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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
How are u determining that dilution is done? Where is the math you did? It seems like after every conversion you say that this is the last one...not an attack but just curious.
More Dilution. I thought they settled the debt?
Close to 9 million shares after the bell.
As long as this stock can POP within those 6 months where we wont see dilution kill the rally...who cares...future investors will have to deal with it, not us. We just essentially want to hit it and quit it. U feel me?
I would have to agree with you. Although paying off a debt obligation by taking on another debt obligation is not good... its a whole lot better than just diluting....this board is like the Democrats and Republicans...no1 ever takes middle ground and looks at pros and cons... its either all good or all bad.
More FLUFF PR's! When will we get somethin substantial?
I dont think people said it was 500 at the current moment. They said it would be 500 or more after people convert and based on the math , it will be above 500 one people convert
Brian Conway promised? good luck with that! lol
Brian Conway promised? good luck with that! lol
They will never be debt free...Once these debts get cleared, they will issue more convertibles end and keep dangling the carrot...its part of the same LIBE scam
This sounds like a company paid post those restaurants that pay people to write positive reviews
More dilution today or should we say "retiring debt"...14 mil AH....LMAO...still funny that their PR referred to this as retiring debt. Thats like an admin assistant with some fancy job title.
How do you explain PCTI then? not doubting what ur saying but why are they endorsing OZSC's (Conways) tweets? PCTI in on this scam as well?
wait a few more weeks and the deal should be finalized - u didnt hear it from me.
get those .0001's while they are still available for ya bud
Rumors circulating that Bill has an early Christmas present for closing soon folks
I have 280 million shares of this, so yes, retail can buy 200
Form T trades are not always dilution. If a large holder tells there broker to sell shares... that broker sells it thruout the day and then reports it as a form t trade at EOD... and takes a comission, which is whatwe you see with those .0000098 trades
This will never move- its dead money- and the court case has been pending for over a year
Ur right, but that just means its a matter of time...unless ur claiming that something is wrong with the financials
Doesn't matter...its out of his hands now...thats good news, it doesn't matter whether he missed the deadline or not...the only leg u have to stand on now is if they are rejected somehow
Something FISHY is going in here... u guys keep claiming that the announcement stated that now they own a restaurant AND A REAL ESTATE business, but if that were true, this stock wouldnt be either u guys are pumping, or ur missing something about what just happened
Dude, I told u it wud get to .0002... its inevitable now...but u didnt believe me...
5 mil is less than 25 million
thats all part of the process sir... every .0001 stock goes thru that process where at its worst stage, folks put in their asks at 0001 REGARDLESS of whether there is a bid because they are desperate to get out...then things slowly improve and the stock gets to a point where there are far less people willing to sell at .0001 etcc...the longer the ask stays at .0002 with no budge, the more likely it is that sum1 wud be willing to pay .0002 for it, rather than if folks r rushing to get out and putting their asks at .0001
nowhere in my post did I say that it having no bid was a positive thing... those are two different things...separate issue. Ideally, we wud see bids at .0001, but that doesn't change the fact that its positive that folks who do have shares are not willing to sell at .0001 at the moment, or either that they are just not even present on their accounts to put their order in
Sure there is... if people are not willing to sell at .0001...that means its easier to fly past .0002 if it ever comes to that
at least nobody is selling at .0001 right now... i wonder if thats cause no1 wants to ur simply becuz people who own this stock just gave up and dont even know it had volume lol
it's a .0001 stock... the amount of money poured in yesterday was around 4800 dollars only...thats nothing...doesnt lend itself to it being any catalyst
most likely a lotto play of a.0001 stock
first volume we have seen in months... only 15 mil but still
we're now nearing 1 year until the last court case update....still listed as pending on the website.. incredible, i wonder what is going on
ur joking right? it cant get lower than .0001
so the rest was real volume... thats double the daily avg... and now we're at 67 mil volume
even without the t trades, the volume was higher than normal
it doesnt have to BEAT 250 mil, as long as its significantly over its daily avg... that means there is growing hype
do u understand the concept of growing hype?... it means that the volume in a stock is higher than its daily avg...the hype may not be that huge as of yet, but its growing the last 2 trading days
again, u still dont get it... penny stocks dont always run on fundamentals/concrete info/news...
penny stocks run on hype... thats part of the attraction, so that helps significantly
And again, u have no perspective... compared to the last few weeks, the last 2 days has shown increased volume, thats the point, its better than BEFORE
Not really, we will have a 2nd consecutive day of 5x-10x volume... plus, this board will be around #1 on breakout board after today...again, there is some sort of excitement on this stock right now.
it is dilution, but the demand is still there... u cant spin that sir