is...looking for nuts
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Can you show us what a Series 7 Form looks like? Ive never seen one. TIA.
oh geez here we go again. thanks for your valuable insight.
Let the world be on notice that no one outside of the US can legally drink or distill Kentucky bourbon. fwiw NBRI is registered in Canada else it could not legally own mining claims in BC. You guys are too much.
They have not said anything that was not reviewed and approved by the geo.
Mr. Jacques Houle, P.Eng., is the Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 who has reviewed and approved this news release for technical accuracy.
You must be kidding. Let them know who your attorney is. SEC attorneys dont do anything without a $5K or $10K retainer. The cost of mailing to shareholders is prolly about the same. Do that 4 or 5 times and its a lot of shareholder money wasted for nothing but filing fees.
This post is wrong.
The GEOLOGIST called it a NI 43-101 report. NBRI calls it what it is.
On page 3, 4 and 5 it says "Ruby Mine NI-43-101 Report".
On page 2 it also says it.
I, William R. Henkle, Jr. , P. Geol. do hereby certify that:
1. I am President of Henkle and Associates, 230 Finch Way, Carson City, Nevada 89704
2. I graduated with a B. Sc. degree in Geology from the Ohio State University in 1969, and an M. Sc. Degree in Geology from Northern Arizona University in 1974.
3. I am a member of the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta and also am a member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia and am also a Certified Engineering Geologist in the State of California.
4. I have worked as a geologist for 42 years since my graduation from university and have experience as a mining consultant throughout the United States, western Canada, the Andean region of Latin America and parts of Asia.
5. I have read the definition of "qualified person" set out in National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101") and certify that, by reason of my education, affiliation with a professional association (as defined by NI 43-101) and past relevant work experience, I fulfill the requirements to be a "qualified person" for the purposes of NI 43-101.
6. I am the author and am responsible for the preparation of the technical report titled "Technical Report of the Ruby Mine Exploration Project, Sierra County, California". I have visited the Ruby
Mine site in January, 2013 for a total of 1 day. I have spent 1 day in North Bay Resources' field office located in Grass Valley, California in January 2013. The time was spent reviewing data and mapsof the mine. I also have spent over 100 field days at the Ruby Mine between 1982 and 1992.
7. I have not had prior involvement with the companies that are the subject of the Technical Report and neither own nor control a beneficial interest in the mineral properties that are the subject of this report nor any adjacent or nearby properties.
8. I am independent of the issuer applying all the tests in section 1.5 of NI 43-101
9. I am not aware of any material fact or material change "with respect to the subject matter of the Technical Report, the omission to disclose which makes the Technical Report misleading.
10. I have read NI 43-101 and Form 43-101F and the Technical Report has been prepared in compliance with that instrument and form.
11. I consent to the filing of the Technical Report with any stock exchange and other regulatory authority and any publication by them for regulatory purposes, including electronic publication in the public company files on their websites accessible by the public, of the Technical Report.
It is the writer’s conclusion, that the Ruby Mine prospect in which North Bay Resources has a 100% royalty free interest is currently a property of merit under the terms of the National Instrument 43-101.
Page 2 tells you all u need to know about its legitimacy.
I, William R. Henkle, Jr., P. Geol. do hereby certify that:
1. I am President of Henkle and Associates, 230 Finch Way, Carson City, Nevada 89704
2. I graduated with a B. Sc. degree in Geology from the Ohio State University in 1969, and an M. Sc. Degree in Geology from Northern Arizona University in 1974.
3. I am a member of the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta and also am a member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia and am also a Certified Engineering Geologist in the State of California.
4. 1 have worked as a geologist for 42 years since my graduation from university and have experience as a mining consultant throughout the United States, Western Canada, the Andean region of Latin America and parts of Asia.
5. I have read the definition of "qualified person" set out in National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101") and certify that, by reason of my education, affiliation with a professional association (as defined by NI 43-101) and past relevant work experience, I fulfill the requirements to be a "qualified person" for the purposes of NI 43-101.
6. I am the author and am responsible for the preparation of the technical report tided "Technical Report of the Ruby Mine Exploration Project, Sierra County, California". I have visited the Ruby Mine site in January, 2013 for a total of 1 day. I have spent 1 day in North Bay Resources' field office located in Grass Valley, California in January 2013. The time was spent reviewing data and maps of the mine. I also have spent over 100 field days at the Ruby Mine between 1982 and 1992.
7. I have not had prior involvement with the companies that are the subject of the Technical Report and neither own nor control a beneficial interest in the mineral properties that are the subject of this report nor any adjacent or nearby properties.
8. I am independent of the issuer applying all the tests in section 1.5 of NI 43-101
9. I am not aware of any material fact or material change with respect to the subject matter of the Technical Report, the omission to disclose which makes the Technical Report misleading.
10. I have read NI 43-101 and Form 43-101F and the Technical Report has been prepared in compliance with that instrument and form.
11. I consent to the filing of the Technical Report with any stock exchange and other regulatory
authority and any publication by them for regulatory purposes, including electronic publication in the public company files on their websites accessible by the public, of the Technical Report.
Dated this 19th day of March, 2013
William R. Henkle, Jr., P. Geol.
Is this the new NBRI board now? lol.
Maybe they should move to the TSX where companies are not burdened with authorized share limitations like they are in the US.
Strong words. Wheres your proof?
bilk (blk)
tr.v.bilked, bilk·ing, bilks
a. To defraud, cheat, or swindle
NBRI. What part of "very rare" dont u understand? Peeps here are myopic to not see what is happening. This is not ordinary gold. This is special. You are watching a golden flower unfold and dont even see what is right before your eyes. Im very proud to be a shareholder in NBRI/RGI.
Tough crowd. What do you call fluff? Fluff: a derogatory reference to something exaggerated and implausible. This pr was nothing but facts. NBRI should add some fluff to dress it up and make it more exciting. lol.
The pr gives the reason why they keep mining in the white channel. The gold is getting bigger. They may be on to something there that no one is expecting.
It is instructive to note that the initial bulk samples from the White Channel processed last spring resulted in the recovery of very fine gold that would typically be expected to come from the rim of a channel. As we proceed forward into the White Channel, we are encouraged to see that the gold is increasingly larger and coarser, and thus the work will continue in an attempt to locate its source. A picture of the recent gold recovery can be viewed at
What proof do you have thats what theyve done or are doing? Or is that just your hyperbolic pragmatic opinion?
That is not an opinion. It is negative hyperbole and no different from the flip side of saying the pps is going to $2.50 next week.
That leaves $430K from the $600K they got from Blackfire unaccounted for.
Hyperbole works both way. Negative misrepresentation is also hyperbole and rationalizing it as pragamtism makes it even more extreme.
the representation (or misrepresentation) of something in terms that go beyond the facts <“enough food to feed a whole army” is a common example of hyperbole>
Synonyms: caricature, coloring, elaboration, embellishment, embroidering, embroidery, hyperbole, magnification, overstatement, padding, stretching
Related Words: amplification, enhancement; fabrication, misrepresentation; fudging, hedging; hype, puffery; superlative
Near Antonyms: belittlement, disparagement, minimizing, poor-mouthing
Antonyms: meiosis, understatement
Where did the money go? They got $600K from Blackfire last quarter but ended the quarter with just $16,614 in cash. Their spending nada mining so where did the money go?
On February 18, 2014, the company completed an amendment to its Option and Asset Sale Agreement with Pilot Metals Inc. As amended, instead of $850,000 to be paid on March 31, 2014 and $1,000,000 on the commencement of commercial mining, the company received $200,000 on February 18, 2014 and received $400,000 on March 31, 2014 with $1,500,000 to be received on the commencement of commercial mining. Pilot Metals has an option that is good until September 30, 2014, to purchase $500,000 of the final $1,500,000 payment for $250,000.
This post is wrong. Read the filings. Tangiers holds almost a mil in notes since 2011 and hasnt converted any of them. Their also accumulating shares not selling them.
Read the S-1. Tangiers is NBRI's underwriter. They are allys not enemies.
Tangiers is an “underwriter” within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933 in connection with the sale of common stock under the Securities Purchase Agreement. Tangiers will pay us up to 90% of, or a 10% discount to, the volume weighted average price of our common stock on the principal trading market on which our common stock is traded for the five (5) consecutive trading days immediately following the advance date. In addition, Tangiers received 6,589,147 shares of our common stock, which were previously issued as a commitment fee under the Securities Purchase Agreement. Tangiers’ obligations under the Securities Purchase Agreement are not transferable.
Cmon its only been 2 weeks since they put out an amazingly positive pr and touched on every part of the operation but now peeps say theyve gone silent? Maybe they should break up their prs into one paragraph at a time so they can put out a new pr everyday to satisfy those who want news everyday. lol!
The clear evidence of visible gold in the 5-pound sample demonstrates that gold is indeed present in the South Terrace, similar to the records for the North Terrace. While bulk sampling will need to be done once the raise is completed before the South Terrace can be determined to contain an economically recoverable resource, this is encouraging news that provides additional justification to complete the new exploratory raise at C-2 into the South Terrace and allow these previously unknown and unmined gravels to be bulk sampled.
In other news, exploration work in the southern extent of the Black Channel began in early July, and approximately 2 ounces of specimen gold have been recovered from approximately 3 tons of loose material aggregated from various locations. Several of the larger nuggets have been appraised as jewelers grade and are expected to be sold for a substantial premium over spot prices. As well, exploration and bulk sampling in the White Channel has resumed, and approximately 2 additional ounces of gold has been recovered thus far.
We also report that the Big Bend Raise is presently undergoing additional engineering work that is deemed necessary to secure the accessway. Work in the northern extent of the Black Channel is on hold until this work is completed and the raise is fully operational.
At the end of July we expect to make our first shipment of gold to our refiner, Metalor USA. This will consist of 3.2 ounces of fine gold recovered from both the White Channel and the Black Channel, which will allow us to determine an initial baseline average purity of the fine gold produced from the Ruby. Another 3.08 ounces of specimen gold recovered thus far has been set aside to build inventory for sale at premium prices to local jewelers and collectors.
Learn how to read filings. Its all in Note 18. All of the recent shares came in the past few days so no 8K is needed. For an expert you sure have a lot to learn son.
Things change as more information becomes available but you take every negative as set in stone forever.
In June they said
Accordingly, management has determined that further evaluation of the White Channel should be undertaken after our current drilling project is completed and the portion of our crew that is not working at the Big Bend raise can be redeployed from their current drill station support duties to other tasks.
The three successful drill holes penetrated gravels located immediately south and within a hundred feet of the White Channel gravels presently being mined through the White Channel crosscut.
Feasible gold is an oxymoron like jumbo shrimp. If you can see it and hold it in your hand it is of course feasible by definition.
The primary meaning of feasible is ‘capable of being done or effected.’
What might not be apparent to some observers is that the Ruby, from where I sit, is not simply a mine; it is a virtual labyrinth of many individual potential mines, at least a dozen and likely many more that may be proven out over the course of our work. These mines consist of the ancient river channels we speak of, each of which was buried long ago during different periods and epochs of the earth's geological evolution and underneath what is now known as the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Each one of these channels can be seen to be a separate mine in and unto itself, each with its own unique characteristics and quality of gold, be it coarse, fine, or specimen grade. Nor do these channels necessarily intersect, but rather are overlaid over the course of millions of years like a fine golden tapestry woven by some invisible hand. The grade and quantity of gold in any one channel is not predictive of what may lie in the next channel, such that each should be seen as a separate resource, the sum total of which is what we now call the Ruby Mine.
Post of the day Phatlander. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. All assets being managed!
Only problem with that is there is no gold at Black Rock Canyon. Weve been had. Where is that 43-101 report they said they would publish? Ever see a pr with John Rae's name mentioned as the qualified person who has reviewed and approved the accuracy? Nope.
It currently takes 19.5 years to open a new mine. NBRI acquired the Ruby in July 2011. Exactly 3 years ago. They have indeed come a long way in a short period of time.
“The time from discovery to production increased to 11 years for 57 new mines between 1996 and 2005, and to 18 years for 111 new mines between 2006 and 2013. (For this analysis, expansions and mine redevelopments are not included as they are not comparable with new mine developments.),” they said. "The length of time from discovery to production is expected to continue trending higher: 63 projects currently in the pipeline and scheduled to begin production between 2014 and 2019 are expected to take a weighted-average 19.5 years from the date of discovery to first production.”
Dude of course it is a bottom. It cant go any lower than .00001!!
Cant dump at .00001 no more cause theres no bid. Again. Must be time for another R/S. Rinse and repeat. Disgusting. But if they round up fractional shares on the next R/S I might gain a share in the deal. lol.
This is typical of how facts are misrepresented and distorted to serve a nefarious purpose.
The pr said
In other news, the drilling program that recommenced on June 9, 2014, is still ongoing. We also note that the mining crew was increased last month and began working 7 days per week in 2 split shifts. The drilling has been conducted nightly during an additional night shift, and as a result we have been working 24/7 while the drilling remains in progress. Thus far we have drilled 10 holes at various key locations above the Ruby Adit for a total of 1,074 feet. We expect to drill at least 600 to 1,000 more feet before the drilling program is concluded.
OIC. So it is better to dilute shareholders by selling your future revenue stream for pennies on a dollar instead?
Do you have any idea how many mines Waterton and their ilk now own from defaults on gold loans where the mine itself was used as collateral?
At least the type of convertible debt NBRI has issued is unsecured. When conversion occurs shareholders are diluted but NBRI keeps its assets. The conventional debt you speak of is secured and the entire company is at risk if they dont hit their milestones.
Heres one of many examples:
Shelf offerings are also very toxic. ABX recently did a shelf offering for over $3B at a steep discount to the market price. How is this not toxic debt? Massive dilution and the institutional investors get a sweetheart deal while the retail investor gets the shaft. So this is better? LOL!
Nov. 1 (Bloomberg ) -- Barrick Gold Corp. (ABX) is raising at least $3 billion in Canada’s biggest equity issue since 2009 and shelving its embattled Pascua-Lama project as the miner scrambles to reduce debt after the metal plunged this year.
Barrick, the world’s largest gold miner, said yesterday it agreed to sell at least 163.5 million shares for $18.35 apiece. News of the share sale came hours after Barrick said it was suspending construction at Pascua-Lama, a $8.5 billion mine on the Argentina-Chile border. Barrick fell 7.1 percent to close at $18.01 today in New York.
Most option deals with work commitments are for a lot less cash. NBRI is getting $200K on the downstroke and if Ximen defaults next year they get the property back.
Heres another option deal announced today by Frontline. The seller gets no cash at all and a measly $4000 in an illiquid stock. Sure they get a 2% NSR but whats that worth until Frontline opens a mine in our lifetime. Theres no work commitment here either.
To acquire a 100% interest in the two claims, Frontline must issue a total of 401,000 shares of the Corporation and grant the optionor a 2% net smelter returns royalty. Frontline may repurchase one-half of the royalty for $1,000,000.
Ximen Mining to acquire Bouleau from NBRI
Ximen Doubles Land Position by Acquiring All Contiguous Land Claims Surrounding Brett Gold Property, Vernon, BC
Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 16, 2014) - Ximen Mining Corp. (TSXV: XIM) (OTCQX: XXMMF) (the "Company" or "Ximen") is pleased to announce that it has signed an option agreement with North Bay Resources Inc. (OTCQB: NBRI) to acquire the Bouleau property which is adjacent to the Company's Brett property located near Vernon, BC. The option allows the Company to acquire a 100% interest in 2,045 contiguous hectares with no NSR or work commitments. The majority of the claims are in good standing until 2018.
The property covers highly prospective ground indicated by RGS geochemical results and heavy mineral sampling results from various operators working in the area in the late 1980's and early 1990's. The property includes a variety of precious metals mineral occurrences including the Boul (MinFile 082L-SW069), Siwash (MinFile 082L-SW046) and Wedge (MinFile 082L-SW073) instrusive-hosted low sulphidization epithermal Au-Ag quartz carbonate vein prospects occurrences. Assay values up to 27 grams per tonne gold and 180 grams per tonne silver are reported. The Siwash showing hosts a large alteration zone with silica flooding, chalcedonic quartz stockworks and hematitic and goethite staining which is 3,000 by 750 by 150 meters in area.
North Bay Resources announced last year a completely new and previously undiscovered gold zone on the western claims. A successful Pilot HMC (Heavy Metal Concentrates) geochemical program on the property was conducted. Among the very positive results, one spectacular sample in particular ("NB-60") generated a great deal of interest, not just due to its high assay value of 95.6 grams (3.07 ounces) per tonne gold, but because the sample came from a highly altered area in the Western Zone that has geological similarities to the Brett occurrence. In addition to the high grade and strategic location, the gold particles in this sample were pristine, angular in shape, and with sharp edges that suggest they are "low transport gold" and have not traveled very far. This further suggests potential for a blind lode gold deposit close by, similar to, or possibly an extension of, the nearby Brett deposit.
During the 2013 field season, a second HMC program was commenced to follow up on the previous findings along trend, and to further evaluate the alteration zone and the area where sample NB-60 was found during the 2011 sampling program. This program was concluded in July 2013 with 46 samples collected and located an as yet undiscovered alteration zone up slope and up ice from these recent high gold values. Further work will be required to determine if this newly discovered alteration zone is the cause of the highly anomalous gold assays.
The 2013 HMC program has resulted in an expansion and further delineation of the alteration zone found in 2011, and the discovery of a completely new and previously undiscovered target area about 400 metres west of where sample NB-60 was taken. The results of this HMC program are extremely positive and encouraging. At least 5 samples (NB-106, NB-107, NB-126, NB-137, and NB-138) confirmed and further delineated the presence of highly anomalous gold particles in the soil upslope from both NB-60 and the large alteration zone discovered during the initial HMC program in 2011. The recently concluded 2013 HMC project produced assays as high as 9.75 g/t (sample NB-137) from the original target area. New and very positive results downslope from the newly discovered alteration zone, about 400m west and upslope from NB-60, produced high gold values from three samples; NB-126 (8.0 g/t), NB-163 (2.29 g/t), and NB-164 (2.53 g/t). These samples were all taken very close together and point to this new target area upslope.
The Company believes that given the exploration results to date, this acquisition is geologically compatible to the exploration results received to date on the surrounding Brett property.
Patrick Forseille, P. Geo., a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101 is responsible for the technical information contained in this release.
Deal Terms
Under the terms of the option agreement, Ximen, as operator, can acquire a 100% undivided interest by making cash option payments of $300,000 over two years and issue $300,000 in Ximen shares over two years. The option agreement is subject to TSX approval.
About Ximen Mining Corp.
Ximen Mining Corp. owns 100 percent interest in its two projects, Gold Drop Project and Brett Gold Project located in southern British Columbia. Ximen is a publicly listed company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol XIM, and is listed on the Frankfurt, Munich, and Berlin Stock Exchanges in Germany under the symbol 1XM and WKN number is A1W2EG as well in the USA on the OTCQX under the symbol XXMMF.
On behalf of the Board of Directors,
"Christopher R. Anderson."
Christopher R. Anderson, President, CEO and Director, Ximen Mining Corp.
For further information, please contact Ward Kondas 604-488-3900 or by email at
This press release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, that address future exploration drilling, exploration activities and events or developments that the Company expects, are forward looking statements. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include exploitation and exploration successes, continued availability of financing, and general economic, market or business conditions.
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Looks like he just earned his paycheck again too.
Deal Terms
Under the terms of the option agreement, Ximen, as operator, can acquire a 100% undivided interest by making cash option payments of $300,000 over two years and issue $300,000 in Ximen shares over two years. The option agreement is subject to TSX approval.
This post is wrong. When you examine the filings Tangiers has been a long term investor since 2009. That was before NBRI became a fully reporting company and uplisted to the OTCBB. It was also before anyone ever heard of the Ruby. They are not in this for short term trading profits but long term capital gains. That is pragmatic. It is clear that they believe in NBRI management. There is no other reason for them to be increasing their holdings over the long term. Do you think for a minute they have not done their due diligence and know exactly what they own while increasing their ownership? Say what you want but the positive vote of professional investors says a lot.
That is a total cop out of an answer and avoids the question:
Hell, a weekend panner can put up pix of similar value.
Every single major gold deposit on earth began with an astute (pragmatic) investor staking a claim for pennies that turned out to be worth millions/billions. You criticize them for being early and paying the minimum. You should be heaping praise on their acumen. That will not be obvious until the train has left the station and the doubters are left behind with their woulda-coulda stories.
This is NOT good news. RMB selling their stake at an 80% discount? OMG!
At .00001 its impossible to go any lower. That is until they do another R/S and we lose another 99.9% on top of the multiple 99.9% losses weve already endured. What is the breakeven at this point for the peeps that bought at .08 several years ago? It must be in the thousands. Oh the horror.
Am I seeing it right that only one share traded today? One share? Who would sell one share and who would buy just one share? Were not in Kansas anymore Toto. lol.
Peeps are forgetting the Ruby is inside the motherlode. We dont need to find it. Its all around us.
As previously explained in a Company press release dated July 23, 2012, the section of the tunnel that has been undergoing rehabilitation since 2011 is on the west side of the Melones Fault, the principle controlling structure that defines the Motherlode system of Northern California. Having now reached the 4900 vein, we have crossed over to the eastern side of the Melones Fault and into the approach to the Black Channel. It is worth noting that much of the gold produced from vein deposits of the Motherlode has been mined from the eastern side of the Melones Fault, a geological structure that runs through the entire length of the Ruby property.
Insider buying is a huge buy signal. Why would the CEO spend his own money buying shares? When is the last time you saw that in a pinkie? Either dilution is over or he knows something. Prolly both imo.