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Hats off to you buddy - thats some mean lookin pecan pies I must say.
Eric Holder - another Janet Reno Success Story:
So much for "I support the Second Amendment," and so much for the notion of "change."
Media reports say President-elect Barack Obama has selected Eric Holder as his Attorney General, and that Holder may already have accepted the offer. Holder, as Deputy Attorney General under Janet Reno during the Clinton Administration, said that the Second Amendment does not protect an individual right, but instead protects the right to have a firearm when serving with a militia. After leaving office, Holder stuck to that assertion when he signed Janet Reno's brief to the Supreme Court in the Heller case, which stated, "The Second Amendment does not protect firearms possession or use that is unrelated to participation in a well-regulated militia."
At the Justice Department, Holder advocated a waiting period, limiting gun purchases to one per month, and so-called "gun show loophole" legislation--the fine print of which would have driven gun shows out of business. Holder made it clear that he, Clinton, and Reno were more interested in stopping gun sales than in regulating them. When ABC's George Will asked him about guns being used for self-defense more often than to commit crime, and Right-to-Carry states having lower crime rates than other states, Holder dismissed the facts that Mr. Will raised, with the flippant statement, "I'm not sure that we need more than the 200 million or so guns that we have on the streets."
In the same interview, Holder claimed that gun control was responsible for crime declining in the 1990s, when criminologists, law enforcement professionals, and sociologists attributed the trend to other factors entirely. We wonder what Holder would say today, since the federal ban on "assault weapons" and standard-equipment magazines holding more than 10 rounds has expired, the number of privately owned guns has risen by 35-40 million, and yet, murder and total violent crime have declined even more than before.
After leaving the Justice Department, Holder kept his anti-gun bona fides up-to-date by writing a column in the Washington Post advocating a law that would ban any gun sale without a background check--even between family members and close friends--and also "give the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms a record of every firearm sale." Holder claimed--since his column appeared just a month after the September 11, 2001 attacks--that his national gun registration scheme would help protect us from terrorists, when, in reality, this was just political opportunism at its worst.
Obama's selection of a Clinton Administration veteran with an anti-gun record as long as his own, signals that the new president is just as committed to his promise of respecting the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, as he is to his promise of change: "Yes We Can" get elected by lying to the American people.
Looks like she almost passed - but is now delayed:
I have everything I need - snikers bars and cappucino. Other than beer - what else does a man need?
Hammour is the popular game fish here.
No - never have - fish are kinda wierd looking over here. The service boats always are fishing though - I guess I need to find out which ones are the keepers.
It was pretty damn good if I dont mine me saying so. We did an injection of worcestershire (sp) sauce - tonys and a scosh of crab boil - did a season salt and red pepper rub on the outside. We did about 6 whole chickens the same way.
Here is some of the inside spread:
The flowers are eggplant and different varieties of squash - they are hand carved by the cooks.
Guess Biden was wrong - they didnt wait for Hussain to take office.
Thank You K2. Yeah - its starting to fly. Monday will be crunch day - thats when reports and logs go in but it should fly from here.
Same wishes for your Christmas - I probably will not be on much when home so enjoy your season as well.
Cookin with Gas:
Happy Thanksgiving from Saudi - Keepin' the tradition - 7800 miles from home:
Happy Thanksgiving from Saudi Everyone:
Nah - its propane - we just divert a pressure line from the flare boom to a heater bun.
"Whoever dies with the most - wins"
yawn! just woke up - Happy Thanksgivin' to you as well. Gettin ready to fire up the fryer - o chit - gotta get a hot work permit.
Its cluelessness. They are one of the biggest embarrasments to arise out of 9/11. But hey - at least it helped some people get out of walmart with a full pension and benifits for life. God knows they earn them.
I have not found too many articles that have been able to culminate so many points in the manner in which he did. The article is not only well written - its well supported. Everyone on this board can not only relate but also stand behind the points.
They are why we fight and will continue to fight - and live not in fear.
Bedtime over here - catch yall in a few.
Pure filth
That would do the trick!
Bunch o retards.
lol - yeah - dont know what it is about the profession that lures them kind of folk lol.
Its a hoot - if the seals still hold - fill the tank with water and fire a heavy ballistic tip in to it - it will blow the lid 50 ft in the air.
Yep - they still got our tanker too. Shareef dont like it.
About as much fun as shooting old toilets.
West of Abilene by the fabled wind farm. Yep babi good - mesquite grilled - so is porkey, dovey, quaily, kermit (place has ginormous bullfrogs) and Tom turkey.
wow - yeah fuel is a killer - guess you dont have to worry bout heating oil lol
Yeah - wow that is a rip
Cool - it will be good n cheap for my upcoming hunting trips
Is gas always high there Bee?? GM BTW
They have to change to keep attention off of the details. Thats usually why they will try to take their precieved business to far away places like China. Then they bank on the fact nobody will pick up the phone and find out the truth. Silly them. Also too these big new ventures are typicaly used to cloak dilution. They will place pump donkeys on the boards to make the sale and post all kinds of "breakout" and "huge upside" and "pennies soon" statements to draw the crowd in and the whole time the company or the insiders will be just selling away. Each change in business model is just another opprtunity to sell paper since its pretty evident there is no business at all.
Goin good here - 6 days to go and Im outa here.
They cant even afford a copy of quick books (since theor legers dont balance) much less A/f's I mean cmon - they dont even use spellcheck when making their "filings" or bogus PR's.
Morning Stratey - hey good news on the diesel.
yep - the hell with that one world order bullchit
And barr any relationship with that organization with the penalty of treason.
THAT is a 2 way street.
Its got its advantages.
Hey - I use it to my advantage - dont have to think as much.
Dude - they're chicks - they know everything. :)