I can't get on either.
Will try tomorrow.
Was very pleased with the price appreciation today. Had expected much worse. I believe the message to shareholders had a calming effect.
I am long 1.6mm and pleased with the position as it stands today and for the outlook for the coming month. This is irrespective of the insane postings on RB. Frankly, I do not see what anyone could get out of their "raging" there.
I am basically a quiet poster but an intense observer and have my strong convictions, as represented by my position, on this company.
I live in San Diego and see, on a daily basis, the bubble mentality of many at work and in my daily private life,regarding their "real estate fortunes" I hope to be able to pick up a piece when the time comes.
It will come!
Gbll will help me sort out the wheat from the chaff on those deals.