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We'll see, I am wondering if MJNA is going to repeat itself again this year and have a huge pump in the New Year. I have seen it two years in a row now and this time I do not want to miss out.
They typically file late too, so, I guess not surfacing for some time. I'll be interested to see what revenues look like from HempVap and all this CBD oil. Thanks!
Anybody know when Q3 report will be filled?
Thinking if I should load up. I feel like this sector, especially this stock, has a tendency to dip in the summer and grow like crazy around the new year.
Although, I just dumped my shares not too long ago. In my opinion, this stock is a little too suspicious for now.
I see what you're saying and I completely agree. I think we might have a misunderstanding.
I thought the "if they are not stopped" meant that there was a possibility that the Gov could intervene and halt Tweed procedure at any time. See what I am saying?
Ugh. It still bothers me how expensive this stuff is. $119 for a tube of RSHO? That is really expensive. I think they aren't targeting the right demographic. It seems like they're trying to sell this as a medicine. Now, I get it, CBD has great medicinal value. However, GW Pharm has pretty much already claimed the territory.
Start addressing this as more of a recreational type of deal and appeal to young adults/teens. No young adult/teen is going to drop $119 every time they need to re-up their RSHO.
I think the HempVap is a great starting point. Yet, the product isn't even available to the general public. I just tried to purchase through Kannaway and I am brought to a page that asks for a "Sponsor ID Number." Come on, let's get this show on the road. There's so much potential and we are loosing ground the longer we wait.
Youch, definitely a little eye opening. I had no idea Canada was so up in arms over MMJ. I had watched a documentary on Youtube not too long ago discussing the barriers and obstacles in the way that are preventing patients from actually becoming a registered patient.
I think the biggest red flag was reading:
"First, the ministry announced new regulations for medical cannabis (MMPR) which, if they are not stopped, will shut down all personal production and caregiver assisted production of our medicine."
Stopped? Uhhhhhh?
However, I wasn't really sure what they were talking about pricewise;
"By Health Canada's own estimate, the cost will increase from $5.00 per gram to $8.80 per gram – going up by nearly 400%. That amounts to $5,000.00 per year for a patient who uses an average dosage; much more if a higher dosage is needed. In fact, current online LP's are advertising rates from $9-$14 per gram, well beyond the scope of affordability for most users, whom statistics show 70% of which are on low income pensions or income assistance."
I get it is difficult to afford but realistically those are very low prices. To be honest, as a patient in the US, I have never heard grams being sold as low as $8.00, not to mention, $5.00.
I think that articles a little biased. However, it still should be taken into some consideration.
That would be ideal but I'd be a real gamechanger
I know i felt the same until i read a really good point that was made here earlier; the sec would be likely breathing down Tweed's neck. It would probably be the first off its kind because of the fact this company actually sells a federally illegal substance.
Yeah it is tough, This company seems like it has so much potential though. Especially if the other growers consolidate. Tweed has such a headstart.
Thanks! So would you say that is the way to go; investing in the US version?
Can you explain how that works? Why would you invest if it is not promoted whatsoever by the actual company? Just trying to learn the ropes here.
Right there with you.
Just stumbled upon something I think you will be happy to hear. Bruce Linton, Chairman, said this in an interview:
"Interviewer: And finally, you raised $15 million in a bought deal through GMP: How far is that going to get you through your Capex and Opex requirements, until you need to go back to the market and raise some more?
Bruce Linton: For the site we have, we don’t anticipate any need to return to the market."
Your parabolic fantasy sounds like it will soon be a reality.
I guess only time will tell!
True, but being public gives them the step up for financing and reeling in the customers. Tweed seems to be aware of the other companies. I mean, it does not seem like they're dilly dallying.
Rightfully so. I think there was a proper reason for the dilution. What did you think of the recent Ottawa article that stated:
"When Tweed began accepting orders for weed earlier this year in preparation for the new legal framework, it was swamped with more than it could handle. On April 21, the company announced that, while it would continue to accept new applications for prescribed marijuana, it would not formally register additional customers until it could be sure it had enough product available.
At the same time, Tweed revealed it would accelerate its construction schedule. By the end of this year, the company plans to have 12 growing rooms fully utilized, producing six million grams of marijuana annually — think roughly two million joints — four times the current capacity and double what Tweed originally planned to have in place."
I could see the financing taking place to achieve what you're saying. Gibbs even said:
"Although Tweed has plenty of cash for now, Gibbs knows the firm is spending it quickly and will almost certainly need to raise more.
Quadrupling capacity at the Smiths Falls plant will likely cost more than $10 million. The company also plans to hire up to 30 more by year-end."
Sounds like preparing for mass production is high up on their agenda; to me at least.
I thought I read they just closed a $15 million financing deal. I guess when it all comes down to it, you're right, cashflow is key. But, aren't they in the process of doing just that now?
Also, don't companies need to disclose dilution?
As with any new company. I have to say they are laying down a nice foundation and reaching out. That $15 million deal is crazy.
Haha. Nice to know. Exactly, I am a medical patient in the States and I can say the same. Additionally, there are storage products out there that have the ability to rehydrate the bud.
Just from a few hours of research, I am impressed with this company. From what I have read this is the first publicly traded Medical Marijuana Company. That is huge, They have no competition and they're hardworking. Also, the first shipment went out post Q1 so that explains no revenue. In the States there is an entire MMJ sector that cannot even sell marijuana due to the federal government.
So far this looks like a very interesting investment that could be very successful.
Thanks! Actually, after some research I noticed why. If you read the Q1, it states:
The Company has no revenue to report, as it had not shipped product as of March 31, 2014."
Which makes sense as Tweed states their first shipment went out on May 5th. So, Q1 ended before both the first shipment took place.
What I found that was extremely promising about Tweed is they "generated cash from equity financing activities in the amount of $9,820,384..."
Interesting company. Canada is a step ahead of America in its medical marijuana policy.
My bad, I never got back to you. I definitely agree with you. I've been doing my own research as well. I find exactly what you have found. Additionally, through taking with you as well as others here, I have been able to understand why this stock is what it is. I thought categorizing Energie as a "gem" was a bit exaggerated. However, after just 2 days of investigation, it is crystal clear (no pun intended) as to why this is a rarity.
I wonder if doing just that will break em off. Thanks again, I got out Tuesday. You enlightened me! The truth was right before my eyes; I just didn't want to see it.
He and the Bogat family received fines. Looks to me like they're back at it.
Here's the irony; Raymond Dabney and his brother, who hold 57% of CBIS voting rights, were nabbed by SEC in 2010 for releasing false press and selling shares that were never there. Sound familar?
Great post and great research!
Definitely; so this merger still could take a decent amount of time is what you're saying?
Appreciate it, so that's why everybody is hyping the release of eled financials because the price will soar?
Got it, pretty interesting stuff. Sounds like I need to jump in ASAP
So it's basically a race to getting the fundamentals and foundation in place.
From an investor standpoint, is this beneficial because the IPO wouldn't be this cheap
Oh never mind. It's because if they offered an IPO, it would never be in the pennies like it is now?
Got it, thanks. So, what makes taking over a company so much more of a gem than just offering an IPO. Learning the ropes here.
Thank you, so that's why the last 10-q belongs to Alas shell?
Can someone explain the merger? So Energie with merge with Regent and stay public? Just trying to better understand this.
I know, my bad, wrong website. I was looking at their company website and not their investing one.
Thank you! Wow, this is just getting better and better.
Already looked on their site and wasn't able to find it. They definitely look legit; just not sure about the picture.