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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
Looking forward to the price swings
Next week hope it green green green
Still got my milly
Glad I averaged down here we go
Oil price on the rise this month
Looking forward that 200 ma
I predict .0155 close tomorrow IMO
That would be cool lol
Nice up 400%
Panning out so far lol
I will as well average down some more like the action lately
Glad I got some at .0064 should be interesting tomorrow
I got back in this should have loaded up like the last time it ran
Nice little comeback today
.0001s might get harder to fill soon
My order for the .0006s from a couple of days ago finally filled
.0024s be up soon $$$
Just averaged down got some .0018s
Got back in .0025
Got out .0032 made a whole 30 bucks
Nice I'm actually up now lol
All and all nice day see what tomorrow brings $$$$
I would like to see more accumulation
Seems to be tapering back a bit
Hope it gets fun here soon lol
Last time I got into this it was at .0003
And sold it at .0001 but live and learn
In at the bottom this time hope $$$$ come rolling in before to long.
The 100ma is @ .01
Bid stacking up nice
Waiting till .0004s be here soon IMO
What are you in at if you don't mind me asking ?
Guess I picked a bad day to trade this stock but the chart looked to good to be true the day before lol
So did you unload ? just curious
I got some .0006s today with the xtra $$$ I made yesterday
Glad I only put 100.00 on it lol
Copper back in play
I put in my small order for the day
It's holding green nicely
Only time will tell
Well if I doesn't have a d at the end of
Symbol I still might jump on board lol
Nice day here today keeps on going
And going !
Will be watching that's for sure
I pulled out @ .0009 mostly
Might regret it later but with RS possibly coming just felt like the right
Thing for me to do
Good luck to everyone
I picked up a few just in case
Missing my 2m shares more everyday lol
Can't wait till it gets back up to double 00s !