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But it WAS revoked, now wasn't it?
Does DBMM get props for fighting the revocation?
But, so far, what good has it been? It's way below a penny. if it doesn't recover, it will never get to the OTCQB level.
It matters not to me one bit what ya'll do. Not will it matter if the stock reverses and starts actually performing
He's a pathetic lying coward. Fack'im.
Sell more than 86k shares at .0041... and the next bid on L2 is .0033!
Anyone making guesses as to when this sad stock goes to the trips?
I have no skin in the game and don't care, but........ maybe by May of next year....
What's wrong with again combatting the baseless shorting nonsense that has been bandied about here by you bagholders constantly for months on end?
While the stock's price goes ever lower.... due, not to any mythical shorting, but the lack of real company performance.
Facts? Which facts are responsible for this garbage trading below a penny and a half?
Current mkt cap $1600!! So, evidence exists of retail shorting in some OTC's?
Seems possible if the stock traded high enough to have it make sense for the shorters.
Reason I'm posting here today. This ticker is an offshoot from the used auto dealer UPCA that got involved with a fake aids cure in mid 1999. I managed to make some 300% on a one week trade. A couple days after I sold most of my shares, the SEC suspended. The scammer behind the "cure" went to prison.
6 months later, I heard about a fake "god" stock and it became my first foray into the "basher" "underworld". I became scion's "sidekick" in helping expose the scam, IIRC, on ragingbull. It also was zapped by the SEC within weeks.
Too bad there's nothing new, promising or novel that might be posted no way to make better use of that one post/day restriction...😁
Too bad that's all a fantasy.
Star Alliance International Corp (OTC:STAL)
$STAL Introduction to the Genesis system which is undergoing patent application processes worldwide.
Up to 400x faster than traditional leech mining, with up to a 98% extraction rate.
KEGS is a hot mess and has been for 15 or more years.
since they are generating sufficient revs apparently. Last word is the key.
They're not.
Same old, same old...Zardiw nonsense.
That's total hearsay. Find me even one that trades in any stink pink.
Keep repeating your lying drivel about a nythical short squeeze and we'll keep laughing at ya.
Nonsensical drivel. No hedge funds ever looks at sub-penny non SEC registrants like KEGS. No shorting or any kind to speak of, ever, either.
Mixing your pharmaceuticals, are ya? again...
Short volume is not short interest... and has little or nothing to do with actual shorting--of any kind.
Learn how trades are reported and you might understand. Not doing your DD for you.
Believe as your wish. fool. I don't GAF.
I'm well aware of cloud seeding. Done for good reasons. don't think it's very commonplace. And it is NOT done to poison anyone, like the chemtrail kooks claim.
I spent lots of time following 9-11 info years ago. Most has been explained, including Bldg 7 which did burn a lot more than folks thought. I know we went to the moon..and several times. AND, delays and costs notwithstanding, are going back.
Hilarious, ain't it?!! I've been mocking and ridiculing flatturds since I first heard about the nonsense....
Get over it, loser. Biden won, and legitimately. Trump did NOT deserve to win in 2016. He's now a convicted felon, in part for his actions that allowed him to keep his fraudulent actions from influencing voters. Should never have been president. Will never be again.
Rumble and that link = Puke Worthy Nonsense
Yawn.... Has FOX been forced to pay Dominion in their lost court case. Hope so.
You are a freakin' maroon.... Fall for every conspiracy nuttery that comes along, do ya? I'd not be surprised.
Lemme guess, you think chemtrails are poisoning us, Bush was behind 9-11, man never went to the moon....and the earth is flat...
You wanna be featured on this list?
You're living in a fantasy world. Bioamber does not exist. The shares are gone, never to come back.
What's bizarre is you sad folks still hanging on to a dream that has zero possibility of paying off for you--for almost six years.
they must pay you really well
Whodafuq might "they" be? And why would there be any "they" on earth that would pay anyone to hang around for essentially laughing at you poor deluded saps.
Ain't that a hoot. Sort of an about face. I forgot to compliment ole Rosco P Bosco on his first sane post in a coon's age.
Go sit on a fence post, fool
He won't. He's not done it for the past r/s's. He's recidivist
Put a sock in it, fool. The vaccines saved millions of lives. Deal with it.
Doesn't matter....much either way..compared to the exploding outstanding share count....
or the fact that the A/S will NOT be reversed along with the O/S... which will give Scuzzball room to dilute to his heart's content.
Good find. Fauci could wipe the floor with that low-life wackjob.
With huge debt and red ink, how in tarnation might Scuzzy Scozza manage to buy back even a milly shares?
So what?
Has nothing to do with this almost sub-penny scam.... which has ZERO FTD's and barely any short interest.
Touche, eh?!!
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