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What does ZTE have to do with MDGC?
Thanks, I can understand that. Not a bad close today. Still think this has alot more going for it with all those tax incentives. Is it just me or do any of the rest of you still see this under valued?
Way to grease them shorts. Two thumbs up for you and your brother.
We need some gun slingers in here in the morning slaping that ask.
Number of Shareholders of Record
1,758 as of Jan 25, 2011
((((Long and Strong MDGC))))
Most large share holders have not sold a share. I would contend that there are 1,758 people that agree with me. Whats in your wallet?
Why did you even bother answering the question?
What we have here folks is 5G internet at the speed of light for a fraction of the price the big boys are spending; and only causing bottlenecks because they were never prepared for the amount of information we are now demanding to be downloaded from our phones. Who is prepared to send that information in 50 different languages all at the same time is MDGC.
My warning to anyone wanting to invest in MDGC: Batteries are not the reason we are here.
The reason the longs here are long and not selling is the technology behind Wytec’s backhaul, middle-mile technology and
Wytec’s Multi-Channel customer premise equipment; We are now delivering “next generation” digital technology at speeds only dreamed of until now; and super-fast multi-band radios to integrate and meet the needs of municipalities everywhere.
An Explanation of one of our patents provided by Kidfid-
"In the nutshell...this is what we believe that MDGC has that no other company has. MDGC owns...US Government protected...all by themselves...the process and technology for receiving, processing, shrinking, and retransmitting digital signal; wirelessly; signal that won't weaken with distance; and can be separated channel by channel in such a unique and superior way that other digital signal transmitting companies can't ignore it.
Here's why they can't ignore it. MDGC provides a platform that allows you to take your lap top from your bedroom to the park 5 miles away; to Wal-marts 12 miles away; to your friends house 6 miles from there and back home while all the while having the ability to maintain internet access and upload or download at respectable speeds; That's 4G. MDGC owns that. Other companies can distribute digital signal but they can't separate and shrink it; or send it miles and not loose signal strength. MDGC owns that.
So any company that supplies digital signal to its customers: Time Warner, Google, Sprint, etc.; who ignores this technology will be stuck transmitting their signals from telephone wires in a Starbucks while everybody else is receiving signal from any where in the city they want. "
Agree and I do think it will be a better deal for the investers in the longer term. We are going to see $200.00/brl oil here soon and I can't think of a better place to be for oil right now then the property they have in Montana. Go VYEY
Agree, this is only going to continue to get better.
Must be a signal to buy...goodby allready
Nothing to make out of your last two posts. If your intent is to give a message; why don't you try just speaking so the rest can understand what your saying. After reading your posts twice my arms are still in the air!
This message has been reviewed and is acceptible to what I am able to understand about the administative warning.
I have dug deep for an hour now and don't see anything related to MDGC. News from You Tube is like dirty kitty litter. We need news from the horses mouth.
Val has his reasons for being silient. Lets hope that he can do the next right thing and give us something other than lip service.
Val told me he was going to send me sales materials and a non disclosure statement 13 days ago. I have reminded him once since then that he hasn't sent anything; with no reply.
I saw this morning that he has time to post messages on Facebook but he doesn't have the time or courtesy to return messages from people that have invested 10's of thousands in him
Does it bother me; heck yes it bothers me. People should not communicate with other people if they don't plan on being responsible to return messages.
Until Val gets himself unstuck from the snow stories and becomes more responsible to the shareholders I guess we are just stuck in the stink tank.
At 100 MBS everyone will be excited for this.
From MediaG3 News..."We are excited with results we’ve seen over the last two months", varying from 10MB to 1GB. We are all looking forward to the upcoming public tests and live video demos. What will you do with 100MBs?
Can I say that I'm just a little excited here. Verizon and others will be standing in line to sign contracts with MDGC in the future.
A judgement for $17,000,000.00, Oil and Natural gas verses monopoly money...ha, go find your correct board to play on. Maybe you can play attorney on that Monopoly board as well!
Not yet!
Looking foreward to next week, news and $0.50/share.
No Question about it: Val is creating share holder value and expectations that are disruptive "Life Changing Events". With all the updates and news to keep share holders up to date on the latest events happening with this company.
Once we release the test results of MeshGloble to the world MDGC shares will be a hard to try to get your hands on.
That is why I am long and strong MDGC and try to stay foccused on why I purchased shares in the first place!
Buying opportunity for MDGC. Not fishy, Real Company with Real Technology with a Future.
Someone bought every share you have sold the last two days; confused?
Wanted to thank you for all your research and posts on this board. To have a Level III Senior Network Engineer Hot about MDGC is quite refreshing to see in the midst of all the confusion on this board.
Knowing that we have high tech people involved as shareholders speaks well for this company.
I was doing some research on the people involved with this company yesterday and was very impressed with some of their backgrounds. Our FaceBook site has some people from top tech company's listed as friends of MediaG3.!/group.php?gid=106068462764074
People that know we are heading to $200.00/bl oil are holding and buying more. With the cash this company has they can exploit there possition and take advantage of this. There will be more money collected for damages in the near future too!
Volume 32mil; what are you talking about?
Couldn't of spoke sooner; up 24% from 5% on 1000 shares! Smoking hot here.
For people who are wanting to do some DD you can go to the Intro Message at this site and you can see more at:!/group.php?gid=106068462764074
15,000 shares moved us from 0.0025-0.003; time to buy.
Break out eminent
How about a PR with that pepto...Yes and no...How about some speculation on the other side of the table?
If we have that disruptive technology that all us longs know we have; would it not make sence to let the PPS drop as much as possible before you announce to the world that we can deliver it for a fraction of the price the big boys on the street can?
Just putting myself in Val's shoes. See, the family and friends could pick up some shares at rock bottom prices that way.
SGDH looks good now that the parasites have been removed. Nice way to put it. Anyone notice the low volume it took to move this puppy up 25%. Explosive and won't take that much to get us to 0.03 imo.
Looks like a buying opportunity here. Val has not been proved wrong by anyone on this board and just because the items that have been ordered from the store have not arrived yet does not mean that they won't.
Morning all, has anyone been in contact with Val?
etrade the same 20x19
I must have sand in my eyes. We are up 10%.
Why would you need a contract? Anyone can ship anything at any time without a contrct. This continued silence is getting old.
MM shake on 5000 shares, what a joke. What the MM's are allowed to do is criminal.
The only good news that I see here is that a positive devergence has developed on the one month chart...MACD/PPS. One question for Val...Where is the papper work?...Two questions for Val...WTF is with all the silience?.....Three questions for Val......Are you stuck in the snow?
What contracts? For what?
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