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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
Wow. Faith Hill is hot.
Second only to Poet, of course.
To this day, I don't recall much riff-raff.
But I'm still here.
Had any good donuts lately, Matt? I had a glazed chocolate one just last Thursday morning. Mmmmmm...
I'll share my dumb play of the day from last week. When I sold my September calls a couple weeks ago, I saw a bearish descending wedge on SNDK (or at least I think that's what it's called), so I sold a deep ITM call (September 20). Well, the price lost support as expected but, like a dummy, I covered the call when I thought the descending wedge might fail a few days ago.,uu[m,a]daclyymy[pb50!b200!a21.50][vc60][iUb13!La12,...
I'll look to sell a September or October when the underlying is near 21.50 which I think will be resistance. Other than my dumb move above, SNDK has been good to me. My original basis from Jun 26 is $23.35, and I've earned a net $5.40 in premiums from selling and covering (either thru expiration or buying back) 4 times, and I'm currently uncovered.
Another that has me worried buy may work out: VRTY. I went long at 14.35 and sold the Sept 12.5 call for $4.00 on a bounce that same day. Unfortunately, they warned 2 days later (see that gap?) but have been slowly uptrending since.,uu[m,a]daclyymy[pb50!b200!a21.50][vc60][iUb13!La12,...
Most ideas come from watching the free scans at I noticed certain stocks would appear on the list frequently for high monthly premiums. Second, I do a quick study the fundamentals of the stock. I like a low P/E, low debt, and cash reserves. Too much emphasis on high P/E blimps for me to be caught holding the bag (which is exactly what happened with one of my cc plays: JNIC).
I noticed ATM premiums are best, so if I decide I want a stock, I wait for it to trade near a strike price before moving. For example, I like SNDK when it's at 20, 22.5, and 25. 21.5 and 23.5 are not so good. SNDK can typically give a 10% 1 month profit if assigned on an ATM buy-write, though I've generally kept writing calls on mine. (I was going to be called out of SNDK in July, so I "repaired" the position. In hind site that wasn't very smart.)
Basically, in this bear market, I'm slightly below break even as of Friday's close. I started acquiring and working my positions in late May adding more in June and July. My basis is roughly at the closing prices, and nothing is above my current strikes.
I need to better understand when to close positions and initiate new ccs. For example, if I sell an option for $4, and get up to a week before expiration and it's worth 50 cents, it's probably worth covering in some cases and writing the next month out. I've lost out on some profits waiting for options to expire.
Poet, I've been selling covered calls on SNDK with moderate success. I find the premiums are best with the stock is near a strike (20, 22.5, 25, etc) so I can sell an at-the-money call. The premiums are good and the stock is mostly stuck in the low 20's though I do see a bearish chart pattern at the moment. I began in June at $23.35 and my effective basis is now $17.55. I am currently short the Sep 20 due to my bearish feeling. Likely, I will repair if I'm wrong.
My other cc stocks and their basis after premiums received are ATML (8.31), NEWP (18.11), and VRTY (10.35).
May I humble myself before the great and lovely Poet, whose revelations are sought throughout the land.
Did I get that right? Wake up, people... y'all are forgetting Poet's first rule of addressing her.
Hey Sam! With Earthlink having swallowed Mindspring, the link to the singing you recorded at family reunion doesn't work anymore. Got a new link to it?
Well, it wasn't me singing. I would *never* post of link of me singing.
It doesn't work because I pulled it but might be talked into re-uploading if you're interested enough.
For the record, I am not "bikerboytakemeaway" either.
This is getting exasperating!
"Is it true what they say about..."
Been wondering that myself. Care to show me? <g>
For the record, I am also not "knows picker".
Thanks, man.
PS <sheesh> Thanks a lot. Now I got a hankering for some KK's.
Matt, would you please confirm my innocence by checking your server logs and confirming that I am not "skid row" ?
Never heard a word about a red car. Do tell!
Sam Walton did drive an old pick up truck. Bill Elliot (of NASCAR fame) was the same way. He drove an old Ford pickup too despite having a couple nice new Fords given to him each year. I remember pictures of Bill eating dinner with President Reagan and other big time policitians and business people... right along side his wife's collection of ceramic Elvises.
Always said if I was single I'd live in a double-wide and drive a $100,000 car. <g> It's the redneck dream, man!
This is not a hint or anything, but I sure do like these:
BTW, my votes *can* be bought. <g>
LOL! I didn't realize my votes were public.
I reckon I'm going to have a little chat with the constituent.
Yes, it's a little frustrating that I cannot defend myself against a false allegation. To be frank, the allegation did not bother me so much; just wanted to clarify a point I know to be completely false.
Or anyone offering me a dozen KK donuts.
Considering you still owe me 2 dozen from last night, I'll forgive a dozen of that debt for the pictures.
But I still expect a dozen to be delivered to your local police station.
That's insanity! I think the last folks that did that and got caught used a paved road and are serving prison time now. Or do you actually use skis or a kneeboard to ride the sand?
Never said I was tough. Just pointing out that I don't weigh anywhere near 90 lbs.
PS You got some pictures? I posted mine; now post yours.
Hmmm... maybe it's the angle? The picture was taken from a boat; not the shore.
This is close to the shore.
Heaven knows I've hit the shore plenty of times with kneeboards and jetskis. The stupidity and ignorance of youth.
the 90-pound-weakling
That's me. Nothing to hide here...
Unclothe them, make them shed the alias(es) and they are ... not worth your time of day
*Ahem* Lola? Prove her wrong.
Um, you're some bizarro Jenna that took a chill pill and is laid back and relaxed now, right? Darn, what happened to the battle-axe? She was more fun.
(I mean this all very tongue in cheek.)
That's something I also am not remotely proud of.
Actually, Bob, I wasn't referring to you. I don't recall you ever saying anything about SI being dead, that many people would leave, etc. I attribute those rants to a certain guru who can't decide where she wants to land.
Let us know if you do work on a regular column. That would be a cool read.
That's all you think of my sacred Krispy Kreme donuts? How dare you!
Now hold on... I was referring to the monetary value. Mind you I attended college in Winston-Salem, NC - home of KK and visited the local shop practically every Saturday night.
That much, at least, we have in common.
You sound like my dentist. Last time he was working on my teeth, he asked his assistant if she had finally taken care of that tuberculosus (sp?) problem she had...
Obviously, it's too late for me to be posting.
If Mother Theresa wrote a business plan that stated she wanted to drop kick babies off the Vatican balcony, then she later said, she changed her mind, would she still have gone to heaven? I don't think so.
As long as she had accepted Jesus as her personal saviour, yep she would've still gone to heaven. Maybe you ought to find a better analogy - one that doesn't involve religion or politics.
You can't sense the sarcasm in my post?
Oh, come on Matt! You have a few folks questioning your integrity tonight, and now you're going to welch on your bet? All for a couple dozen donuts?!? Man!!!
Come on, spend a few bucks, make a few cops happy, and be done with it.
PS Now I want digital pictures of you delivering those donuts to the police station. I will not believe you did it if you fail to produce the photos.
Where are you guys sending this thing?? Just MOUNT FUJI?? LOL..come on..why not the moon..that's what the RB thread says..lmao
Nothing but green in my portfolio today!!
When you gonna buy a REAL MAN'S VEHICLE
That should be enough. You can donate those donuts to the local police force.
Let me take it one step further - Do you think it might be possible that someone *used* Bob?
No question about it in my mind. What's a bit funny is to see how fast a certain SI guru fluffed off SI while suspended and now seems to be "weighing" her options and "leaning towards SI" once again. So much for the "mass exodus" that was predicting a few weeks ago.
Matt was quick to be quoted in the press when Bob was hired. Will he be so quick again now that he's gone? Personally, I'd like to see something from Bob in the WSJ or Barron's on the state of online chat sites. I doubt there are many people that understand this little niche better than him.
Bob was never 'bribed' or threatned with money.
I never suggested he was bribed or threatened. He was, however, compensated to run a website that was ultimately revealed to be against his principles. Clearly, he chose principles over money (his compensation).
Maybe I misunderstand, but I gather Bob didn't resign because of a better offer, to retire, or to begin a career as a full-time trader. I believe he resigned because he disagreed with the plan for this website; a plan that he probably considered questionable as do others.
I'm glad to see someone here has something or someone other than money as their master. Good show, Bob, and best wishes on any future endeavours you take on.
Sam how do you know Bob "parted ways" for sure?...
I don't and I clarified that point in my previous post. All the more reason I'm waiting to see the news.
aren't we supposed to be provided with an official update and explanation of wtf is going on? has that already been proffered and i missed it?
Good point. That's the only reason I'm checking in; to look for news concerning Bob. I am certainly assuming Bob has parted ways which may not be the case.
I had hoped for better competitors.
I had hoped for a better website. All that changed when Bob parted ways...
Hi Bob, hope all is well with you. Matt reported last week that you and he would have some news today, I think? Are you guys going to share any insight on the situation between the two of you with the community?
If it's a private matter, I understand. Matt led us to believe we'd be told something today so naturally I'm curious.
BoP, I believe you are correct concerning Jesus' relationship to his Father and to the twelve. However, I think Patricia's point was that Jesus is very humble in all that He did and on that point, Patricia is absolutely correct. Even in his last days, Jesus accepted a kiss of friendship from the man he already knew to be his betrayer.
looks like people are going to start voting with their feet as of today
If Bob is truly gone (and it appears that he is judging by his id change), then I'm casting my vote. I believe this place is definitely becoming a place for touts and scam artists. If anyone wishes to have my threads, I am no longer interested in them. Feel free to take them.
Good luck, Bob, wherever you are.
Sheesh... who turned out the lights?
The way I'd like to see graphics implemented, is that each user would get a small file space on the Ihub server itself
I see I need to read every post before responding. QThink is a smart person.
You could also just provide a way to embed graphics in the message. Would be more user friendly. SQL Server supports BLOBs doesn't it? If not, check out Oracle or DB2 .
I'd prefer that we set it up so users can choose to include graphics
Then why not provide an image hosting service? Give each user... say... 5 or 10 megs and make it accessible via ihub embedded links only (so user's won't use it for other purposes).
someone who puts graphics into their thread ... will also be able to log the IP address that accesses the graphics
*May* be able to log IP addresses. While some perceive no danger, there is no good reason for an ihub user to trace another user's address. The only good reason I can imagine for doing so is to have specific hacking targets.
In fact, it wouldn't be hard to write a web application that immediately starts probing a computer for weakness as soon as it's served a file and grabbed an address.