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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
This is one of the best setups in the OTC right now!! Look at the 30 day chart! 😋
VDRM has made big moves in the past! It's coming IMO! Love all the accumulation here!!!
I don't think anyone is worried about 2.1M shares being converted to commons Buddy!
This SS is locked up and history shows the big movers in the OTC can be the ones that can't dilute so multi pennies here is very possible/likely since it's been done in the past! History repeating itself?!? I think so....
Let's all 🏦
Yes! It's 34ish billion OS now! The trading float back then was around 15B it's cooked now!
Exactly! Anyone who thinks otherwise is a #BagHolderInDenial The ONLY way this goes up is if buying volume goes into the
Multi BILLIONS otherwise it's a slow drip 💧 down!
Way to many shares in the float now!!
Insane that MARA SP was double a year ago when BTC was priced 1/2 of today's value!! 🤦♂️
Yep! I own 25M shares! I'm about to take it over if this company doesn't get things going here in 2025! I will become the custodian!!
Wow! They rug pulled 300M off the bid from yesterdays close! Tells you 2 things... this is going nowhere and likely 1/2 those bids were fake just to lead you to believe that the bid was strong and you should slap the ask 1 tick up!
SP continues to fall.... again not bashing explaining FACTS to those here thinking this is going anywhere! This one is no different than the last 10-15 just like it that I have seen fleece $ from investors!!
Where is that CJ person now?!? She went running to the caves I see!! She throws out carrots for all you newcomers and ppl with blinders on!!
GLTA!!! Find a ticker with a decent SS and roll with that! Don't play with bloated pigs because you will get squashed in the end!! ✌️
Horrible Horrable news coming!! Sell, Sell, Sell TO ME since I want more 44's!!! 🤩 I'm down here waiting!!! Sell everything ya got Surfkast Let's Go!
Actually it's only 16B to max out the SS! They never max it out though before the RS... they likely won't adjust the AS because if they raise it much more no one will be interested in buying this bloated pig.... RS will probably be 10,000:1 or 25,000:1 Regardless of what it is it won't end well and then they can start printing them again at a higher value!
Whoever has been here pounding the table thinking this is going to the moon is 💯 on hopium and nothing more....
Find a good SS ticker and do your DD not one that is already bloated as can be!!
It's an abbreviation for "End Of Day"
Yeah this is looking brutal! Might even open 3's and 4's tomorrow with the way the last 2/3 minutes played out!
Moving these bloated pigs takes an incredible amount.... this one is cooked! Been saying this since to slow slide from .0015....
That last minute was brutal!!! Us experienced traders knew this was coming Happens to them all! Is CJ still here waving her HMBL flag?!? 😂
Holy EOD Dumps.... .0004's this week should be a reality! Slippery slope....
Until then watch the accumulation on the daily! Love this play, amazing setup!!
.02 by EOW?!? I feel that it's a good shot at it! Definitely being loaded and will produce gains from here!
Time to BANK 🏦 in the OTC Some good setups and this is one of them!!!
If I share something that "not" IMO maybe it stands to be more "credible" to you!
Here ya go!
What stock are you even talking about?!? All GS stocks are current pink....
I see HMBL SP just keeps slipping away and has nothing to do with GS BTW! 100M 6's now on the ask and building....
Are you still flying your HMBL flag or have you retreated to the shadows?!?
That's so freaking funny!!! There are tons of paid bashers dude! We have know this for YEARS!! Look at all his posts on EVERY stock he posts on!! There is definitely a playbook and he is part of it! WAKE UP!!!
Well I guess it happened a day early! .0005 by Friday but it's only Thursday!
Find a good SS stock ppl! This is just another one for the "I got Duped" books.... sad but a reality!
Say .0004 next week then.... it always goes down way slower than it goes up! Trickle, Trickle....
I assure you there is a special spot for ppl like you for eternity! You're the one acting like the pos.... found yet another gaslighter on IHuB....
Boy are you an arrogant one!! 1,000%
You think you're "BIG" because you're selling your millions of VDRM that you were probably bagged on and finally coming out a head? 😂
Comedy 🎭
YOU were the one that went on "another stock brd" and copied and pasted the post from another brd NOT me!
Have a good day gaslighting the general public CJ!
You do a hell of a job!
SP is currently up 285% and holding from 35 days ago! Stocks don't go straight up but this one is stair stepping nicely and gave many an opportunity to jump in or accumulate more!!
2025 will be a good year!!!
lol you don't take penalties to convert your ROTH ITA to cash! WoW you're something else! And yes I did load another 3.8M at .0044/.0045!
Now have over 15M shares at an average of about .003! GVSI is one of the easiest plays in all of the OTC right now! 1.5M trading float... one tweet sends this 200% plus from current pps IMO I don't talk about other stocks on other beds but since CJ brought over my investment to HMBL Brd let's review FACTS
Stock ran 400% on AIr after December 30th
Pulled back to .0043 and is now sitting at .0057 so it's still up almost 300%
Average share holder is holding in the pennies with ZERO dilution happening!
I don't have to justify my position in GVSI but anyone who reads this might want to look at certain details of a stock and its current SP and security details before you listen to ANYONE touting on any brd including ME!!!
We are all here to profit and OTC can certainly be a mixed bag of BS so be sure to do all your own DD and don't trust burner accounts on X that were made days ago with 100 followers pls no matter what the stock is that you're considering!
Holy L2 shift Batman! 5's by EOW! OR SOONER
Who do you feel is the best? Genuinely curious
Is this your newest made pump account with a 122 followers on X? 😂 Total comedy 🎭
How much do they pay you to pump bloated pigs because you certainly not doing this for free!!!
Can't even recognize a pump when you see it.... comedy 🎭
I played the pump but then GTFO after the dilution reared its head and billions of shares were being traded intraday without SP movement up! It's all about timing but the pig has been fed! Game over!
Prior to the pump it had about a 13B trading float compared to today it has almost a 29B trading float
Billions and Billions and more Billions have been added! It will never move like it once did and if you don't believe me just ask ChatGPT that could maybe help you see the full picture!
⛽️ maybe you should post it 3 times a charm...
You're probably right since there were 3 sells to every 1 buy here today! We both know where this is headed in the end! #FACTS
Yes, I can! it was a pure pump and it's zero dilution till around .003 and then it started! Caught shareholders buy surprise hence little resistance on the way up. Multiple billions on the daily couldn't move it then and the billions of Billions being dumped! The OS back then was close to 1/2 of what it is today! I have seen this many times over the decade plus I have been navigating OTC! If you think you are going to win here I wish you luck my friend! You're late to the party but hopium is definitely alive here!
1,000% RULE #1: You will NEVER win in the OTC playing with 30B OS tickers! Been saying this since the OS was being Dumped on hard (Billions & Billions) Low dubs range! You identify this early and GTFO Banked a little on that initial rise but the OS numbers just kept climbing.... it's cooked now...
It's not working! Pump harder.... 6's keep falling and 7's keep building!!!
Lesson here: Don't play with bloated tickers in the OTC You get burned 100% of the time!!!
Ice cream always tastes better in summer for me anyways! 🍨
Shaping up nicely here!! Soon back to 325 IMO! Nice BTC and alt coin consolidation happening!!!
GLTA!!! 🏦
You have to be kidding me... there is no way that you're not being paid to pump this bloated pig!! Endless 7's now available and give it a week and it will be endless 6's next! SMH 🤦♂️
Marching everyone to the slaughter house..... truly sad 😢
You're a hell of a ring leader though!!
Is this the easiest play ever.... short all day and cover after hours day after day after day....
Let's see what tomorrow brings!
👀 on that reversal!
Your posts where totally off topic and not on the weekend because as you say you don't do weekends on here anymore! I guess it's okay for you to talk about off topic things (no matter what they are) but no one else! Try using PM's next time to do your s*it chat! 💬
You're literally one of the biggest gaslighters on this board!