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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
constantly keeping us up dated on progress. That picture posted on X was extremely impressive
Noticed the chart shows around Aug. 2024 folks start to accumulate NBRI, kept accumulating, now over 1 billion shares.
That picture helps us understand why
My opinion, based on solid evidence is in2025 NBRI will explode, with patience we wait
Still looking good, I must say
A slow day, yet still on most the boards=in my opinion Breakout boards etc. mean many are still researching
Noticed a 911 and a 100trade(I need more shares) We just hit a little speed bump
Very soon we will get possibly the only 8K that could lite the fuse. How much gold, don't know if an 8K is required, don't need to know cause I know what I and others own.
extremely soon
in 2025 NBRI will explode
Maybe not lies, lack of comprehension
Many of us are looking to the future and can comprehend what we read
not false stories about the past
I believe like you and many others maybe tomorrow at least some time very very soon
do all the bashers get overtime pay ?
Made a huge profit on LBSR, don't buy things and hold forever. Looking to see how I could get more LBSR again. It is getting ready to pop again. Good night bashers, if I keep posting to fools who just are constantly trying to make me look like a fool.
hide and watch and you will see in 2025 NBRI will fly, possibly LBSR too
Because you know my opinion
I had a sales order in to collect some profit(I bought extremely low; .002 and .003) had 400K shares for sale; I just cancelled(puny profit by comparison where I think this will go.) Hard for me to sell any; looking for ways to by more). I have followed NBRI for years because I live in California and know where they are digging.
At first I wondered possible scam. Then followed what the NEW CEO Jared was doing. Now I know no scam at all. People in the past did some things at NBRI = possible scam. It is very important for folks to realize Jared inherited a badly run former NBRI. Price of gold is climbing
Now just sit back and watch how Jared, the BRAND NEW CEO has accomplished , even for winter time, he plans ahead. There is risk when buying any stock, even the NYSE. By percentage of potential profit, NBRI in my opinion will out shine them all, especially now before the PPS explodes
how high , who knows
I have never owned a OTC micro penny stock, that had so much possible potential
and my guesstimate could be way low. I live in California and know exactly where the are digging
even the tailings(when price of gold was hundreds, now thousands/ounce) could equal a bonanza.
Many years ago that area caused a California gold rush.
Could this be the start of a new California Gold rush. So far, in my opinion the NEW CEO Jared has made many brilliant moves. In 2025 NBRI will explode. Others I have sold to make some profit, don't even come close to potential of NBRI.
Suggest anyone new to NBRI, do good DD an read all the legal, valid PR's posted by Jared and decide for yourself.
The NEW CEO Of NBRI , Jared
He inherited a failed micro penny stock, NBRI had many existing problems
Read all the valid and legal PR's
One by one, what he stated he has accomplished, some of us are excited and waiting for the next ones to be accomplished
My opinion is in 2025 NBRI will explode
still lying
The lie started by I think gitreal(A LONG TIME AGO) is being continued
NOT REQUIRED If you need help "reading" and "comprehending", just ask for some help, we want to help
The NEW CEO for NBRI has done an excellent job
I can only imagine what April will bring
the quarterly
The bashers will say "it is not audited", the longs won't care a hoot
Our can will be full of gold, theirs will be empty so they can keep kicking the can without hurting their toes
In my opinion the NEW CEO will make history; he has already done so well. Possible by then, the start of a new California gold rush.
So many positive things like gold going higher. Can only imagine
whether it is tomorrow or next week
Hope it is tomorrow personally, but we all know what we own , even if I have to have patience till the next quarterly(I don't think so)
Never witnessed a NEW CEO like Jared who has done what he said every time; therefore, I will exercise patience
until one day supercalifragilisticexpialidocious(very good, thank you Jared)
now I am educated, thank you
this is really getting interesting WOW
in 2025 NBRI will FLY. Most of us can see gold In that picture
Got gold, do some greal good DD and decided for yourself
Did you ever see "dumb and dumber"
As we get closer to what the majority is waiting for, the background noise is getting like that movie
Good news is coming. When ? patience is a virtue, wait and see
in 2025 NBRI will fly. Our NEW CEO Jared has made brilliant choices.
New administration want to back currency with gold
I think they do
Current estimation of one of many factors to consider from a honest poster from another message board
"Central Bank Independence Might be Anti-Democratic"
Despite the propaganda to the contrary, the US Federal Reserve System is independent of the federal government. It was designed to appear as if it were not, but the only connection is that the President of the United States is effectively "allowed" to select the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board from a list of candidates selected by the Federal Reserve Board, almost all of whom are members of the board. And almost always, the President's choice is the person at the top of the list provided by the Fed.
Otherwise, the President may make his wishes about rates known to the Fed, but they do not have to comply. Sometimes, they will minimally but never as a mark for trend.
The concept of central banking is anti-democratic in itself. How can it be otherwise when a government becomes dependent upon one private bank or a small collection of private banks? It means that the government works for the central bank. The more the government borrows, the more the bank earns, and the more they can exert control over the government.* That works to a point. Then, when the government goes bust, it gets bailed out by other central banks and the system repeats, transferring ever larger amounts to debt into the international system.
Can that last? Only so long as people are willing to accept fiat money, and that may soon be coming to an end.
What's the option?
President Ronald Reagan wanted to move the US currency system back to the Gold Standard or a variation thereof. He was persuaded against attempting it. Donald Trump also favors a gold-backed system, or bimetallism. Can he be persuaded not to try?
By the way, the famous economist Alan Greenspan, a long-time friend of author Ayn Rand, favored a gold-backed currency, at least until he became a member of the Federal Reserve Board and then its Chair (1987-2006).
Just got home, noticed 911 trade then a number of sells, at the end of the day last trade was another 911 trade
does the true longs think we are going higher tomorrow, a step up ? .I am not educated enough. Was that a signal between MM ?
I have great patience waiting on the next NR or two
In 2025, our NEWCEO Jared will soon release great news IMHO
From stock
The North Bay Resources Inc. stock holds buy signals from both short and long-term Moving Averages giving a positive forecast for the stock. Also, there is a general buy signal from the relation between the two signals where the short-term average is above the long-term average
What's a schenule ?
First of all
Our NEW CEO Jared knows how to spell and plan ahead, so far every NR HAS HAPPENED just like our NEW CEO stated
Fact. Because some things in the mining industry take some time to complete, just like Jared said
Many here are super excited about the upcoming NR or NR's. Next week or two should light the fuse for NBRI, in my humble opinion to fly higher
how high ? we have never observed anything happening so fast, just like Jared said, so who knows
I am thankful the NEW CEO keeps us informed
Just checked the chart again, over 1 billion accumulation/distribution(cannot lie, facts are facts)
Wonder why if this is a scam, no dumping
Believe, like me and others, they can tell the difference between 2 videos.
What's next, excited, waiting for the next legal and valid NR from Jared
My opinion is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (Excellent). Gold is going higher - Got gold? Do some good DD and research NBRI
do some good DD on NBRI
live in California, know exactly what you mean
The trailing ponds from a long long ago, have gold at the current price = almost a bonanza
YOU ARE MORE THAN CORRECT about the strict environmental laws in California, I know, especially a mill and a mine
A few retards constantly complain about not having permits. They would be heavily fined(California might get excited), they might even twist the existing rules to fine more.
Today was low volume, the true longs don't mind because they know what they own. Just waiting on the next PR
Gold is nicely going up
With gold @ $2763.59/ ounce when we get the news, NBRI could explode
This much positive interaction
What will we see when the news comes out, agree no flash in the pan
when the news comes out will it light the fuse ?
I believe it will. My opinion is in 2025 NBRI will Fly HIGH , how high, patience an we will see
just for further edification;CHKMF(14);SMA(20);SMA(50);SMA(100);SMA(200);HLMA(10,8)&sym=SPZI&grid=1&height=375&studyheight=200
current accumulation and distribution shows almost 2 billion shares = strong believers IMHO
Are you saying that Ihub posts phony baloney news
Time to get your ticket and get on board like many others
My opinion is in 2025 NBRI will soar much higher
No need to respond with your opinion, kinda tired of reading the same old stuff from you,
you need to get some accurate info, do you read PR's and the latest news from Ihub ?
from Ihub news
NBRI Latest News
North Bay Resources Acquires 70% Interest in the Bishop Gold Mill, Inyo County, California
Looks like we are very close to off and running
Maybe just 1 PR away
Starting to look like a red hot tamale
Buy to sell ratio off to a good start and the volume looks good also
What will we see when news is reported
my opinion is
in 2025 NBRI will thrive an really come alive
this might be what I been waiting for
AMOST SOUNDS TO GOOD TO BE TRUE, the NEW CEO for NBRI has done things so fast
Will this announcement light the fuse ?
My opinion in 2025 NBRI will fly
DELERIOUS question
I noticed that you had a limit of 10 posts per day on this message board WHY ?
I must say all posts are opinions. I would like to say you are one of the most accurate, honest and truthful posters I have ever known.
You back up your posts with info on why you formed your opinion. Some that post hear say "liar"
etc. and do not give info on why they disagree. My opinion is similar to yours. The NEW CEO Jared is doing a marvelous job. Just waiting with great patience for some up coming yield reports. You do not trash talk like some do, hard to understand what reason they would give you of all posters a limit.
My opinion is in 2025 NBRI will really come alive
IMHO next 2 weeks should be smoking hot
soon we will get report of official yields
if you are new to this board don't read and believe the "so called pumpers"
don't let the bashers deceive you.
The NEW CEO Jared inherited a pitiful sub penny mining stock. At first when I bought some I wondered is this a scam ?
Go read all of the PR's for the last 11-12 months and see if Jared has accomplished just what he stated. After all the deals and agreements and after seeing 11 months of progress, I now know this is the real thing, will be the most profitable OTC sub-penny mining stock I probably will ever own
Do your own DD, I live in California and I know where they are digging, Do some serious research on this one and get blessed.
Please explain what this means
Some folks that estimate crossing the boarder
might want to underestimate the cost of "raw ore" and not overestimate, since at the time of crossing
it might be still officially unknown(by the mining rules of reporting). When enough of those super sacks are completely processed the estimate will be known
and confirmed
The NEW CEO Jared will surprise us. all. Patience is a virtue, we need just a little more patience.
The bashers like to put in the last post for the day; let see what they say next, maybe talk about Rhodium again and again
Rhodium is something for the possible future, right now gold is what's on the table
Sure enjoy your comments
Posting what I believe, welcome back
A few more months now that the rules are changing, I will be able to say welcome back MXSG
never told I had A limit of 10 posts per day on this board
I have held mine for over three months
able to buy some at .0002,.0003, .0004; I am at profit
Will I dump my shares HELL NO. What's coming will turn into the best stock I have ever owned on the OTC
Go look at the other stocks these bashers post on. Nothing positive always negative as if every sub- penny stock on the OTC is a scam.
Have to start somewhere. Jared the new CEO to a somewhat worn out stock inherited a so called big loser. Read all the PR's. Did he do what he said he would do; in months he has already accomplished more than some might take years; for insufficient funds and lack of proper planning . Jared is making outstanding agreements and deals; taking all the negative things and turning them around(bet he is learning from our new president). Now I can finally see what Jared sees; the future not the past the bashers always bring up.
no dilution is evident to me
Buy: 8,090,303Neutral: 1,201,000Sell: 154,000
in 2025NBRI will fly
If everything the bashers is true
why are more folks buying than selling ?
lately, the buy to sell ration is showing that some researchers are starting to buy
if this keeps going in that direction the PPS will climb
Waiting to hear more about yield returns
My opinion is in 2025 NBRI will fly
how high, need patience; this is mining, some things take time to complete
Noticed again all the boards are listing NBRI
Breakout board, most read and most posted etc.( for over 3 months daily, when research turns to buying, WOW)
I love the thought of a possible golden cross(NBRI IS already golden in my opinion)
The buy to sell ratio is looking extremely good so far
in 2025 NBRI will come alive
some folks rely on stock charts even more than I might
TAZMANS POSTS about charts on NBRI are super positive, can one of the mods sticky please sticky this one #121902 at the top
strong reasons for the long term folks that know patience is required. Approx. 1billion shares accumulated and been that way for along time.
Many know some of the statements made by Jared might take a little time to come to completion. Patience is a virtue
in 2025 NBRI will abundantly come alive
some folks rely on stocks charts even more than I might
TAZMANS POSTS ON NBRI are super positive, can we please sticky this one #121902
strong reasons for the long term folks that know patience is required
just watched the new president sworn in
big change coming. Some of us have a NEW CEO for a somewhat tired stock on the OTC. Like the new president big changes coming to NBRI. A few of the losers refused to applaud( like a couple of untruthful bashers I know). New life for NBRI in route. I think we might even get a new news release this week. So glad I was able to get some cheap PPS. Used to own some, nothing happening with the old CEO. I live in California. Because I know the area real well they are digging(no fires nearby) I bought some to take a chance. No longer thinking it is a chance, it is the real thing, as good as it gets for an OTC, sub penny mining stock stock Still cheap even now, compared to where NBRI is going. Everything Jared stated has been preformed just like he said. Waiting to see a couple more( some statements take a little time to complete)
Am I holding a winner ?
As the PPS falls a little bit, at the end of the day do I see improvement ? The buy to sell ratio is improving and SPZI is showing up more and more on different boards, breakout board, most read, most posted(sad, 85% or more bashers) most active etc
In my humble opinion
Yes I have a winner. 2025 SPZI will come alive.