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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
What page are you talking about? This one?
My guess is that you have a mail notification sound turned on in your settings and your computer is asking you if you want to hear it.
If you don't, go to Tools, My Settings, and set the "Sound for New Message Notification" to None. That should make the notification that you're getting from your computer go away.
It's a link to give them a gift subscription.
You got it.
The green underlined text on IHub is advertising. The easiest way to get rid of it is to subscribe. Premium members don't see it ;)
You may shift from server to server. The load balancer shifts you to the one that it thinks is least busy at the time.
I just turned off a service that's being problematic. Let me know if you continue to get hangs.
Ah, let me sync up the css directories.
Huh? What view are you talking about?
How does the site speed seem today? We're back to being spread over more than one server.
If all goes well, I'm picking up a 2001 VMax weekend after next. What kind of range are you getting before having to switch to reserve?
I'm riding a Honda Magna now (smaller V4 engine than the VMax but still loads of fun) which suffers from the same small fuel tank syndrome and I currently have to switch to reserve anywhere between 103 and 120 miles - depends on how hard I've been riding ;)
Ok, putting this one back on the back burner. Seems like a reasonable enhancement for Favorites but the person that asked for it doesn't use Favorites and everyone else doesn't want their cheese moved ;)
Would you like to see one read message at the bottom instead?
If you had just one unread message, that would be all it shows. "Previous 50" will take you back to the others.
No doubt. Ok, try it now. You should get your lowest unread message at the bottom of the list of messages. Let me know.
Ok, back to the way it was while I ponder whats up.
The board name will be blue (as in you haven't visited that combo of links and parameters) if there are new messages.
It might be doing that now - let me know.
Try it again. Taking a different tack.
Yeah, it's the off by one thing I think. If you click "Next 50" that takes you to the right screen, correct?
Actually that took about 10 minutes. I was out running errands and feeding my face before that ;)
Try the Favorites page now. If there are unread messages, clicking on the name of the board will take you to the list of messages with your lowest unread message at the top (I think anyway - I may be off by one). If there are no unread messages, clicking on the name of the board takes you to the latest list just like it always has.
Try it now. In the process of fixing one bug yesterday, I introduced the one you found. Both should be squashed now.
I just looked at your link. I've got to get me one of those. Titanium's probably way better than plastic for scraping ice off your windshield ;)
Alas, now all our ambition is nothing more than dust in the wind...
(humming to myself)
And it seems to be gone now. Darn, I'm sure that would have added to our desirable demographic stats ;)
I are ambition! Maybe that's the board for me!
It's a premium board - seems harmless.
Quit blocking ads ;)
Paulie's pics are on
If you're using an ad blocker (and if you are, shame on you - Matt needs new shoes), then whitelist that address and you should be able to see Paulie's works of art.
Aliases can be up to 75 characters.
Castle made that. He does good work ;)
The image is courtesy of Castle.
Put font color=platinum in front of that.
Actually we do carpool. It's supposed to save gas, but with us scattered all over the country I'm not seeing how this is working out. It was my turn to drive. I had to start last Thursday in order to pick everyone up ;)
The New Boards box only shows the first x number of characters of the name in order not to overflow the box. The board in question has a font tag in there that is taking up quite a few characters.
No particular reason. It was the first thing that came to mind when I created an account a few years ago (I was probably hungry).
Not when the conversation is about the Bank of England, no ;)
I don't know that we've ever come up as a topic of primary interest. I do know that we're mentioned in just about every press release that is ADVFN related.