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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
If I may, I think this would be a good time to play a little game we'll cal "Tic Tock".
Gotta get 5 ticks and 5 tocks in a row (Alternating 10 post total.). No double posts (tic or tock) - Must be alternating - speeling doesn't matter.
First one to mess up has to post a picture of his dashboard to PROVE the the engine light is not on.
Go !
Not if you own the property - That place is a friggen mess.
PUNL = P&D - thanks for clairification.
The longer I wait for news - the higher it goes - I like waiting.
Nice one boss.
Got my GTGP - Got my Chair - Got my Footrest - Got my Sun - Got my Sun Umbrella - Got my misc supplies - Got the all the nice board posts - What could go wrong ?
Long Live the Global Crowd !
"...The same crowd continued their daily blistering ...the Global crowd fiercely criticized lawyer"
Ha Ha - no one ever said "adept".
I've come to terms with the fact that there are MANY MANY people MUCH MUCH smarter than I who have a knack for zigging when I zag and the zig is in.
The bigger this gets (and it's getting bigger), the more zigs and zags we'll see.
Who do I know who is is going to/would sell ? Have no idea, but where there is buyers - there is sellers and there will br sellers that know how to zig.
OR the price will continue the steady up pattern and we can all simply hang on for the ride up.
My assesement is that this is a Penny flipper's paradise. Up 10% down 15% etc... One guy says this or that reads motive into this that and then posts his opinion (ussually as some sort of "FACT"), the peeps jump in AND WHOOPS there it goes.
I don't know anyone in here well enough to say "Oh, he said he said he never did/will sell any amount of shares so I believe him."
When one is in tune with the fluxuations of a ticker like this you gonna flip. With a week or two left (time line certainly not set in stone) of nothing else to do but flip, they're gonna flip. The flipping will cause the price to fluctuate and various comments to be made.
That said, I started at .18, got to freebies and then added at .77 and don't CURRENTLY plan to play any more flipping games here.
Those that will or won't - I wish 'em al well.
He's right - we've been bouncing like a ping pong ball speculating on info - it will continue until solid news arives and then look out - it will get even crazier.
As Arnold said -
You negotiate first
and you attack last.
Yesterday's relative volume looks good to me.
See the thing about those Wallendas is that they don't waver.!/Tim_Trainor/media/slideshow?
News held back for guy who climbed the smokestack to put that new-fangled mercury vapor lock on top. He put 100K down today.
LT - He's the Man !
LT - Not pumping here ... BUT ... GTGP - dont play the news - just the reaction to it ? Poised it is. Wathcha tink ?
Springing for level 2 this month (starting Monday - if they're open) Anyone know the best level 2 provider ?
I have a TOYOTA and have my alerts sent to the ECM (emmission control module) - this sets my check engine light on whenever I need to know what's going on. Pretty sure this works on other vehicles as well.
GOOD ONE ! - I'm combing the beach now for the note in a bottle.
" Montana chose to let the federal government take the lead"
"...The rules are expected to yield $7 to $19 in public health benefits for every dollar in costs...".
Been here on and off and holding since June '11 -
I just want to party where the party is - it's sometimes less expensive that way.
The more the merrier - take your shoes off and sit a spell.
Yea see they're STOCK divies, yea that's the ticket. It's raining stock divies - see.
PW - Not a minor point at all! If this gaps down becuase the news does come as soon as everyone wants it to then "buy the dip" I say. News is comming - probablitity of good to bad = personal choice. Timing of news here IS OF NO CONCSEQUENCE - no deal struck yet - negoatiations undoubtedly taking place based on test results and terms. Any PRs can derail negotiations. The peeps wanna bail while waiting don't know the bet here.
What divies ? We get divies too ?
Key point - not a “significant regulatory action” subject to review
by the Office of Management and Budget under Executive Order
12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993);
My read - Looks they are "blessing" the CA state law "as meeting federal requirements" to the exent that the STATE LAW IS FEDERALLY ENFORCEABLE whatever that means.
In any event, this is a move toward regulation not away from it. Just called Clint Eastwood to see if he is on board with this, but was told he is in the middle "of another episode" so I'll have to talk with him later (have bar stool ready).
This document is scheduled to be published in the
Federal Register on 09/04/2012
Hi - You gotta link for that ?
Some links I found (all good folks)
[When fully implemented in 2013, thestandards will require a 92% reduction in emissions of both particulate matter and mercury and a97% reduction in emissions of acid gases, according to EPA, as well as controlling other pollutants. EPA had previously issued emission standards for this industry in 1999, but thestandards were challenged in court and remanded to the agency by the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. The new rules reflect EPA’s reconsideration of the standards.]
From YouTube
It would appear that I may have not properly checked the exact timeline on all of this. I stand erected.
Consider this avenue fully vetted and Mr. Beloyan to be a man of little or no consequence here.
"Disclosure indicating the fact that Falcon Entertainment Corp. was a public company and is no longer an operating entity and that the only common officers, directors and principal shareholders would include Corrine Fallacaro, Chris Mauritz and Mark Beloyan. (Page 18.) "
"Revisions to the table to accurately reflect the percentage of shares owned by Mr. Beloyan has been provided. (Page 19) "
Oh the irony ! Whay can't we just talk about Chevy Chase movies until the news hits ?
That's cool. Been here since .18 haven't missed a beat (I know of).
Nugent. Ted Nugent.
Anyone got the Thursday PPS history ? Seems this has been spiking toward the EOW.
I resemble that remark !
Give each other 20 dollars