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I'm mailing mine the day I receive it. I didn't run with scissors as a child either.
I believe it was previously posted that it is Feb 9 for everyone.
Did you run with scissors as a child?
It looks like class 22 was mailed out first. Be patient. You'll get the others by Friday, IMO.
You will get 3 more packets, one for each class in your IRA.
Phone Fidelity for where to mail the ballots.
Yes, if you own 100,000 shares of common, write in 100,000.
That's the address for the Master Ballots that the brokerages will prepare. We will be voting BENEFICIAL BALLOTS. You need to determine where to mail the beneficial ballots.
The ballots for each class will come in it's own envelope. You'll get more envelopes soon.
All classes need to return a properly signed and dated ballot with all the required information.
As long as we get the ballots back to Fidelity by the release deadline, 3rd week in Feb) we'll get a distribution.
Perhaps, our attorneys should be informed of this??
And think about all the people who will be SOL because they don't know the importance of sending back the ballots. They're the ones who are not here on a daily basis (for 3 years).
It should be any time. My original estimate was the week of Jan. 23, 2012 to receive the ballots. It looks like I may be correct. Hang in there. No one has received their ballot as yet to the best of my knowledge.
The important date for us is the release date and we're no where close to that date (late Feb).
Focus on this next sentence: If you don't send in your ballot properly completed and signed ,and before the release deadline, YOU WILL GET ZERO, NADA, ZIP.
Ask me again if you still don't understand. I'll try to help.
I knew what you were saying Rockie. You wrote a good post. I meant to say that but I got interrupted.
In Catz' Q & A, he gives links to the DS and even lists page numbers. Now how convenient is that?
Rockie, Catz is correct, IMO, because he has read the DS and POR. It's all there. Many of us have likewise read said documents. If he were to state an error, some of us would speak up. Somebody would spot it. Catz is very thorough...........engineers are thorough you know. Catz has an amazing ability to convert the attorney-talk to just plain English.
Thanks Catz. You're doing all the work and deserve all the credit.
Too much baggage to keep the old name. Think of how Philip Morris change their name to Altria. And the single-hulled ship Exxon Valdez that nearly destroyed the fishing industry in Prince William Sound in Alaska by running aground and spilling a huge amount of oil on sensitive fishing grounds. Where is that ship now?? It's still moving oil. They changed the name of that ship because the name Exxon Valdez is connected with environmental disaster.
I vote for changing the name to anything but Washington Mutual. The general public knows nothing about the background of the bankruptcy. Does anyone think many people will invest is a new company called Washington Mutual redux?
You can vote yes, or you can vote no. You will get a distribution of NewCo shares and shares of the liquidating trust. This is spelled out very clearly in the DS.
If you check the opt-out box, you will NOT get a distribution. This also is spelled out clearly in the DS and is spelled out clearly on the ballot. Please, do not check the box. Please note that this is my first, and hopefully last, use of color on this or any other board.
The emphasis is as printed on the ballot:
It's ok to vote either no or yes to the plan, but if one checks the box to "opt out", no distribution to that shareholder will be made.
If you want a distribution, don't touch the "opt out box"....don't even breathe on it. LOL.
I'm voting to Reject the plan and I will give releases. i'm hoping the judge will decide to increase the waterfall to the preferreds. That's why I sold all my commons about 2 years ago. The risk with the commons was too great for my comfort.
I think it's way to early to contact the brokers. They are probably don't even have the information yet. That's why no one there knows anything......yet. The judge signed the order on Friday Jan. 13. This is only the first business day after the 13th.
Fidelity will take care of you just fine. I found that other brokers got the information out much faster than Fidelity, but the ballots got to me in time for timely voting. I was glad that someone had posted "sample ballots" so I had it all figured out when my ballots finally arrived. I kept copies of my ballots from last time to speed the process for me. I'll just follow my notes.
By the way, the voting nominee for Fidelity is National Financial Services. So the mailing will come from them and not directly from Fidelity. Other brokers will use other voting nominees.
My best guess based on last time is the ballots may arrive during the week of Jan. 23. There should be plenty of time to vote the ballots. The saving grace is the release date is much later than the voting deadline.
Of course, this is no consulation for those of you out of the country and others who didn't get a ballot in the first place.
Also, I think that WE are the only people who are in a hurry.
I hope that works out for you.
Form W-9 will be provided to you with your ballots, just like the last 2 times.
The W-9 will be included with your ballots.
Some items of note that should answer some questions here:
1. page 14, item 20, The Debtors shall mail the Solicitation Packages within five (5) Business Days after the entry of this Order (the "Solicitation Date")to... and (i) all Equity Interest Holders. Five business days after 01-13-12 would be 01-23-12 by my count.
2. page 19 item 36...The Voting Nominee shall provide each beneficial holder with the appropriate materials within two (2) Business Days after receipt of the Solicitation Packages.
3. pages 20 to 23. Election Forms and voting and election deadlines
4. pages 23 + . Tabulation procedures.
5. page 25. Ballots and Election Forms that won't be counted.
6. page 27. Item 53. Treatment of claims or equity interests for shares not tendered or blocked.
edev, I agree with you on this. If shareholders do not return a completed and signed ballot, they WILL NOT RECEIVE A DISTRIBUTION.
In a nut shell, leave the "opt out box" blank and mail on time.
broke, it's to early to get the ballots yet. Maybe next week....
Cash, in other words, leave the box blank to get a distribution and mail the ballot ASAP.
If you buy on Feb 8, how would they get you a ballot in time to vote and get it back to your voting nominee who must get the master ballot to the voting agent, KCCLLC?
Of course, the deadline for the releases are stated to be 2/29.....
Reminder to all on the Feb 9 deadline, you must mail the ballot WAY before feb 9. If they give us an electronic option, we still would have to act way before Feb. 9.
We send our ballots to our broker's voting nominee who tallies the vote and prepares the master ballot. The master ballots are sent to the voting agent (KCCLLC). The master ballots must be in the hands of KCCLLC by feb. 9.
Having an electronic option will solve a lot of problems. Let's hope they can make it work.
See my prior post below.
We all heard it.
Yes, the judge confirmed the disclosure statement.
And throw in logical thinking and some anger management. LOL
I should have known you would, luv2shop. Thank you.
This is correct, but what about the shareholders, even in NY, who have never received a ballot.....this time it is critical to receive and return a ballot. I agree that the default should be that you get a distribution UNLESS you opt out of the releases.
Perhaps this will be changed today.
Perhaps someone at the hearing today can slip a copy of this post (#356503) to our EC team before the hearing starts. The DS gives contact information that is no longer current and no one is returning the phone calls.
If you want a job done right, do it yourself, some say.
Great objection in good form. The judge has to address it now. No more waiting for anyone else to do it.
Thank you Catherine Dziok of Richmond VA and thank you uz for posting it.
Commons will be voting. You should receive a voting packet. they haven't gone out yet. Maybe a few days after the DS hearing tomorrow.
I mailed each of mine in their own envelope for the last balloting. Phone KCCLLC to ask about this. Good question.
It depends. If you own stock as an individual only and own 2 classes, you will get 2 ballots.
But, if you own 2 classes in a Roth IRA, and 2 classes in a regular IRA, and 2 classes as an individual, you will get 6 ballots. I know. It happened to me last time.
You must vote each ballot and make a decision on the election.
All discussion of Master Election forms are aimed at the Voting Nominee, not the shareholders.
The Voting Nominee will gather our ballots and prepare a Master Ballot to be sent to KCCLLC.