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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
I don’t think it will drop much before Labor Day. Most likely choppy til 9/2. Then it may test ˜490. But economy is better than most countries. Most investors will be investing in American markets even at a discount. Safer than anywhere else
It’s ending awful. They turned products into scams. They had a real business but preferred scamming people. I bought their pillow 2 years ago, which I love actually, but instead of trying to nationally market it in box stores or advertise, they decided to just scam.
No scam has ever paid off more than a real business. It just takes longer
Why in a week?
I’d say, ask the buyers. They always buy the “fear of collapse” and sell the good news of “everything is fine”. And they’re money ahead.
Probably on phone. Certainly true for me. But when I was more active and I wanted to upload a picture, I would log onto the desktop version they my safari app on my iPhone to upload. The mobile app version of iHub doesn’t allow uploads, just messaging
They held those calls down until bell and past bell. Wow.
That’s funny, I’m in the other Vancouver a few hours south of you in another country ;)
Seen your rainforest many times as I’ve traveled the Olympic peninsula
My iPhone does the same stuff. It actually matters the route you use to get to the drip.
I click on the main menu, info and faucet, wallet, getplus1, then *go to faucet page* link. And then it works.
Other click routes gives me the same fiasco that you’re having an issue with.
He probably bought to close today and forced it to move up ;)
I don’t trade futures, can you post a link of what you’re referring to?
Is it just me or are the numbers the same?
You were right
I’m thinking it opens about 10points down. After opinion
Who would buy this?
Since es, spy and sp500 all have different numbers they’re trading at simultaneously, do you see one leading the pack?
And do you have different long and short positions for each?
Is it possible that USA economy in contrast with Europe’s economy in regards to valuations is being propped up by what Russia is doing in Ukraine?
Could it be that the USA economy, though weakening, is seeing a influx of investments because the continental valuation of Europe is going down?
Could the USA economy or stock market crash faster if Russia stopped the invasion today? Opened up nordstream today? Foods, staples and export back to being traded today like normal? Or at least pre-invasion? Because European ability would be increasing to compete with USA better
Is the weakening USA economy a safe haven for investors rising away from the collapsing EURO? Because it’s still slower than what’s going on in Europe
I’m no expert, but just wondering out loud
Massive call volume at 2.50 strike for Friday
I’m saying their math is off. Unless mine is off.
A 38.2% retrace would be around 3000, not 3815
A 23.6% retrace would be the 3600 as I mentioned in my last post
I see a discrepancy. Maybe it’s mine, but I don’t see the error in my math
Isn’t the first fibo the 3636 low we just had?
ie 4818x23.6%=1137
A little bit lower to 3636 wouldn’t nullify the fibo
But I don’t see 3815 as fibo
I agree with that.
I think many, like me, actually value perspectives like the link you posted that shows where to look for probable direction of market.
We all know market doesn’t always follow our sentiment or bias. What it does do is it takes our sentiment and the algorithms determine where the profits seem best (for them).
As in down?
Sorry, over my head a bit
That’s a lot of
job losses,
doors closed,
high rent,
products disappearing off the shelves,
and with the issues in Eastern Europe,
gas will remain high, but with demand down (from above issues and people not having money), maybe around 4ish/gallon,
workers accepting lowered wage jobs because even employers can’t afford workers unless you’re big corporate companies,
roommates will become longer term agreements,
carpooling may actually be looked at again because you can share gas bill,
and as always, I’m sure we will bail them all out and make sure this happens with the next generation so that we don’t get punished today.
Happy to be proven wrong about what happens at the 3000 area, because I very much enjoy people being happy and having all the opportunities that their hearts desire for their families.
It’s possible that it tries to climb the 6/9 candle waiting for fomc to the sma50. We should have a pretty strong down day on Friday for Tuesday if history is a decent teacher, maybe back down to here.
Now that we’re above the sma20 the market should find some support here unless fomc pushes it down (wouldn’t be surprised).
But I can’t recall ever trading when fed is raising rates and going into a bear market and Russia cutting off energy into a continent. We saw what happened when Sweden needed to do some selling last week, what country is next?
So who knows I’m no Warren Buffett
I can see tnx coming down to around 2.7 or 2.8 and allowing the market to climb to 4100-4400. But with rates going up, USA bonds might be a better place for international investors.
But I’m no expert.
So that looks to me like it would be a worthwhile risk to play some puts.
But I had looked at indicators like like usually do and came up with that, then I looked at your pic.
Since I believe you said the pink like shows also range, probability would says a return to it, or below it.
So I did.
Bought 10 377 puts 80c sold in 3 minutes at 86c
Should’ve gotten those calls like I thought on the indicators. But that’s the trick of hind sight. If it would’ve gone the other direction, I would’ve said thank god I didn’t.
Yes I did. But i have a hard time spreading what I’m looking at. I miss a lot of info when I do that.
But I traded spy puts successfully since the rsi kept wanting to go towards overbought.
I try to stick to spider
So normal stuff. Just didn’t know if I missed some news somewhere
What caused the buying volume to come in?
You mean dreams right? They’re transitory from one generation to the other during inflation? In the homes of making them happen down the road
So since your chart shows the algorithm limit at 3713 and the long positions at 3691, your algorithm is showing it should not be going to take out the stops of the longs.
Is that correct?
Unless I’m not understanding the red large colored area
So kinda of a chop formation
Well then maybe it’s a good thing I didn’t get my 6/24 384 calls today I was considering getting at .94 at eod.
We shall see though
Dividend payout next week as well
Around 3500 is where the sma200 is. That’s around where I was thinking a good bottom might for too.
Fukk. Breaking records again
Likewise. I’m remembering now you did mention that before.
What’s the win rate of your system?
What does that mean?
What just happened to the market? Why is it up so much?