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Yea, I thought Helix was going to be a jem at one time. They had a product and it was a good product (still is), unlike most pinkies. But even with a good product, if you have little or no marketing plan, then you will not survive. The product might survive, but the company will not. And not only did they have little to no marketing plan, you couple this with poor mgmt...well, the rest is history.
Everything must be read with an open eye and a grain of salt, and much DD.
I really wish the best for shareholders. Just don't hold too long or you just might wake up one morning stuck with an R/S. gltu
I wonder if we will get another 8k tommorrow???
Thinking about all those shares, does anyone know if Helix installed one of their wind turbines to run their printing presses??? Considering all the shares they've printed over the last few months, they would need the power of the S594 model. lol
Another thought...considering the fact that Helix is or at least is suppose to be a 'green' company, they sure have been cutting down alot of trees in order to print all those shares. lol
I will be really surprised if it continues to hold .001 if mgmt converts any more debt to shares. They can't continue to print shares for .0005 and expect the share price to stay at .001 imho
Actually it hit 0.0055 today, then ticked back up.
I was able to do a little averaging down myself today. Picked up 215k.
Read pass posts...Helix does not have the Eagles project. Why would they can their CEO if he inked the Eagles project. The only connect Helix has with the Eagles project is the "renderings" of the Helix wind turbine.
Helix was very quick in putting out a pr relating to the 25 turbines for the Oklahoma plant. But for 80 turbines, Helix is very quite.
Here again, the only thing positive about Helix's future is the patent, once or if it gets approved.
Stockdawg...I learned allot about pinkies with HLXW. Even though they had an actual product, unlike most pinkies, HLXW is still a pinky.
Good luck to you too in 2011.
Happy New Year!
What a disappointing year...from 60 million O/S to approximately 1 billion additional shares issued this year. I invested in this stock when there were only around 60 million shares O/S and lost most of it. HLXW had potential, but just couldn't get past all the debt and their mgmt. I sure hope they have a future, but the doesn't look very promising. The only thing that could possibly help HLXW would be the approval of their patent. W/O that patent, HLXW is finish.
Hoping for a better 2011.
Have a safe and very Happy New Year.
What an interesting couple of months...looking forward to busting out in 2011.
Have a safe and very Happy New Years fellow TRDY'ers.
You maybe able to purchase all you want in the 000's if they continue to convert debt to shares at a discount of $0.0005 / share.
TJG...Helix was not printing shares to raise funds. They are printing shares to pay for the funds they borrowed to pay their for their administrative costs. The 900 million shares they've printed thus far this year have all gone to creditors to convert debt to stock. They are not raising cash with these shares. Helix is printing shares to convert debt to stock so that they don't have to pay the notes back. This is because they have no cash.
Been away for a while and thought I would check in. Looks like Helix has gone from a wind turbine company to a printing company. Their printing press sure has been smokin. Now 950 million shares...WOW!!! And to think just last spring we were sitting on only 60 million shares. I should have invested in paper.
And the people buying are do so based on the hope that Helix has the contract with Solar Blue to provide turbines for the Philidelphia Eagles' Lincoln Financial Field.
I still believe that if Helix was awarded this contract, that Scott would not have resigned and Helix would have issued a PR clearly stating such. Given the fact that Helix has only issue vague comments, makes me believe that they are using this opportunity to print more shares.
I believe the only reason this stock has volume is because the note holders are selling their shares. Remember, Helix printed 60 million shares this past week, and another 44 million shares right before Thanksgiving.
It all depends on when the patent gets approved, and how long Bluewater will wait before they take posession of Helix's assets.
I would be leary of investing in Helix right now. I've already lost $17k on this puppy and believe Helix will not last long. The only real asset of value Helix has is their potential patent, and Bluewater has legal rights to it granted by the courts. I could see Bluewater taking possession of this patent and selling it to Solar Blue or some other company and closing Helix's doors.
In my opinion, Helix only has the Oklahoma contract for 24 turbines and probably hasn't raised the funds to manufacture them. Hence, I see this contract terminating due to lack of funding. Regardless of poor management or just bad luck due to the economy, I don't believe Helix will survive. This is so unfortunate. jmho
I will know...once the Q is out.
Thanks doughboy.
Makes you wonder why Scott would resign if he just won a $1.2million contract to place 80 turbines on Lincoln Financial Field??? If Helix won this contract, then the potential for contracting with additional stadiums would be huge. This just tells me that Helix didn't win the contract with Solar Blue, and Scott sees the writing on the wall.
I believe it was this past May that o/s shares was only around 60million.
They discounted that note conversion to 0.0006 / share. If doughboy is correct, then this company's future is short lived.
Thanks jtayz. I guess it may be Larson's way of keeping the conversations short. Just say you're in a meeting and give a brief response.
I've only been following this board only for a couple of weeks and am holding shares (so I hope this baby goes up) and with all the claims that have been posted, and people saying they've talked with Larson, etc, etc, etc, I'm not sure who to trust. I just find it interesting that Larson would interupt a meeting to take a phone call.
I'm sorry, but it's hard for me to believe that Larson would answer a phone call to just anyone while he is in a meeting, unless he is very bored. Seems a littel screwy.
I don't know. What will Bluewater do? I'm thinking if the patent is approved, Bluewater may want more for all their headaches caused by Helix.
The question then becomes, what do you think Bluewater will do if the patent is approved? The possiblity of making tons of money by owning the patent or a portion of the patent versus just taking your $650k and run???
Its kind of like you loan someone $650k to buy some land and they default on the loan. Then come to find out that there is gold on the land. Do you then decide to let the defaulter keep the land and pay you the $650k or do you keep the land???
That presents a pretty bleak picture for Helix. They have "...insufficient capital to retain legal counsel to defend itself in these actions..." As such, they will lose each of this lawsuits. I wish we knew how many lawsuits they have and the total amount of their claims.
They have already lost one lawsuit for $650k that gave Bluewater a writ of attachment to Helix's assets. Considering the fact that Helix has no assets of value other than a pending patent, I'm not sure Helix will least not as Helix. All cash will go to Bluewater and the other claimants, leaving Helix with little to no cash to operate. I just don't see creditors continue to lend to Helix knowing their circumstances. jmho
I hear what you say and am skeptical myself. But if this is not real, then Scott could potentially have charges brought against him by the SEC for making false and misleading statements on their website.
I think it is great that Helix has now posted on their own website that Helix turbines will be installed on the Lincoln Financial Field. This is good news for them and for those holding shares.
However, my concern is that Helix will continue to print shares to convert notes to stock so they can continue to operate. At some point in time, they will have to R/S. And those holding shares at that point in time will be screwed. Helix will have to make more sales like this one in order to not only fund the manufacturing of their turbines (which is outsourced), but also fund their SG&A. And although Helix requires 50% down, they still have to obtain financing to manufacture the turbines.
Hopefully, this is the turning point (for good) for Helix. glta
I don't think its that people don't want Helix's turbines, I believe its a lack of confidence in Helix. When you look at Helix's financial statements and how they fund their operations (ie, borrowing money and then converting it to stock because they cannot service the debt), one begins to wonder if they will be around very long. Not to mention the fact that they didn't even challenge Bluewater's lawsuit. In Helix's 8k filing they claim that they only owed Bluewater approximately $350k, not the full $650k that Bluewater claims. Helix should have at least challenged Bluewater's claims in court so that the settlement, if any, would have only be half of what Bluewater stated, unless of course Bluewater was correct and Helix lied to shareholders.
I just don't see how shareholders or customers can trust what mgmt says when mgmt undercuts its investors by printing close to 600 million shares to dilute their value.
Good post! My sentiment as well.
Helix hasn't even posted this "GREAT" news on their own website. If they had received the contract, then this would be the biggest thing to happen to Helix. And yet, there is no reference to this "BIG" contract on their web page.
If this is such "huge" news, tThen why isn't it posted on Helix's website? Selling 24 turbines to an Oklahoma research center was big enough for Helix to post on their website, but selling 80 turbines is not???
Also if this is true, I wonder if Helix discussed this with their creditors prior to converting $36k in notes for 44 million shares at a discounted rate of 0.0008 / share (see Nov 23rd 8k).
If the coal runs out, you could always ask for stock certificates for each individual share you own. That way you would have plenty of fuel for your fireplace for the next several years.
My son used his bedroom wall as a target for his airsoft gun. I'm thinking about redoing his walls with certificates. It's easy and they are real cheap.
That could be interesting, assuming Helix hasn't used their 50% down payment. lol
NEWS...HELIX loses court ruling
Attached is the link to the 8k
Game over...I really feel for those who lost on this stock including myself. I believed this company had a good product, but unfortunately, it also had very poor management.
Today's 8k..."The Company does not have sufficient capital resources as of the date of this report to repay any amounts to Bluewater, and the Company has not responded to the lawsuit as of the date of this report. On November 16, 2010, the Company received a Notice of Ruling from the Court granting Bluewater's request for a writ of attachment against the Company and its assets in the amount of $647,254.18. The ability of Bluewater to perfect on a writ of attachment against the Company and its assets will have a material adverse effect on the Company and its operations."
Considering the financial challenges that Helix has been faced with, I'm not so sure they will ever get deals like this. Their financial track record would give me pause if I were looking to spend over $1 million on wind turbines. My concern would be...where will Helix be a year from now if I have a problem with my turbines???
Helix needs to get out and sell their product to small customers, then maybe the bigs ones will notice. But we can't even sell one here or one there. Before you know it, Helix will miss this window of opportunity and go under.
The article stated that they plan to use spiral-shaped wind turbines. So my question is...what companies other than Helix manufacture spiral-shaped wind turbines?
When I googled it, a number of companies showed up with wind turbines, but not spiral-shaped turbines.
I cannot quite recall the model, but there was a car built for both road and water years ago. But that idea just didn't take off...or should I say float with the public. lol
What??? Syrofoam??? Can't afford clay any more??? lol
and, your pocket!
I wouldn't buy that snickers, you will need that dollar because your investment will not be worth anything. Scott is going to continue borrowing money and converting it to stock to stay afloat. He will then R/S this puppy. If you are still around, that will be the time to invest. Those who invest today will lose it in the R/S. There is nothing else Scott can do.
I do appreciate him filing and keeping investors informed, but diluting your shareholder's investment to zero will not save him at the end of the day.
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