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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
<< Very envious of everyone who got to reload down here : ( ... I won't fall for this crap and still holding tight all my shares (I was happy with my .015's a few days ago! but this is like christmas, birthday, and sex with the top 3 women of your choice)
Happy for all of you ...
I can;t be mad I guess, it just wasnt in the cards for me to be able to take advantage of the last few days of trading : (
And this should at least clear NITE (mostly) and the other MM's away when we go back up who were constantly bringing this thing down and/or holding it minimizing gains.
Few more slap and things will start to re-cross and move up... BUT, The bounce can't happen if people gonna just sit on the bid.
Now everyone is gonna bid sit down here ... F'g great
Of course the 1 DAY I can't be around to handle shit is the day I missed out on dropping some of my higher buys and re-loading down here...
I am now a bit worried (in the short term) after crossing beyond the double bottom threshold, although it does appear to have some after hours buys that arent showing up on the i-hub closing price.
GL all and I'm praying for some green tomorrow.
Suggestion To Mods:
Considering I only joined this board the other day and am SWAMPED with work as I graduate from Engineering (Glad I can almost check this one off the list), I have moved my trading style to less day-trading (Except during the hours in which I can - certain days / certain time slots) to more of a swing trading style with a sort of 'Hands-Off' approach.
Given that little blurb, My suggestion is in relation to the 3 types of alerts. First thing to mention is, I haven't received any emails yet (so if you put anything out in the last 3 days or so, something's wrong and maybe these suggestions wont apply) but here goes...
When alerting a play (Whether it is (a) Featured, (b) Trade, or (c) General, could the MOD that alerts it start their post with something that will be easily recognizaeable that right away you know what kind of alert it is and that it is coming directly from one of the MODS.
For Example, When Sporty alerts a featured pick on the board, it will
a) First word = FEATURED ALERT: ______
b) BOLD lettering and, say, GREEN in color
If, for another example, Chrion wants to send out a TRADE alert, it will appear like ...
a) First Word = TRADE ALERT: _______
b) BOLD lettering and let's go with a nice BLUE color
And if a NON-MOD puts out a GENERAL alert then...
a) First Word = GENERAL Alert: _____
b) This can be BOLD lettering as well but probably does NOT deserve a color scheme since these can be posted by non-mods and, judging by your introduction sporty, you seem to want to CLEARLY separate these 3 types of alerts (especially 1 & 2 from #3)
I don't know if you have an idea like this in mind already but I think it would significantly improve the ability for people to recognize what's what and who is alerting the trade. And then just not allow coloring in titles for anyone else but the MODS
This is just an example, but as this board grows (which already it seems to be at exponential rates), just like some of the other big boards with many members, it gets very difficult to go weed out exactly what your looking for. By keeping a dedicated and uniform structure, you create efficiency and also limit the possibility of people trying to infiltrate and F**K with the board and it's (current and future) success.
Please let me know if this makes sense and/or if it is possible. I hate to ask you guys to do even more than you already do because I fully realize that you participate as a MOD here and that, in itself, requires its own sacrifices and dedication (Not to mention you guys all have 1000's of followers that probably ask 100 questions a day outside of this board). I just have never seen something so streamlined and, to me, it would only add to the quality and proficiency of this newly created Stock-Oasis.
Anyway, let me know if its feasable and/or not possible at this time.
Thanks all and GL in T - 4 hours 20 minutes ... How'd you like that time countdown ; )
- Eyes-Open
Woop Woop ... got some cheapies .015's : )
Last of my cheapies most likely ; )
Now we can run
Please see my last post (#4728) if somehow you missed it.
It's a (longer) reply to your Private message (of which I can't use right now).
I am honored that you would even ask, and have not problem with your request. I am hoping for only the best here and any contribution I can make I will.
Thanks again!
- Eyes Open
SPORTYNORTY: Can't Reply Privately so ....
Im currently adjusting my I-HUB account and right now can't reply to private messages. This should be fixed by Monday.
Anyway, I have no problem with what you requested. I am very passionate about morals/values/integrity and truly wish we, as a civilization, will move beyond these, what seems like to me, childish and immature behavior that only inhibits, instead of progressing, both our society as whole and our own personal goals/achievements.
Thank you for your kind words. Really, it's so refreshing to hear people dedicating themselves to something bigger than themselves at the sacrifice of their own hard work (which includes time/money). So, again, a sincere thanks and I would be honored by your request.
- Eyes-Open
Thank you, sincerely, for that warm welcome.
I don't understand how so many, from the largest entities (geopolitics) to something "small" like a stock message board, of these "We want to do good. We are all about the people, or honesty, or w/e their reasons" types can fall off the abyss into something completely opposite and allow that to dominate their line of thinking.
Here, I already recognize many PROVEN people I respect and who possess those "True" qualities that I hold in high regard and always try my best at maintaining. So, again, thank you, as it is a gift to all that a board like this is taking shape (not to say that every single board is bad ... but the high quality is few and far between). I'm excited to see how this progresses and optimistically anticipate all the many great things that can/may come out of it.
Take care and Cheers to The Sport Report!
Looks like all those great SuperHero members/mentors that I respect and enjoy hearing their thoughts/advice/opinion are coalescing around this board ... (ever since the board and skype chat kinda went to "no volume")
Also looks like a few new faces appear to offer just what was offered at the other board and at the same caliber and kindness.
I think I'll join : ) ... Good Luck to you all!!
- Eyes-Open
WOW... Someone(people) just got the gift of their lives!
Just made a double bottom as well
(Just called TD Ameritreade and they state that it was just checked this AM and was still active as of this morning. The rep seems to think that the Chill should be removed by next week (they usually check once a week on all DTC's as well as if the copany specifically requests it.)
Just to let yall know
Its got to be NITE... He has been in between .0093, then 95, then for a week & 1/2 @ .0098 bids with walls at .01 and .0101 the entire time.
You tell me?!?!
ATDF, I think he's just fucked and trying to get some help : )
Not soooo fast ... ATDF looks to be seriously short in this situation and the 500k didn't even dent his position and I don't think it'll be allowed to go above that till Monday and into next week.
Also, we have no clue how many shares NITE has @ .0102 soo, ya ... Im guessing it's just coiling today for next week
Hwy sorry for confusion... I meant the time it takes for OTC to accept att. Letter and going current
Edit: 10 days
Also does those 10 days start on date filed or from attorney letter approval??
So 2 week countdown on boomage with a mini boom upon current completion
Weeee ,... got my last set of .019's
Cant wait to see INCC this weekend and into the future!
This will move on air, in blocks, as soon as people start slapping the ask ... we would be right back up to .018/.019/.02 in a heartbeat
MedCanHldgs: Uploaded 2012 Annual Report to Otc Mkts. Working on '13 NEXT
All this so the MM won't get their asses handed to them ...
Sucks I can't flip my .017's and .018's like this to avg down big time ... Id probably score an extra 250,000 shares : ( ... meh, thats the game!
Cheers all! Fins are coming any day!!
Dear shareholders: Fins VERY high priority for me. I want them letter perfect for filing!
Back and forth with attys trying to get these done and out ASAP!
mmm, That would be just Darling : )
BTW, Are we expecting news next week? Trying to decide if to hold over the ong weekend or not
Looks like she's getting ready to move back up ... Holding the 50 MA on the 5 min and Bollinger's closing with every little tick !!
: )
Cmon guys! Great buy opps down here!
Its nothng but AIR to the next HOD and onto Pennyland!!
Anybody know when the DTC Chill is supposed to come off?? Thanks!
And not even a 'Thank You' ... Gheeeesh
oops, my bad ... been away for a bit so I must of missed it.
Weren't financials due out beginning of this month?? Where's all that info ??
I know this isn't a 1 tick flip type stock but still, many things were promised that haven't been delivered.
Those w/ 7-8 Mill should be SLAPPING : )
Late to the party but SO close to filling my 35's
It feels like 1916 - Trench Warfare
No one's really doing shit ... Whos got the mustard gas???
Any news/company info supposed to be coming?? or is this just reversing off the lows??
Just caught this guy on the radar : )
C'mon ... Me wants to see .02 in the rearviewwwwww
whats that thing they teach you as a kid??? patience??? grrrr
Maybe I should of specified "within reason" ... lol, care packages are probably not going to happen (well, for you at least haha)
No worries, plenty of pics, chicks, edible licks, and some sticky icky sticks for sure!!!
Tons of pics and w/e material they hand out I'll try and post up for sure
Thats already on the menu ; )
If there is anything specific, just let me know before the 18/19 or so
If anyone has specific questions they want addressed, please reply here and I will address them when I go to the rally.
It's not far from me and will be pretty cool to see what they have going on live
OF COURSE once I fill my .0176's it drops to .016'S lol ... grrrrrr ++++ Infinity
Cmon INCC ... Lets push this back up over .02!!
Either way, tomorrow should be HUUUUGGGGEEEE
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