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Top off supplies: water, fuel, ammo, batteries, pocket cash, specialty items.
Jack Richland. National Guard being deployed. 16 minutes.
Langley Outdoors. NYT says polls are cooked. 10 minutes.
Jimmy Dore. Disqualify Trump. This is what I've been telling you. 8 minutes.
Better fencing installed at Treasury Dept. Building and VP home.
RUMORS are about where US B52s have been launched for the Middle East (If nuclear armed the US should expect incoming nuclear retalliation) Duck!
That canadian prepper guy is often full of shit.
Mannarino. Something is about to break. 26 minutes.
YouTube is interfering with Stve Bannon videos..... making them 11 to 12 hours in length.
Three doors: he Dems have come a long way in screwing up the US with stupid shit. Personally, I doubt they will allow Trump to win the selection. Doing so would likely negate what they have accomplished. Rep. Jamie Raskin and others have said they plan to employ 14th Ammendment charges and Raskin would quit Congress to lead the trial. Dems could put a lot of the technical Presidency on hold with the sentencing trial coming near the end of November. Particular direction will be dependent on the selection itself
Banks are one breath away from total collapse. No banks, no electricity. No electricity, no anything. The stock market will collapse. People will lose everything they own. By allowing Trump a selection victory Dems could hang several years of trouble around his neck. If no Trump victory the CBDC shennigans could begin and they could look like saviors of sort.
No matter who wins the selection, civil war and World War breaks out and nothing can be accomplished in the US. The Republic dies in 20 year free-for-all.
So much hinges on November 5, 2024. It is no accident.
more coming.
btw...... I'm not sure of a certain date just yet but we are thinkin March 2025 my friend Marcus King will attend a party at the boat. From time to time known musicians and celebs attend. Quality music , beer and food are free. The last such event had Ricky Skaggs, Michelle Branch, Ryan Beaver and more. The boat is slipped at The Galleon in EYW. Parking and gate passes are emailed close to the determined date and functional for the one date only. Mercedes has three eateries walking distance away.
The Greg Hunter I know is a market and technical analyst. Your link appears to be the same person. In fact, many of the authors he publishes are the sane found here. Thanks for the link.
Once you accept Central banks control most of what we do, the more you can understand.
I'm jumping around a lot. But I'm almost finished.
Gerald Celente often says, and correctly, when all else fails, they take you to war. The war we are seeing now is just a warm up. I heard Ukraine War stats today - 119,000 Russians killed, 701,000 Ukraines killed...... And this is a "warm up". If this is a warm up then they haven't completed the menu.
Throughout history trends are followed repeatedly and history can be predicted.... not exactly or with dates but when a trip event happens you know the cycle will be followed to some degree. Bad US economic times 1855 to 1861 when the US Civil War began. From 1870 there were dozens of years where US economic depression fostered several small wars including civil war combatants, Red Legs, French combatants, Texan and Southern militias, Mexican militias, American Indian, etc, and ultimately WW1. 1929 led to WW2 1947 led to Korean War......... on and on. But within those concerted events were other trials of conflict - desease, famine and more. Severe economic trouble, widespread war, disease, famine and more are a package deal dealt to the public that seemingly corrects the mess.
Take a walk through the economic trouble today. Listen to what leaders are saying. War. Nuclear war. Crop failure. Low water tables. Power grid problems. Civil conflict. If you read books of old and a few new ones you can see these paterns emerge in discussion and plan. So, if they have made presentations in the past, why would they stop in the future? A morning watching FOX News tells us the pattern is again underway. Chronology may be different but all of the ingredients are present and waiting to participate. It is a no-brainer at this point.
So, what is leading up to any single ingredient? Dems openly discuss assassination. Dems openly discuss facism. Dems openly discuss economic failure. Dems openly discuss keeping Trump from taking office. NATO openly dicusses nuclear attack. Biden openly discusses nuclear attack. Puting discusses nuclear attack. NK openly discusses nuclear attack. BLAH BLAH BLAH. You can see what I mean. Journalists and writers call it coloring. You are being prepared for what's coming.e coloring going on now: Migrants taking over US cities. Blackouts. EMP. Water. Food. Nuclear war. US citizens being killed. Etc...... Here is one rapidly taking shape - The 14th Admendment keeping Trump from the Presidency and voting being controled. There is so much I have no idea of its timeliness but I can say with certainty it will prove to happen.
From my bussiness education I can say the coming economic and financial crisis will be catastrophic in the least. Nearly all banks will collapse. Paper assets will disappear. FDIC will not be able to cover your losses. The only chance you have to gain any kind of edge is to get out of the system. Buy physical gold and silver, hide it and after the third new currency collapse begin entering the new system when it is gold backed.
more coming
Libert and Finance/Mannarino. Here it comes. 39 minutes.
Tidbits: Spike fence is erected at White House. National Guard on Stand by in several states and stationed at larger voting stations. Voting poll security instructed to not discuss or become involved with anyone and to follow orders. Some areas of Blue cities are being blocked off to all traffic, foot and auomobile. Washington and other Blue cities continue boarding up. Gun shows in most states have been shut down.
I have little doubt Trump will be rejected as winner of the selection. I have a lot of information to go through. Some Dems are proud of what they are about to do.
Silver? Someone is pushing down and someone is pushing up. I look at gold more than silver prices. Like I said I'm not reacting until $300. One morning you'll turn on your silver data and be wealthy.
Mannarino. Ooooops. There went the point of no return. 25 minutes
Nobody Special. Job reports revised and more.
Lynette Zang. More banks fail. 13 minutes
There is a free audio book on YouTube called The Creature From Jeykle Island. It's about 3 or 4 hours long.
The US Dollar became the Worlds Reserve Currency in a large part after WW1 and certainly after WW2. Throughout history World Currencies remain 95 to 115 years. From 1917 -= 2012 to 2032. From 1945 = 2040 to 2060. The books I've read all suggest 1913, the year of the Federal Reserve. CBDC is expected to take the world over next year, 2025. With the collapse of the Dollar its valuse must be exhausted. so a replacement can assume with a new full value. But will it have empy pockets like all fiat currency? Again, throught nrw currency history they all begin without genuine backing like gold. And so do second new currency efforts. But oddly, third tries incorporate gold and/or silver backing. This is important to know as you'll soon see.
History leading to the new is filled with all kinds of tradgedy. This is necessary so we can be swayed to accept and participate. This often takes years and years to complete. CBCD is digital, Wide thought claims it will be used to police and monitor our existence. If you are a bad boy you will be cut off from your financial property. The basic thought in CBDC is very broad and almost exclusively arranged to keep up with our every move.
About the same time other controls and influence are planned to take over - war, famine, disease, and all to reduce world populations, To coinside will be economic and financial desrtuction. I contend we are on the eve of all this right now. CBDC will likely be introduced as a savior and aid devised to save humanity. Up to that point we will have lost everything. Bank collapses will incorporate bank bail-ins and take every paper asset you think you own. In 2014, Barrack Obama gave bail-in law new languge improving it from the 1932 law. This plan begain in 1913 (read The Creature fFrom Jeykle Island)
To crash the Dollar they are spending faster than ever with no intention of paying it back. Hperinflation will soon result. What spends money faster than anything? War. Widespread disease. Famine. Weather. Are ya gettin' the idea?
more coming.
DC businesses are beginning to board up.
NATO F35s have entered Russia. Civilians killed. Russian warship sunk
nclh news today is earnings are declining more rapidly than earlier in 2024. The refinancing of debt is not being accepted well.
You don't count money like a real trader would. Not even close.
Valuetainment. Let's gang up on him. 27 minutes
After a divorce came the end of society. I divirced 2013. Met Mercedes in February 2014. And I began sharing the information I was finding to plan a future. Anyone else would have thought I was crazy. But she believed like me.... governments and banks don't mix but they were - something was up.
While at the University of Kentucky I made friends with an Economics professor who told me how to trend forecast. Mercedes does similar stuff. She is a University of Texas grad and track and field athelete, retired model and restarauntuer. Anyway, she foucused on trends of her business and I on the world. Over time my trending record improved and I began pushing big money into the future - gold/silver and a 20% partnership in a 6100 acre farm in Indiana - corn, soy beans, alfalfa, bell peppers, hay, ocassional smaller crops and a new 140,000 sq ft greenhouse sales biz IN/OH.
What I have found is and has proved itself correct over and over again.
World elies are financing politicians all over the world to steer its direction to a sought conclusion. That includes the US. Dems have always been crooked. Republicans stare at a wall when wrong sits next to them.
Small wars are proving grounds for new weapons, including biological, etc. The US has a small war every 6 years. They are great at killing. The 2020 scamdemic was a trial run. They make information avalable now and then Bill Gates is a big shot in that area.
The WEF has plans to reduce the world population to less than one billion. The current population is over eight billion. Too many people to care for and govern they say. How will they do it? With the tools they've been testing for years - famine, war, biology, weather.
So, how do I know what I know is coming? Trends. If you hear the Dems wanting Trump dead over and over and over..... someone will try at it. If Putin and NATO keep talking nuclear someone will try it. If Gates and whoever talk biological it will come. You get the idea. Civil war. World war. Abundant disease. Famine. Weather. Riots. Gangs. It's all here or just about. And there is a purpose. Control over us.
But don't forget CBDC. If we behave we get money and food. Does Trump behave? For me, that is unknown. It appear Fuedelism is the likely end game of matters.. They are trying to dip into Marxism right now.
More coming
Dems caught in voter fraud MI and PA
ITM Trading. Tectonic shift. 105 minutes
Poplar Report. The shit is piling up. Organized voter fraud. Disease spreading. Food shortages increase. 19 minutes.
Langley Outdoors. Insurance companies are declining coverage. 10 minutes.
Redacted, Voting fraud continues and grows. 16 minutes
I urge you to watch this video. Dems are stripping us of our voting rights. PREPARE
Redacted. Massive voter fraud in PA and more. Attempted assassin was disgruntled Indian Chief.
Over 80,000 Amish in PA say they are voting for Trump. Their buggies and trailers are loaded with Trump bumper stickers.
Another Trump assassination attempt in PA. I told ya. And they will not allow him to be President.
Jack Richland. Military medical evacuation practice at Capital 13 minutes
At some point the Dollar will crash. Hyperinflation will remove remaining value and commodities will rule, especially gold and silver. Institutions having paper assets will fail and most everything will shut down. Bank bail-ins will be common. If banks fail, so will electricity, water, fuel of all kinds, transportation, most common market places, etc. If you seen the Bannon news conference today you will discover a likely failed society arranged for Trump around anaugeration time. Now you can better understand the Southern Border fiasco as it adds destruction to a terrible situation. Mad Max? Maybe. But Bannon claims a closed government has been arranged for January.
I discovered these likelihoods in 2014 to 2016 while planning my future after a battled divorce. I began telling my girlfriend and she thought I was crazy but some of it made sense. Since then she has seen it all unfold and she is a full believer today. All of this will happen..... slowly but certain More to come. The World Series is on.
Steve Bannon press conference
The reason for the CBDC is to initiate a new currency from scratch - the Dollar is almost worthless and deb is smothering all .sides. Crash the Dollar, start anew and allow debt to be bought with worthless dollars. The CBDC will be digital and strictly controled. Be good or get no money.
THroughout hustory of 5000 years or more a new currency typically needs three tries beginning at it before success is found. With each new try you deposit your cash stash in the system. If the system fails your cash disappears. But usually after the third try you can make a hardy deposit. But if you follow their laws you pwn nothing..... unless you place your wealth outside the system and deposit it later. Gettin' the picture?
The problem is between then and now.
The WEF, IMF, WHO, etc want to change the world. The population needs a 90% reduction so famine, nuclear war, disease and weather will become ongoing widespread issues. Fuedalism is wanted to replace capitalism. So now CBDC is now looking more like a tool. Are you gettin' the picture now?
You need two sides to have a war - liberal and conservative. It doesn't matter so much who wins. Hunger and all that will ultimately control the rest.
That is what is happening now. Remaining moves are just details needing adjustment. Biden was caught saying,"Conservatives will lose after meeting up with F15s". Think of all the ridiculus in the last few years. Very bad shit is coming and no one can help us.
More later
What you don't hear about anymore is CBDC and it is a centerpiece of what is happening. Most of the plan began more than a hundred years ago. In fact, a lot of what will happen originated in Georgia around 1913. CBDC will become an element of the coming police state. Lynette Zang on YouTube is an expert on CBDC and currency conflict. I'll get back to CBDC later. But remember a currency change is underway.
The Federal Reserve and Central Banks are the Executive branch of every government on the planet the US Presidendent is one of their puppets. Harris, Trump, it doesn't matter. They only affect the lesser events and presentation of the governments.. Big stuff like war, epedemics, famine, etc are the Central Banks call. Believe it or not these are all money making matters for the banks. Killing millions of humans is no big deal to them. Some people think Central Banks are the Deep State and Trump will be their savior. I say, "bullshit". He is just a better story teller than most.
I have some bussiness to do. Back later
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