Why is this stock being slaughtered by so many people at this price? I mean, seriously, @.0001, how much money can really be lossed here? Are there people here who bought this stock when it was way up in price? Are these the people who are so down on it now? I don't get it. I wouldn't criticize a penny slot machine for taking my dollar if I didn't win after my 100 attempts. Afterall, it was only a dollar and it gave me 100 tries. I wouldn't call someone stupid for trying the same slot machine. Afterall, they're getting 100 attempts to win something. Is $50 for 500,000 shares of a company, that could possibly produce a little something, really a dumb move? I could go to a bar and blow $50 on drinks in one night. It wouldn't allow me the chance to make hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Am I stupid for going to the bar and spending that $50? These may be old questions, but I'm new here and just want to know people's thoughts. I just haven't seen something so cheap get brutalized like this before.