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Somebody’s gotta be buying a large chunk.... news leak???
Well I’ll be a son of a b!tch...!!! hehe.... just kidding...(-:
Ex wrote:”I trust my mother, and that is it....”
So, if we were to use your standard, we wouldn’t believe any of the VOLUMES of posts you write here... unless, of course, you are our mother...(-;
So true Captain... but l was just marveling that she hit near the daily low (so far).... pretty cool l think. Btw, my avg pps is $0.314 currently...(-:
I have a friend (novice trader) that bought some this morning at $0.321... unbelievable 0-:<
I agree Anders... apples and oranges... except l believe the potential value for NWBO is much greater than what you mentioned based on interim data presented in 2018.... we will know in a month or so... regardless of employee numbers or war chest values, the final value will be based on whether each company has something to sell (at a profit)... l believe NWBO has that...
Thank you...(-:
Not really... l just believe that if other startups like Juno can have valuations approaching $10billion with no product, it shouldn’t be a stretch that NWBO would have a greater valuation should DCVAX-L be approved, which l believe it will... have a nice day (-:
Sukus, l feel precisely as you do, except l substitute the word God where you put nature...(-:
anders2211 wrote:”after TopLine the SP will what I estimate get to max $2 which after Im out.
I suggest you do the same...”
This is a textbook “sell before the company’s stock reaches full valuation so my employer can buy your shares and cover” post. Absolutely textbook. Now l believe NWBO’s stock will go MUCH higher.... thanks...!!!!
Ex wrote:”The argument of it being DCVax-L by FDA definition is pointless as we will likely never know...”
Correct, as it is probably meaningful and meant for Merck....
Well said ma’am.... just so you know, many long time longs here routinely acknowledge that the patients are the real story, not the stockholders. We’re just a necessary evil...(-:
I will... thanks... (-:
I think pps increased some today because others have that same dream...
Data lock tomorrow...??? Pps increasing a little says to me that the market is anticipating it...
sharpie510 wrote:”I'm satisfied that if this trial shows ATL-DC is efficacious in rGBM (either as a monotherapy or in combination with pembrolizumab), DCVax-L will be the beneficiary. Also note that this trial also uses the generic name pembrolizumab instead of Keytruda.”
Yep, me too.... and l think it’s just a coincidence that Dr Duffy spent 9 months at NWBO.... (-;
Rodney was a genius...(-:
Thanks ex... (-:
My condolences brother... while l am (somewhat) patiently awaiting an increase in pps, l also invested because of the deaths by cancer of my mom, 2 aunts, and an uncle.... so l understand.
Hey Troc.... I figure it’s a lock also if they want to give TLD in September.... fingers crossed on getting it done this week... I half expected a PR either before, or intraday today...
Ok... so... without causing an uproar... data Lock this week...???
Breakthrough... l like it...!!!!
Home run???....(-:
drugrunner wrote: “SOC--- 5% SURVIVAL MAX at 5 years...
dcvax -L ----15-20% minimum and likely much higher...”
FDA guy said 35% is a major improvement..... what will they call it when DCVAX-L is 3-5 TIMES better than SOC...??? ...(-:
I loved Rodney Dangerfield... here is one of his jokes:
My wife’s cooking is so bad the flies got together and had the hole in the screen door fixed!!!
One thing for sure though.... DCVAX-L is no joke...!!!
Hey Sir P.... if you want to make sure you friend has Christ in his heart before his passing, here is a scripture that might help: Romans 10:9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. 11 As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.” ///: Hope this helps brother.... and l understand profiting from NWBO is poor comfort for losing a good friend.... my condolences.
What sort of time frame after TLD are you thinking...???
My personal belief is that they need TLD in late September / early October to give the pps time to rise in advance of all the warrants being released and ‘unfriendlies ‘ flooding the market and dropping the pps. My thought is that they have a plan to uplist and need a higher pps to do that. They have gone to a lot of trouble to tie them up... there must be a reason...
Hopefully one day l will be where you are today... but seeing as l risked the money l had saved to pay taxes earlier this year, in addition to all my retirement money, l think selling less than 10% of my current shares to completely de-risk this investment is a wise move... (-:
Good luck to patients and longs...
Sorry for you about that Kam... )-:
Hope you go 100x or more on this one...(-:
Great advice... as for myself, since l am ALL IN more than l probably should be, l will de-risk on first pop, if that pop takes us past $4.... get even... THEN read your advice again...(-:
I agree Kam... also we don’t know right now if GBM is the only indication DCVAX-L will be applied for... iirc, Duffy specialized in increasing indications for Keytruda at MERCK... could be several different but similar solid tumor cancers right off the bat...
Agreed... I don’t expect $20 per share the day TLD is announced, but assuming we get TLD in September l expect $20 before November....(-:
You wrote: “Plutonium needs to be enriched to create a bomb”
You checking to see if anyone is reading your posts???...(-:
My mom’s birthday is September 21st... I’ll be hoping they do the big reveal then...
Hey Marz... l took thermodynamics on a 7 point scale... let’s just say I passed... (-:
From the same site:
This week The Charity submitted its patient organisation consultation response about the potentially-groundbreaking new treatment DCVax®-L.
Thursday 9 August 2018
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This week The Charity submitted its patient organisation consultation response about the potentially-groundbreaking new treatment DCVax®-L.
This response will contribute towards the National Institute for health and Care Excellence's (NICE) technology appraisal of the innovative dendritic cell treatment..
You may remember that DCVax®-L hit the headlines back in May 2018, when a clinical trial testing its effectiveness showed indications of increased overall survival for patients with glioblastoma.
The treatment, developed by Northwest Biotherapeutics, underwent testing in a phase 3 clinical trial which consisted of 331 individuals with a glioblastoma.
Interim results showed increased overall survival for patients with the majority of trial participants (86.4%) receiving the treatment.
Specifically, patients who received DCVax®-L showed a median overall survival rate of 23.1 months compared to a median overall survival rate between 15-17 months compared to historic controls.
So how does this treatment work?
The dendritic cell treatment is a personalised immune therapy made from each patient's own dendritic cells.
Dendritic cells are a type of immune cell that function to help the body's immune system recognise and attack tumour cells.
What are technology appraisals?
NICE is the official regulatory body responsible for the assessment of new treatments, providing national guidance and advice to improve health and social care in England.
DCVax®-L is currently undergoing a technology appraisal by NICE where the treatment's cost effectiveness is calculated.
NICE will measure whether or not the treatment represents better value for money than other treatments that would be neglected if the expenditure took place.
If DCVax®-L is approved by NICE, then the NHS is legally obligated to make the treatment available within three months if it also receives full regulatory approval.
Consultation process
The Charity was asked to feed into the appraisal process as a consultee for DCVax®-L. We talked to patients diagnosed with a glioblastoma, carers, as well as patients who have received the treatment and then used our community's views to form The Charity's consultation response.
Those we asked unanimously reported an unmet need of treatments available on the NHS for patients diagnosed with a glioblastoma.
The people we talked to who have already received the treatment emphasised its promising effect on their quality of life.
Many patients noted little or next-to-no side-effects.
Others positively highlighted DCVax®-L as a treatment that works alongside a patient's immune system as opposed to the weakening of it by the current standard of treatment for glioblastomas.
The Charity will now form part of a NICE appraisal committee in early November where researchers, clinicians, patient representatives and relevant bodies will be brought together to discuss the treatment's suitability for uptake.
The Brain Tumour Charity
Our community is at the heart of everything we do and we continue to support everyone impacted by a brain tumour
Here at The Brain Tumour Charity we will fight to ensure our community have access to the best treatment and care available, and we want to thank everyone who fed into this consultation.
NICE's appraisal of the treatment represents another progressive stepping stone on the way to equal access to the best treatment and care for patients with a brain tumour and their families.
We look forward to being part of the committee in November and will continue to feed into the overall process to ensure promising treatments are made available for those who need it most.
Any link on this would be greatly appreciated...
IF we could EVER get a freaking PR on data lock... when oh when will that happen...???
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