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No there isn't, NITE has almost 100% of today's volume on the ask and only one weak hand sold into the bid a decent block
Patience... I'm banging in some bucks today on pink stops going current, GNGR right around the corner to do the boom boom thing as well imo
Still have my 'wishful thinking' bids in.... upped them a bit after seeing that foolish sell at .0056
Thinking we see an update, maybe some filings in the coming days... damn NVSOS is slow as hell though... has been for months
It's coming. If what's coming is what I speculate, we could see a move to $100... I know sounds far fetched for a pink but look at the management, the clients, and share structure...
I think so. Next week maybe.
Website getting updated. Now reflecting news releases and clients...
What I do find sort of funny is that GTSM at .0088 is only a 10k block BUT ppl are basing their ask prices under it
On the other hand, we hit .0082 today on decent volume w/ a HOD ask of .0087, then NITE puts 1m shares at .0075 lol
At .0075 NITE just took $1,200 in profits off the table if he would of waited patiently at .0087 imo
I been watching all kinds of tactics on L2 all week. Support still at .006ish with huge buys in the .007-.008 range last two weeks
So either it's real and he'll dump it at bid eventually or it's a bluff & he'll lose it anyways under .01
JIC I have my bids in
Nice gifts right before updates!
Yes it did. Be sweet to break .01 today!
7k in volume, only 247k shares below .0088 on the ask, filings definitely coming, and bids still below the 10 day support... smh
Did see it but never got a fill... but FGBD-F is about to do the same thing, might wanna toss it on radar
47k shares left on the ask then the seller is done looks like, .0082 up next on L2...
I'm SMH at those lowball bids but joined the bandwagon lol, figure screw it and put in a few myself below .004, figure if someone sells at .005 it might start a panic dump
108m share float, highest volume day in over 8 years only 26 million and that was between .015 and .027
Since, the daily volume up until just a couple weeks ago has only been a few hundred thousands shares a day on average
But all good. IMO better people chase when updates hit than actually get filled on a wishful thinking bid because they can't read the charts
Anyways, I'm going fishing, beautiful day out and snook are back in season... lol well almost, in 3 days but I have my secret place!
Smart slap at .0069 imo... next best ask .0082, if ETRF is done after those 57k shares left then we have a roughly 60% bid ask spread...
They're not. Only 3 trades have gone through below .006 in the last 6 trading sessions including today...
It's a tactic to try and get ppl to sell for a loss, stack the ask at cost and toss small blocks into the bid to try and create chaos lol, day 4 of this game this week and still not working
Check it out. Use the historical option to go back by each day... you'll see. Bookmark the page also, a very handy tool
Board followers up to 112 from under 70 just 2 weeks ago... ppl anticipating beautiful tickers like GNGR to go current and watching closely
Question is, will they buy while still under .01 or wait for a lowball bid that may never get filled then chase once filings hit or a PR is dropped announcing filings in progress????
Less than 5m in slap volume should send us past .01 easy imo
Last week we couldn't keep .006's, .007's, or low .008's on the shelf, today the same ask 307k shares has been sitting at .0069 for 2 days...
L2 showing next best ask at .0082 and super thin to .01...
108m float
no debt (last reported liabilities ONLY $1,000)
very tightly insider owned
no brainer w/ filings coming where GNGR is headed
As far as going current, I know the company says on or before Sept. because that's the deadline, but in all reality, do you think it could be sooner?
CEO posted on the website the other day they're going to file, watch for the YIELD sign
EOD AH best bid is 990 shares at 2.34... if ETRF pulls their sell order, we open at 4.00 on the ask... nothing compared to what this company should soon prove they're capable of doing
Honestly, I see $MSVI trading at over $50 pps once management reveals what's on the table... that would only be a $800m market cap... nothing for the kings of the MJ industry to do as their final investment to the MJ community
Volume finally after 10 business days! And only one market maker under 4.00
$MSVI will soon drop a PR, and as far as I'm concerned, ppl hesitating to buy under $5 will be chasing
Don't forget, some of the most respected members of the marijuana community during the long fight to remove prohibition sit on this board of directors
16m o/s is nothing while there's only 82k shares held at the DTC
I have a feeling this may be one of the biggest MJ plays ever to hit the market... tick tock... time will tell
I love the volume today. Nobody is selling into the bid and not enough shares on the ask below a penny for a 'pump whale' to take a position... my read is less than a million shares to break .01... in other words, the bottom has been bought up and anything under .01 is a gift... just do your DD and you'll see!
Come on CSTI, you're haggling over $300 bucks... ETRF wants your shares and sees you're desperate to sell... just saying LOL!
Nibbles coming in, updates should be hitting very, very soon imo.
That's why a couple years ago they started listing the DTC held shares
Good God, only one mm with a decent ask under .01 that keeps walking it down, just dump into the bid already and move on.... a whole lot more here going on than just a flip, if you ain't got the patience, sell and move on or cancel your order and be patient imo
24,000 in volume lol, think it's safe to say bids are not getting filled...
That said, I'm sure some smartass will toss a few shares into the bid once they read this LOL!
Quite a few tickers exploding today due to their company's CEO's acknowledging they need to get current and they're tweeting, posting info on website, releasing PR's, etc...
GNGR still under the radar. I can't tell people to buy or sell but I will ask, do you want to chase when the masses realize what's going on or try and grab some shares while we're still at cheap prices under .01?
Maybe Fidelity or Merrill Lynch?
I'd call all the big brokerages and see what they say about the cert. Shouldn't be that big of a hassle imo
$GNGR CEO confirms going current...
As per the SEC
Amended Rule 15c2-11,
Gunther Grant
will be OTC current and
compliant on or before the
September Deadline.
Nice and welcome to GNGR!
2.4m in volume and sitting at HOD...
No prob. The new ticker will be $MSVI, the NVSOS already has the name change on file, website up and running
Speculate the NVSOS for Marijuana Strategic will be active in the coming days
Watching for FINRA name change announcement
The pic is to just show, email legit, less my personal info of course
Yep! They been quiet for a reason. And even though they can't tell us, they can tell us they can't tell us individually.
Reading between the lines... updates should be close at hand, speculatively speaking of course!
Just got a reply email from the company... this is the professionalism that makes my smile!
Thanks for asking, but we can't provide any info until publicly released.
We know everyone wants the info, so when we can release it will be a public announcement.
Have a great day