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Thanks but I already have a while back and I am very pleased with the decision so far. I will hold and will probably make good return in my investment in the long run. Personally, I don't look at its past history for this really does not concern me too much. Most penny stocks don't have a positive past history. I am not even concerned about its current finance right now either. This is a startup company which has not had lot of time to mature yet. There are still lots of people who don't know about this company. You may be right that the company may fail due to its "past" represenation. This guy maybe shady all around. But on the other hand, he may have finally landed a successful business concept after all his trials and errors. I personally like the concept and the fact that this company actually exists says alot. Some penny stocks you can't even get that. In this forum, you are going to get negatives and positives about this stock. Overall, you make your own choice. As for me I have made mine. Thanks.
I agree with you LA that this company will do well. It may take some time before it can stablize financially but the concept in itself is good. As long as the service and coffee is good, customers will come. I say bcci is definitely a buy and hold!
I agree, this business will do well. There is a similar business in Los Angeles and it is doing very well. Who doesn't like coffee and pretty girls :). With reality show, everyone will know what Baristas Coffee is. My friends didn't know what this was until I told them. They loved the concept, which means it will be just matter of time before this concept will fly. Just my opinion of course.
You may be right but S in my opinion is still undervalued. This stock may go down or it may go up. Either case, it will eventually go back up and it will climb fast. So I think I will stay a bit longer. Thanks either case!
PZG is looking good. Climbing slowing but strong, good volume. This stock might actually do well...
It doesn't look like Sprint is done yet. Still climbing, looking good!
Hi Facilitate,
Was wondering how your google link has relevance to SMHS? Please explain.
I have been reading this forum for awhile now and I have to tell you that this forum is pretty lively :). I also have been investing in NSAV on and off for awhile; made some and lost some. Currently, I am on the same boat as everyone else where we bought bit high and now we are holding, hoping for some positive outcome. Both sides have good arguments so as a person looking in, I can't agree or disagree with either side. We all understand that this is penny stock and there are lots of risk when playing this game. Of course the rewards can be just as good. Either case, we can all perform our DD and constantly argue the facts or opinions but for those of us who have invested in this, the only true course we have is to hold or sell. I believe most of us will hold. So in that case, it would be better to think positively and hope for the best. Hope everyone here as well as myself due come out of this in a positive light. Good luck guys!
Does anyone know why this is happening?
Does anyone have any update on REE. Don't know why their stock price keeps dropping.
Does anyone have any update on LOGL?
If the commercial is aired of course :).
That is a lot of shares! I hope it works out for you. I only have just under 100K. Always playing it safe...
Good question, one thing is for sure and that is we are all in the dark on this one. This company is starting to become more of a joke than anything else. I actually thought there might be some light at the end of this tunnel but I am starting to get the realistic point of view. They better start holding to their own statements soon or they will start losing more investors.
SMHS never replies back. I have emailed them several times in the past with no response. They stated that they will air in August but as we all can see this did not happen. Now I am hearing it should air in Sept. I guess we will see...
I starting to believe you. I have been sitting on this for a while now and I know that this stock is pump and dump but I was hoping it would pump one more time because of the advertisement that was suppose to happen. Stinks to be me right now...
I hope so. It has been awhile since we heard any news. Been sitting on this for a pretty long time now...
Does anyone have any new updates on this company yet?
Still no news on SMHS. Is this company just blowing smoke? What is the deal???
Thanks for the update. Hopefully we will see something tomorrow.
Does anyone have any updates for this company? I thought SMHS was suppose to advertise in August 1st?
Sorry guys, I had to throw in my white towel. My biggest lost of the year has been this one. I am not saying that this stock will not go up. It still has the pump and dump potential but I don't see this company producing anything anytime soon. This guy had plenty of chances and time if that was the case. I wish all of you best of luck but I am finally out of this battle!
Finally seeing some positives for once! Need more momentum though!
Finally starting to see some positive uptrend. It has been awhile since I have seen this green :). Let's keep going up!
This is actually good news. I believe this is the first substantial result they have gotten. Now how they will use this money going forward is crucial. Overall, we are at least getting one final substantail news from GTSO!
I hope so but what would really help is some positive PR from this company. It funny how SMNG is asking what we would like to know when it is pretty obvious the answer before even asking the question. Yet, no response...
I understand what you are saying. I am in no position to tell you to hold or sell since I have no clue at this point where this is going. But in my opinion, even if this whole thing is a scam, this stock still has a potential for pump and dump meaning that this guy might provide an important information someday to really pump this stock up. I don't think that this stock will die anytime soon since that would not be very beneficial for the company. Every penny stock as you know has some serious down trends and will stay at a certain low stock price for awhile and then all of sudden it will spike like crazy due to some PR. That will be my opportunity to come back and gain my money back. Will this happen to GTSO? I don't know but like yourself, I also play penny stocks alot. And this is just one of many I play. From all the trends I have experienced with penny stocks, there always seem to be an opportunity to get your money back. I know it sucks waiting and in fact, I feel that this stock will go even lower tomorrow from looking at the trend. So whatever you decide, I hope you all the best. As for me, I lost too much to sell now even if it means losing everything, I will stay :). I can tell you this, I have learned some valuable lessons from this one which is definitely helping me on my other stocks.
I hear you! More empty promises with no backing. Investors are now seeing the true meaning behind this company. Until, this guy can honestly give us something substantial, this stock is going to keep going down. At this point, our $$$ has become just $. Literaly worthless. I would be embarrassed if I was this owner. Ironically, this company has huge potential to be in a strong position at a right time where rare earth has become a known crisis. Has all this been a complete lie from this guy or is he really trying to get all these aquisitions to come through? Honestly, I am losing confidence in this company quick. Bottom line is this company does not have any money to back up any of these aquisitions. At first I believed in this company because there was only few aquisitions but the more he keeps adding, the more I am starting to believe this guy is just blowing smoke. You can't aquire without funding. If you have limited funding then just concentrate on your first project to make money. Then with that profit, make more aquisitions. Common sense, which this guy does not seem to be utilizing. It almost feels like he is betting all his chips as if he's got full house when in reality all he has is pairs of twos. Suck to be us I guess but we got no real choice but to hold and wait. Ridiculous...
Hi, we have not gotten any updates on the progress for SMNG. The last update was collecting samples from the SMNG website. There has not been any PR since May. We are hitting close to August and I believe I speak for many people on this forum that we would all like to hear what's going on?
Does anyone have any update on SMNG? The company has been quiet for awhile now with no updates. I have tried contacting the company with no response. Hopefully someone here can provide some update for us.
Sounds like a plan buddy!
Auto is bidding at the asking price of .595 at 17200 shares. Man, I wish I could free some money and play. But I do have to keep my own policy. So I wait...
ETMM asking at .55 for 25000 share. What is upsetting is the fact that for the amount I already paid for this stock, I could of gotten at least 60,000 shares at .55. This client is going to have more shares that I will at a much lower price. Sucks to be me right now :). Oh well, it doesn't pay to be trigger happy. All my years of playing and you think I would know that by now. Than again, that is why I play... for the excitement my friend!
Yeah, if want to to load, it is definitely a prime time to load at this price. Just be careful, as a rule of thumb only play with what you can afford to lose but I am sure you already know this.
ASCM is dipping it down to .52, ridiculous...
I hear you buddy. It looks like it is dying down a bit. When I look at the traders for today, I see AUTO placing a bid at .59 for 8000 shares. But he also placed a sell at .53 for 6000 shares. This AUTO has been heavily bidding and selling all day. This morning he bought around 28000 shares, which tells me that this AUTO is a broker who is buying and selling for several clients. Right now, the sellers have died down and only buyers are left so far, which is a good sign.
Don't worry guys, I know that it stinks to see the price dip so much knowing what we bought it in but stocks are unpredictable as you know. The fact is, there is no negative report about this stock that we know of. Which tells me that right now, it is prime opportunity for day traders to pump and dump until real news comes out. So we will see some serious swings. It is all part of the game but once the PR that we are looking for comes, then it will be our turn to ride that wave and everyone trying to come on board. Until then, keep holding and let's ride the rough wave together for a little longer :).
Hey guys! Don't worry Donna, it is not over. As we all know, there are investors and traders in this market. Most of us who play penny stock are traders hoping to make it big in a short amount of time. I, also was a trader but GTSO has not made me an investor. Not exactly what I was looking for since my money is tied to this stock, which does not allow me to expand other avenues but no worries. One of the reasons why GTSO is falling is because traders are not seeing the potential and can't wait for the long haul. They rather lose some and hopefully make up the difference with other stocks than sit on this one not knowing what the outcome is. Due to this there are many that sell and at the same time many that buy for short term gains. Since there is no substantial result that will pump this stock price up for now, we are going to see more day traders buying and selling. But eventually, we will get that news that everyone is waiting for. Until then, don't lose hope :).
Drilling has definitely started and they have even started collecting core samples. As far as how much and quality, no news yet on this. SMNG is definitely not concerned with the PR right now. So the best thing we can do is just hold tight. Hopefully they will provide the pubic some positive news soon!
This is nothing new as we all know. More aquisitions with no real substantial results. But the fact that there is sample shipment to the KORE, this is somewhat positive. If the samples comes in favor and Korea buys their first shipment, then we should see some serious uptrend. If not, then this stock is a bust for now. That doesn't mean that it won't ever increase in value. It just means that we will have to wait bit longer until their financial statement comes with positive results and more companies buy from GTSO. Understand that this company is not meant for day traders. Most of us are investors so we buy and hold. In the positive light, GTSO is making some serious aquisitions all around. If all aquisitions come up positive, we will definitely be winners. I have been playing stocks for a very long time. There are several penny stocks that started much lower than this price and has hit in the hundreds but they all took several years. I am hoping that we don't have to wait that long. Who knows this could be the one that is going to make everyone here very rich. At least that is my plan. I would not have invested so much if I did not believe in this company's potential. We just have to wait. Don't worry guys, things will get better as days go by!