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From what i've seen......Biel still holds the edge when it comes to delivering economical pain reducing PSWT to the market. "How sweet it is!" (Jackie Gleason) Let me know if you spot anything cheaper! Biel utilizes a is anybody going to be able to contend with that?
I'll remind people....Biel's proven electronic pain relief methodology is available to the public at a fairly inexpensive price! This is precisely what you want when introducing a relatively new form of pain relief to the market. Bring it on Biel!
Keep your supportive posts coming edbi! Might as well let people know what's happening with Biel's futuristic pain relief tech! Biel is way ahead of the game when it comes using electricity for pain relief!
Thanks....just another example Biels' s PSWT pain relief forging ahead..We all know it should be!
I absolutely love Biel's potential! It's a cool technology. And it's so perfect for today's consumers. We're talking about inexpensive pain reduction without any known side-effects! The naysayers will have a tough time disputing any of this.
Let's say it again....when it comes to Biel's pain relief technology....Bring on the future! I'm still amazed that Andy Whelan recognized this so many years ago.
Patience is the toughest thing to come by for us humans The facts speak for themselves! Love the consistency in your posts!
People are in the process of discovering how PSWT can reduce their pain.'s taking some time. You can't imagine how early Biel is in this game, Go Biel!
When it comes to Biel...Bring on the future! Biel provides one of the most futuristic pain relief mechanisms on the bring it on!
I'm going to let you in a little somethinyg......Biel can deliver pain relief really cheaply....and that's precisely what society is looking for...and by the way...there are no known negative side effects. You.d be a fool to take your attention off this company!
Yup....the power of Biel's pain relief tech is in the process of being revealed. Thanks for being another power poster!
As simple it may seem.....Biel's pain relief tech is incredibly futuristic in nature! We all know that's the case. It's a very good reason for Biel longs to stay strong!
Biel's pain relief tech was introduced WAY-WAY ahead of it's of time. So don't you dare take your eyes off this company!!!! Go Biel!
Believe it or not Biel naysayers actually help to keep the interest alive in Biel...and invite the factual posts made from people like Hawk, gimmee and srinsocal. That's precisely why Biel longs should welcome some of the rediculous posts being made by the naysayers. Those Biel naysayers actually play a valuable role on this board, It's funny how someone frequently viewed as an enemy can actually serve as an ally. Go Biel!
Let's face're a scared Biel naysayer! Perfectly understandable! Keep displaying your antics!
While using electricity to combat pain isn't exactly is to your average consumer. The whole concept is even relatively new to our medical professionals. You're in this industry early with Biel!
Power Post Gimmee!
Hardly bearish....fumbling fingers! Go Biel!
Do you mean if I attach this simple loop over this painful knee spot over the nite....I'ts probably going to feel better in the morning? Yup...that's what I'm saying! OK then....I'm willing to try it. Nothing else seems to work.
Biel's electrical pain relief tech arrived on the market just slighty ahead of of society's willingless to accept it. Things....they be ah-changing fast!
When it comes to Biel....Bring on the future!
If Biel's tech does what it's reputed to do....this shareholder ain't scared at all! It's just a matter of time!
As bad as that shows how powerful Biel actually is! The more people involved in holding Biel back ...the better. It's strange how we can look at something that appears to be a negative......while it's actually a favor of Biel in this case.
Just look at that headline in Ihub's Newswire...."The Electrifying Rise of Electric Boats". Biel's tech looks like it's in the same boat!
It's tough being rational with people bent on the demise of Biel....the real value in your posts has to do with accurately informing new potential investors. Pointing out that the NOPAINACT and CMS has drastically changed the landscape for Biel is spot-on! Many thanks! Go Biel!
My contention has always been that Biel's tech hit the streets a little bit ahead of it's time. It's now looking like Biel is ready for acceptance! Looking at using electricity as a means of combatting pain isn't such a far-fetched idea anymore. Go Biel!
Nice longtrailer.....that's a very posiitve sounding update from Dr. Staelin! He sounds as sharp as a tack! Go Biel!
Go Biel!
Now ddls....I know you have publically stated that Actipatch helped to save your frostbitten foot.....right? I know that's a tough one for you to admit. Probably your biggest regret as a We've all pointed things out we wish we hadn't. Thanks for your honesty when you did so.
Your're absolutely right IB! Biel's tech is finally becoming of age.
Now ddls! I know that you've seen what I've asked. Kindly respond! If you're unwilling to respond to a frank simple question you're hurting your image. Ii'll continue to ask you should you not respond.....bringing into the integrity of all your posts. But just as a side note....I still like you! We all have jobs to do!
Now listen perfectly honest here....have you not credited Actipatch with having saved your frostbitten foot? Now you be honest!
I do feel sorry for you bro. Best of luck. Go Biel!
Actually not at's the potential in Biel that scares people like you. I'd die to know why to know why you've invested your whole adult life into undermining such a worthwhile product. Perhaps you'll reveal one of these days.
Biel is basically in the busiiness of cheap pain relief without the reliance on drugs. How sweet is this??? This is pecisely what society is looking for!
biel tech is all about less reliance on drugs. That's precisely what society is looking for!
You do realize that Actipatch tech has the potential to save lives! Dwell on that my fellow investors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm wondering if Big Pharma might actually be represented on this board???? I certainly hope so! Would love to think Big Pharma perceives Biel's tech as being a threat. You look at the opposition here and they are obviously smart people. That being said....the good guy usually wins out! Go Biel!
Does Big Pharma feel threatened by the existence of Biel's pain relief tech? As an investor.... I certainly hope so!
I'm not saying invest in Biel....I'm saying watch it closely....DAILY! We all know how things can change rapidly in the market. Go Biel!
Amen Miami!....Biel product looks tailor-made for participation in the NOPAIN ACT! It's amazing when you consider that Actipatch could literally save some lives by reducing opioid consumption. Things don't get much larger than that!