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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
Miles, just a public service message that's all. "They" are like your neighbors weeds. You better lay some fertilizer with weed killer now before "they" take root.
Full disclosure, I was banned from the Ct!x board for challenging pheteven and calling him a crook.
As for Nano Antibiotics, I believe the end game for ct!x is to be bought out and some reinvesting of proceeds to take place here. There is also a possibility of Nano Antibiotics to partner in some type of antibiotic pursuit but I can't speculate too much because Nano has been so quiet so no one knows what they got brewing and how it could
Interface with CT!x.
Well said.
You made me spit out my coffee lmao!
Thank you. I'm gonna have to chew on this a bit but it should be VERY enlightening.
Agreed. A continuous infusion over the course of a few days would be ideal and would allow for maximum bioavailability. But what do I know? In any case, Kevetrin is obviously very safe in low doses so no reason to push it without any sort of finesse... Some times less is more even though I hate that saying.
My opinion is that after 10 t1/2, there is nothing left and the bio t1/2 might even be less than that so in 20-30 hours or less there is not likely a sufficient concentration to make a difference.With such a short t1/2 it would seem that multiple infusions over the course of a few days would be ideal.
Thanks Sox! Another great example and so all this BS about running out of money for the development of B just to strike fear in investors hearts is nonsense.
“BARDA’s award covering the development of TP-434 brings the total federal funding in support of the development of Tetraphase’s antibiotics to more than $100 million,” said Guy Macdonald, president and chief executive officer of Tetraphase.
Just An example to remind you of its significance.
I wasn't going to ever post here again but this is warranted:
CTIX does not have to dilute or accept a low ball offer for Brilacidin. The federal government will fund it to Market under BARDA.
Very little activity here for sure but I was mad again for being censored at other boards. Sorry for the misplaced vent. I realize it all goes with the territory.
This particular stock isn't likely to move until they present some substance or are gifted something substantial.
So what's the deal here? Can I speak freely or not!?!? Do I have to censor myself or speak freely? Just want to know if this board is under control of the crooks.
Right back at ya! And to all other Veterans on this board:
Thank you for your service to this GREAT NATION!
Thanks Slcimmuno!
Well said!
Its a Phase I trial (Safety/Toxicity). Its not until the next phases can they really tweak it.
How did these become potential catalysts? There's nothing that has been communicated by the company suggesting these are possibilities.
Potential catalysts
Lawsuit resolution
Leo or Dr Menon buy shares
Additional capital infusion
Thanks!!! Please do!!!
Speak for yourself. I have been watching this since 50 cents and as an investor I feel many times more confident now and sleep well at night.
CTIX has built a ROBUST pipeline. When I came aboard Kevetrin had not started phase I and now we have BRILACIDIN about to start a phase III and we have several phase II studies ongoing and getting ready to start.
This company is healthier and stronger than at any other point. BRILACIDIN has de-risked this and a true investor would recognize that.
Now that is all inclusive. Thank you.
Thanks Sox! This vote of confidence from the late Dr. Frei is just the begging of many accolades to come.
You disrespect Dr. Frei and his importance to oncology. I hope you never receive a diagnosis of cancer because its likely that your treatment options were influenced by the late Dr. Frei.
BARDA funding and acquisitions bridge the "valley of death" characterizing the late stages of product development. BARDA's support ensures continuity of funding for medical countermeasures developed by industry or emerging from the basic research and preclinical development activities
Scottsmith, you mention the word "code" because you know it was a signal to big pharma to write a big enough check or we go fwd with the FEDS. We are negotiating from a position of power for B and those that are unaware of BARDA and its provisions should dig in and feel relief as Leo can Hold out for BIG bucks. Unprecedented really since the feds have the deepest pockets and we are facing a public health threat not seen since the development of antibiotics that threatens to take the world back to the stone age.
What do you know about BARDA and QIDP??? You are crying wolf without basis. I've said this at least a dozen times. The FEDS will cary Brilacidin to market if big pharma low balls CTIX. That is a fact and it is NOT factored into the current share price. Do your homework.
The Pitch & Partner session gathers of start-ups and academia who present exciting novel and innovative strategies for the AntiMicrobial Resistance.
- See more at:
Brilacidin, will be getting some very favorable press!
Interesting that we will also be receiving some communicae from Leo
Next week as well.
Well said!
Do some DD. Leo and Dr. Menon are the biggest shareholders. Why would they shoot their own foot?
Eventhelosers, not soon enough brother. But I know what I own and the writing is on the wall. Kevetrin is SAFE and we will be in MULTIPLE phase II trials soon. That alone will move the needle and burn these shameless crooks.
One day Dr. Menon and Kevetrin will be on the cover.
Garydaemon, was this from a journal article?
CMC, Thanks! Where did this come from???
Thank you for sharing this!
Thanks for sharing this!
Clear agenda. If anyone doesn't like a stock they don't buy or sell and move on. They don't spend their time typing negative rants.
GO CTIX!!! Shame on those who feed on the weak hands.
Callmecrazy, I understood the spirit of your post. Have great day and ENJOY the coffee!
Call me Crazy, just a slight typo... Its NOT "genotoxic"
BUT all the others that have attempted to target P53 ARE!!!
We got the goods!
Kevetrin is not toxic!!!!