The fraud argument has been our best friend, as it's allowed us to accumulate below 2.00. I was hoping for a 1.10 pps, but looks like that's not going to happen now (but of course with this stock you never know). If this was really a fraud seems like they would have been caught by now. Zester, you're probably the least liked on this board, but your advice would have been the best to follow when this stock was in the 2.50 range. I'm curious to hear your take now. If this goes above 2.50 I wonder if all those people who were buying will sell to break even. Hopefully the completion of the acquisition at the end of the month will mix with the current momentum and drive us into that range sooner rather than later. I don't think a dividend would be a good idea. They need the money for future acquisitions. My feeling is that people don't really get excited about token dividends, unless it's a quite high yield, and even then it's still questionable (look at Euroseas for example). Let's hope for future growth. The straight-forward and profitable nature of their business will eventually take care of the pps.