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Why not just take it a step further and lie on the Financials...just like the PR's...put like 1 million in Gold Sales...i'd be fine with that.
the 3rd one makes no sense....why would PT want us to sweat it out?...also, I dont think it can be the 1st one either since shareholders gave them money, unless of course, they used it for vacationing instead of paying bills.
Based on my phone call with PT. He said it was done and they "just need to sign off"....thats implying that the work was complete and they just haven't signed off. This was like 2 weeks ago.... so i wonder what is going on
Deb is too busy begging shareholders for money to update the website i guess
It also doesn't help my confidence that they dont even update their website... they still havent updated it to inclue recent PR's from past few months... pretty inept group.
the horrid financial might come out by then tho
Lets pump the message board..only 20 or so more posts needed to get to the top 10 in breakout boards.
u wud never confirm but it sounds like to me that u may be one of the longtime investors that funded MXSG when Deb was asking and in exchange they gave u some inside info...either way, i hope ur right.
when u say u know... are u saying thru PR's? or u know thru another way they did?
What group? I follow MXSG on twitter...and havent seen anything out of the ordinary...the only person I see 'pumping it' is the SunnyLand, but he's been on MXSG for entire of 2019. Unless u mean he has a group himself.
MXSG's rise doesn't seem like a typical stock pump ... its been a slow and gradual increase from the .0020 like a 2 month pump...also, volume everyday hasn't been that much greater than the daily avg... today the rise was was higher than usual though and so was the volume, so i can give you that.
Well, this is an OTC stock, it could possibly just be 'our turn'.... I bet if you went to the 'breakout boards' on this site, half of the stocks going up went up for no reason.
What sites? Can you link me to some?
It would be the most egregious lie to-date if they reported no gold sales considering they literally PR'd this less than a month ago using it as an excuse - not to mention the part about the production company.
" The audit process was delayed due to the company moving from an exploration company to a production company. The auditors required additional information concerning the sales of gold and the accounting procedures put in place as required by Mexican law. Future audits are expected to be completed and released in a more timely manner."
I think minimal is expected considering the period it covers...them reporting no gold sales is what would kill the stock.
when is the deadline?
Not much resistance to .01 if it gets past this .0075
what kind of idiot puts 4 mil on ask when its seamlessly moving up... maybe it was a pre-entered trade
The rally stalled...looks like only thing that can move this significantly is those financials and seeing gold sales...
Where are you hearing any day now? Deb?
he sounded like a old swindler when i called him
no offense, but its pretty sad when u have to BRAG that "at least it did come out"...lets forget that it was late to begin with and also lets forget that a PR was released saying this week and within 7 days and that was missed too...
Just use Docusign... it takes 1 minute bro
he did say it was "complete"...they just need to "sign off"...his exact words... maybe a poor choice of words on his part... who knows?... if its complete, what is holding the auditors off on signing it... in my experience with auditors...if they complete one and refuse to sign, its either cause the firm didnt pay or because they spotted something and need mxsg to change it or else they wont sign off
For the record, Paul said the audit is "COMPLETED".... he did not say the auditors are "reviewing" it..."completed" to me sounds like they did all the work and they are holding off on signing due to something else?....they didnt pay all the fees? maybe auditors brought something up that was a discrepancy that MXSG refuses to change?... just speculating... furthermore, if Paul doesn't know when they will complete, it just speaks to the absurdity of the PR of it will be completed this week/next 7 days...
You sound offended... are u Paul Thompson?....and no, why would i ask other more detailed questions if he wasn't even willing to share when the audited financials will be released.
yet they have to beg shareholders to pay for expenses? how does that work?
I just called Mexus - (775) 721-9960 asked about the audited financials....some guy picked up (I think it was PT) and said the audit is done...everything is good, they just need to sign off. I asked for a timetable...and he said he couldnt say.
If anyone else wants to call.
Has any1 tried emailing this dogshit company? get an update on the when financials will be released?
how did u get in front of the line? ive had my shares on on good till cancelled for 3-4 months and not a single one was sold?
as much as i hate Bill...he has not tried to pump the stock the last 2-3 years... everytime he posted, he said he will get the company current once their is revenues
Bill Mckey posted on the Investorshub Tpac message board a few days ago. Iam assuming he will give up. he has said he has no cash to make filings
I read online the below -
Delinquent filers are SEC-registered companies that have failed to submit required annual and quarterly financial reports. Usually the agency sends delinquency notices before taking action; if they are ignored, trading in the company's stock may be suspended without notice. At the same time, the SEC will initiate an administrative proceeding to revoke registration. The company will be served with a letter informing it that it has ten days in which to make some kind of case for its failure to file. If it does not do so, registration will be revoked by default.
What the company does only matters if it hopes to resume trading one day. Several recent cases suggest the SEC is now recommending that issuers who want to make things right should accept revocation, and then get two years of audited filings in order and file a new Form 10. That has the advantage of relieving the company from the obligation to catch up with dozens of old financial reports, which might prove an impossible task, but it has the disadvantage of leaving shareholders in the lurch for as long as it takes to get the filings in, find a sponsoring market maker, and get a Form 211 approved by FINRA. The company may have problems raising money in the interim as well. One issuer that chose this path was Superior Oil & Gas (SIOR), which was suspended on 25 January 2013. Though it initially announced the process could be completed quickly, to date it has filed no Form 10, and has ceased public communication with its investors.
Any update on the possible merger with TESLA?
is a TESLA merger on the horizon?
Sum1 mentioned a Tesla merger
Could a TESLA merger be in consideration? I wouldnt rule it out!
The National Enquirer reported it today
I get that fully...what you dont get about my point is, there is really no calculation that you have shown me that proves that its likely just days away from ending. Altho what ur saying is true, it could continue for the next few months... point being there is no telling how much of that is still left so saying that its just days away is a bit disingenuous
More dilution after the bell... I guess someone will post that now this was the last batch... and the cycle continues...everyday its the last batch right?