Think the gasoline prices are artificially inflated?
The prices you see in the paper are the ones whereby speculators trade paper betting on the future.
Just think, 1/6 of our oil comes from Venezuela. The Venezuelan "President" is a sworn enemy of the US, has changed the country to "South Havana". The Venezuelan Government Oil company has fallen by 1/2 since he took over so he is nationalizing the privite companies (51% is in charge). Lastly, they own the second largest gasoline seller in the US.
Iran is becoming more belligerant every day.
Saudi is in a huge state of flux.
Iraq is questionable whether they ever recover.
Nigeria is in sorry political shape.
The only places we can by the type of oil to make our low emission gas are Saudi, Nigeria, and Venezuela.
The petroleum situation is a tinderbox waiting for a match.
Rest easy, I agree, trade your SUV on a hypbid, wait for the hydrogen cars. Only problem with those it takes more oil to make hydrogen that it does gasoline!!