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Does anyone remember the date it was shut down ....and any other dates that other stocks were shut down .... I want to compare them to the charts and see if there is any correlation ...... TIA ST buddies
Great day here plps as expected. .... next week should open blta up to a hole new world
Bring on the mini .....bring on the revs ...... open the PR flood gates ..... tic tok tic tok ..... pressure building
.1008 was solid from 4/24 up until today ..... i was really hoping that bottom line uptrend would hold for a few more days to set off my favorite indicator........ i will definitely continue to watch this one for a change in the tide .... for every ebb there is a flow
this seems to have turned south fast good thing i was waiting for a EMA cross that never happened .......i still like this play but shocked it can drop so low with out rebounding
Shelly maybe you can help me ...... i got banned from a forum indefinitely today and i couldnt figure out why this would happen ...... then i noticed my post was deleted for having links to other sites which i didnt know was not allowed here i was just trying to put a friend on to some good DD i have found ...... is there anyway we can correct this problem ...... i wont do the links again i just never saw this in the TOS sections in the past and didnt realize it was such a big offense here .... my post history is clean other then a few small infractions over a long period of time...... i will play by what ever the rules may be i just didnt know that one existed
Missed it ........
how would you want blta to operate with out bringing in revenue from some where ..... PP is a necessary evil here with out it the company could not operate so dont act like this is your run of the mill shell scam with no over head and only pocket lining .... it cost.... and it cost alot to run and maintain a plane and keeping 2 HQs open ......... o and looking at a 10 year chart what i see is a strong bottom at .008s that has held 6 times in a row and usually has a huge spike hit it within a month of it testing .008 so chart wise the worse is over and fundamentally the best is still to come
strong close this is why i keep an eye on what MM's are doing ....... should be a great setup for tomorrow and this week
i dont think all the selling is just this one holder but he did start the trend and has been finishing up recently.... today at one point VFIN and VNDM were both on the ask at the same price that tells me there was more then one seller but i still believe one seller set off the chain reaction.... there are many PP investors in blta and if they see a large decline happy it will make some of the shake just as it does market investors ..... i know its not all of them running for the hills for any particular reason because the price would have reacted much much worse when looking at the size of the PP community here so it definitely was one or two sellers that have now scared a few others into selling ...... good news about the recent price actions is the market was able to soak up 55mil at .01 like it was nothing which astonished me once you think that 55mil represents $550k worth of money flow hitting .01 ...... that shows alot of interest and as of now we are still in the common low range for BLTA that it has seen threw out many years of trading
that is true with a fundamental change they will be cleared and will never have mattered ..... thing is i keep a track of the current price for many reason and one of them is to see what some PP sellers are up to ..... blta can not direct dilute so when we see VFIN or VNDM on the move that is a holder of PP shares and the only reason we are at this current price range is because one of those sellers (a large one) got very aggressive and set record volume on 3/30 and this set off the new trend so again i watch the V twins (as i call them) because i know this is under priced with or with out a pending evac test and once these sellers are done the price will move up for sure ........ not many plp watch L2 as closely as i do so i like to keep plp updated on specific price movement and L2 tactics i see and the reason to why they happen...... notice right after i mention VNDM crossing out and backing up BKMM made his move and we have been creeping up past the .009 mark and getting very close the a EMA cross of the 13 over the 50 on a 30min chart once this happen we will notice more buying pressure and a rebound off these lvls
so yes fundamentally the daily price change does not matter but if one looks closely they will see more then just a rising or falling price
VNDM crossed out by the looks of it that is why there were so many under bid odd ball prints today then he moved off the low .009s back to .01 .....i would like to see the V twins leave the box completely and with the right pressure they will
Now that's some nice news to wake up to ..... happy to hear they found a problem since I know what it feels like to have an issue but not find a problem when it comes to automobiles and finding the problem is the biggest step towards fixing it ..... I'm happy this was not just a ghost in the system that would disappear and rear it's ugly head in the time of need ...... again great news striving can't wait to see this ewok get put to bed once and for all
The stewardesses is also great news that just means threw out this mini evac hurdle BLTA has been working hard on future expansion. .... this to is always a good sign plus when you look at the idea of them adding new pilots and new stewardesses that can only mean one thing in the future and that would be expansion of the fleet itself
Exciting times to say the least
thats because for every seller there is a buyer its just that today was more loading on the bid then the ask ....... the chart is what matters when it comes to the days volume and since the dip to .008 there has been consistent higher lows as the pressure builds
thx for bringing that up because it seems like some dont get that side of the story
now there are some real facts ...... very nice you builtmonkey
so i guess two 747 jets were Christmas presents over the past 25 year ..... i thought we said facts?!?!?!?!?
so only 26,000 shares were bought today........ i thought we said facts?!?!?!?
yep i was here when it was around the .20 range but had to step out and wait for the V brothers to back off a bit and the reaction to management change to settle down but it seems like it is bottoming nicely now at this range..... as i said not in yet but looking very tempting all this week.... definitely on the top of my watch list
this seems to be finally shaping up nicely...... watching closely .....
call HQ and see if they say the same thing as these so called "lies" then you will say someone is paying them to say that ....bla bla lba
i doubt you will see .0125 but at the same time its on the chart now so it might end up being used as a support ...... every stock bounces off of old lows so there is still a chance its happens ...... if it did it would not last long and would not be many shares
well said and very true everyone knew if a PR didnt hit at 9:30 it would be a shaky morning and will VFIN on the ask its only going to get worse in the short term but just like every other time it will balance out and solidify while we wait for the right PR ..... there is a fundamental change happening here its just a matter of when ..... this is not a sub penny pot stock with some BS product and will end up back at .0001 .... this is a company going threw the last phase of its cert and after that we are golden
you realize that makes no sense ...... this is a company going threw testing how would a "captain" (your words) tell the FAA when to test a plane ......... this is what happens in the market good news goes great bad news goes bad ....... not to mention the posting habits here are nothing close a a P&D there is just a few of us here talking to each other about our investment.......... in time the right pieces will fall into place and whoever is in at that time will be happy till then its going to be limbo
exactly i would not blindly follow this bunch thats for sure
his posted are usually twisted in one way or another and that is why i need to know why he say they failed and not just blindly follow a vague post
thats a pretty vague statement im going to need more info before accepting this post
if so then why.... what happened ?
thank you good sir .... i am only stating facts and my option on the probability of success .... this is not my first rodeo so i know what to look for and what not to fall for
hey buddy guess what there not unrestricted and read the latest filing ...... and the olders shares are not on the market that is easy to see ...... one look at L2 on any given day and you will see with little volume this moves quite easily ......... sorry try again
only got 2 things to say to this ....... FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE ........ LOOK HOW IT TRADES LOOK AT L2 FLOAT IS UNDER 300K
yep not to mention the portability of the test passing tonight is very high when you take a few factors into consideration
1. we have all new slides from a new vendors ...... this is the first time we have tested the plane with all new slides ..... every fail we have had was over the darn slides and last time all the new slides deployed but 2 old one failed so we know the new one work and work well and we know the plane is full of those properly packed slides ....., right there is a huge advantage compared to the past performance
2. the weather we dont have freeze temps and snow on the ground this time which will make for a much smoother running operation with plp not freezing there balls off not to mention that colder weather puts more stress on mechanical parts
3. we are not rushed this time ........ many of the other test were dont on a tighter dead line and the more you rush the bigger the chance is of failing ..... so we have taken the time to get this one right
4. we have had our crew run threw this exact procedure many of times now so they know exactly how it will pan out
like i said probability is high no matter how you look at it
exactly this is not the time to be near sighted all one has to do is look into the future just a little further past there noises and they would see that BLTA is about to come into the spot light in a big way
well never mind what one person may feel like because i know once the market realizes what blta is about to accomplish there is going to be no time for complaining nor will we miss old money rotating out with fresh money ........ its the way of the market for every seller there is a buyer ......... and soon blta is going to have way more buyers then sellers
still dont know why you would think plp would sell on the passing test and think that will out weigh the buying ......... yeah im sure if it gaps we will have a handful of plp like you getting out at the first sign of an uptrend but after a partial gap fill im telling you that you and who ever else sold out are going to watch this set alot of a 52wk highs as the week goes on ........ this test is not just going to make a one day pop its going to start a multi day/week run not to mention your not even thinking about how close the cert is at that point ...... but i digress
you dont see it much in the penny market ........ that is more of a bond mentality
Thx for this update sounds like tonight is the night of the test
thank you for that update and happy to see your keeping optimistic but keeping realistic at the same time
ahh but see we dont even know if the test is really tonight and you already have that if we dont pass idea in your head ...... when really it could be if we dont hear anything that means plp got the date wrong ...... i dont see why you would want to set yourself up for failure with no concrete information ...... i hope it is tonight and i hope we pass with flying colors but if i dont hear anything in the morning i dont want to see a bunch of uninformed posts saying it happened and we failed ......... plz dont take this post the wrong way im just trying to get the point across that we dont know the exact date and to act like it is going to happen with out really knowing is a bad way to set up the next day
As we should all be excited over blta making it to the big leagues .... I have just seen the hype build to many times here and want to help keep a level heads ..... if your long then a few hours a few days a few weeks ect. Don't matter the fact is it will happen just don't put a mental deadline on it
Agreed and I would say we are very close indeed but I would also like to say lets all not get to wrapped up on the test happening tonight none of us really know what day it will be and just because someone sees activity around the plane does not mean the test is tonight it could mean the test is this week and they are doing last minute checks on the plane today ..... I just don't want everyone getting there hopes set on a specific date and then feel like something has went wrong when really they just overestimated a made up deadline
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