusicRights · Jan 27
I want all $IFLM shareholders to know that this shall not affect any of my current intentions regarding $IFLM
Jake P. Noch? @ProMusicRights · Jan 27
$IFLM I Expect an announcement to be made soon about me being appointed as the CEO/COB of another Publicly traded company, I am unable to disclose the name of said company at this time.