That leaves generic copaxone very vulnerable though. Copaxone is what MNTA is counting on when their cash runs out in a few years. They will have the 50% profit share regardless of exclusivity, so they should still be okay for cash. But if there's no breakthrough on IP protection post-commercialization, and they're sharing the generic copaxone market with Amphastar or someone else, that cash flow becomes seriously restricted. They'll be profitable, but only modestly so, I would think.
Under those circumstances, I still like MNTA as an investment, but I might be inclined to close my current position and wait for a better entry point. Follow-on biologics are a long way off if copaxone doesn't have protection.
I find the current situation seriously unjust, given the huge value that MNTA's technology has created. But unless someone here can convince me that MNTA's copaxone is likely to be protected, I'm not comfortable being long. I'll close out and get back in later.
And of course, it's no one's responsibility here or anywhere to make me comfortable in my investments, but I do value the opinions of Dew and others on this board. Thanks in advance for your thoughts.