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Lmao, someone put us out of our misery already.
Why would he start using it if a small fraction of his following is able to access the platform?
The Don will use the hell out of this platform when it’s ready. He’s the main event and this is his baby.
They’ll do good on the pinks when they arrive.
DWAC / Trump supporters will all be fine, look at how opposition has attacked yet it all turns out to be lies.
We’re fighting for truth and our ability to talk about it without fear of being canceled. No one expected this to be an easy path but I’m more than confident over time Truth Social and early investors will be victorious.
Right, he can probably fit in a little more trolling of Twitter, on Twitter. Lol
Nunes has already commented on this.
Trump is waiting for his base to have full access before using the platform although this was caveated with its Trump, he may start to use it at any time.
More likely he will bail and pursue another option.
I’ll enjoy his trolling along the way.
Nah, he’d have to fire every employee and start over to change Twitters culture. Maybe he just realized this….
This says everything anyone needs to know about this hit piece.
“Steve Benen
Steve Benen is a producer for "The Rachel Maddow Show," the editor of MaddowBlog and an MSNBC political contributor. He's also the bestselling author of "The Impostors: How Republicans Quit Governing and Seized American Politics."
Bouncing, this thing is way oversold and much of it was tied to Musk joining Twitter and changing their views on censorship.
Musk quickly saw he wasn’t changing that culture and decided to no longer join the board. He was trolling Twitter all weekend as they censored more voices.
Truth Social is the path forward, it will be bumpy and not for the faint of heart.
Truth Social is Elon’s best path to a free speech platform. Twitter is a mess, he knows it….not sure what his game plan is.
Dump Twitter or buy enough to just take it over? Seems like a lot of risk for a company who’s workforce is anti free speech.
Looking forward to seeing a verified Elon account on TS!
Still waiting list on Apple but more people let in every day. There are a couple Nune interviews on the board where he talks about building everything new, not relying on big tech for anything and maintaining performance for everyone who has had access.
They’re working with Rumble so I’d guess part of the delay is Rumble building the infrastructure to support Truth Social.
He’s mentioned getting a website up and running this month in addition to fully opening to Apple users so everyone can access while they work on an android app.
Nunes also identified that the Russia hoax was indeed a hoax while in congress and we’re seeing this confirmed by Durham. While the MSM ridiculed him and pushed a false narrative, he held firm.
To try and paint Nunes as some incompetent individual is laughable.
Nunes is a strong leader, not afraid to expose truth regardless of the heat he might take. Sounds like the perfect leader to bring Truth Social to us.
He’s shared a bunch of links on TS the past few days of interviews, he also shared a bit ago-
Will be OAN tonight at 8PM ET! With @danball OAN has been screwed by big tech tyrants. Make sure to RT and support them!????
Shorts have had their fun, time for the longs to take charge.
Lmao, no thanks
I haven’t lost anything yet and expect to bank here.
They’re estimating his value after the merger is complete based on what his ownership of Trump Media is.
The marriage is not complete, he doesn’t have any DWAC yet.
Wait for Musk to expose them, see a notice that he sold his stake, moved to Truth Social and went all in.
Warrants finished green today, perhaps reversal time.
I assume because 99% of his followers can’t access yet.
Anytime, Nunes has been truthing up a storm on Truth Social. He’s not hiding, he hasn’t quit, nothing has changed. He’s busy building Truth Social, one component of Trump Media.
When the market realizes it freaked out over the Musk news for nothing, should see a nice bounce here.
If I had a dollar for every MSM unnamed source that turned out to be totally garbage, I’d be buying Twitter and firing everyone.
Lmao, that’s why Truth Social will be just fine.
MSM/Big tech is the engine that will keep this train moving.
Twitter said today they will never let Trump back on, best news I heard today. If Trump can use Twitter, and chose to do so, less of a need for Truth Social. It would only be an emergency backup, clearly Elon is limited in what he can do making Truth Social as critical as we’ve viewed it the whole time.
Not that silent, here’s an interview from today.
Who cares?
Musk is no savior, I’d like to have him supporting Truth Social but if not, the show will move on.
Those burned by Twitter will not go back.
Musk bought stock, that’s all he did so far other than a couple critical tweets.
He bought stock in a censoring machine that was used to influence an election, even if he fixes that at Twitter, they can never be trusted.
Truth Social is in its infancy, perhaps a couple issues with the anticipated launch but to call it a failure is crazy talk.
Complete nonsense.
I updated this mornings app enhancements just a bit ago.
Ever start anything from scratch? Lmao
So much trash out there in msm.
“as the site has struggled to gain traction with users.”
It’s not struggling to gain users, it’s struggling to let the masses in.
Nothing is ever as it seems with Elon but this move is a head scratcher.
Right now it’s up to Trump Media and DWAC to give us something to shift momentum.
Lots of opportunities in front of us, Truth Social is just the beginning but they need to show they can execute this.
Lol, if that’s the best they’ve got, we’re in great shape.
Except for the fact that everything we were told was crazy conspiracy for the past couple years is turning out to be truth when facts are allowed to be shared. Everything we have been told was true turns out to be a lie.
This is exactly why we need Truth Social.
Sell the news?
Are you on it?
I’m loving it, missing big names that I’d want to follow but there’s still a large waiting list. Big names are going to want more people on it before they spend time using another media.
Agree, lots at play here. I’ve planned to hold long term anyways so just sucks if you look at your account or wish to sell now.
Super excited about this play regardless of current action.
Lol, true colors I see.
Trumps kids are successful as hell but we’re not looking for them to save anything.
Trump and those around him are just providing an avenue for truth seekers to share information that gets buried by MSM.
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