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I'd love to sit down with you and discuss your #'s.
Why don't you state some of these numbers???
Love to see what they are
Convicted Felon - Bill Earll STOLE SFMI's assets for $636,284.29... And he's your knight in shining armor???
As an SFMI shareholder I would want Bill Earll to pay fair value for what he received from SFMI. So when he does this again with DSCR, who will you blame this time? DSCR executives?
Where do you pull those numbers from? You need a working mill and “ore” to make money.
Uhhh. Ya!!!! Many times.
What a great looking chart
Active Mining = MORE DILUTION!!! They already have 4.5 BILLION shares outstanding...
They have no $$$ on hand, how do they plan on mining?
Who's going to pay Bill Earll all that $$$
Mining next monthh??? Uhhhhhh. Nothing will happen until they file a mining plan with the BLM and a HUGE SECURITY DEPOSIT with them.
Dream on
There are no other calim holders to the Sinker. Bill Earll is the Sole owner
I have a few questions there for you GS dreamer
Bill Earll was paid millions for the work he did on War Eagle Mountain.
His company "Earll Excavation" was one of the biggest share seller in the entire SFMI deal!
He was paid in shares and would then flood the market crushing the share price without regard.
He was "Awarded" the entire project for a $600K debt...
As an SFMI shareholder - you're OK with that???
If you are then you should ask Bill Earll to trade your shares of SFMI to shares of Earll Excavation since most of the assets were awarded to that company AT A HUGE DISCOUNT.
If SFMI was such a scam, why pay EARLL Excavation MILLIONS of $$$ to do this work? On the one hand you say how much of a scam SFMI was, but on the other hand EARLL was such a savior? How can that be, he was the Gen Con for the project? wouldn't he have surely been a conspirator in the scam?
Who do you think made the most PROFIT from the entire project? EARLL EXCAVATION!!!
His road work was paid in full by SFMI. That was your money paying him for that work, and now you are going to invest in DSCR for him to charge you more for the same...
He couldn't give a flying Hoot about the shareholders or stock price value.
What locals worked for shares?? I know that there was a share incentive program for employees but NOT ONE of them ever worked for free in loo of shares.
Bill Earll may seem like a "Good ol Boy" but he will rob DSCR of every dollar he can. And once he is done he will pull the deal from DSCR and go to Integra and make a deal with them because they have MONEY!!!!!
Hope is not an investment strategy.
I did see it.
I'll trust assay results WAY before I trust some second rate TV host telling me that this is gold....
No - That is false - you said and I quote;
If anyone wants to see gold falling from the walls of the Sinker Tunnel, there is an episode in the past from "Gold Fever"
Your words - not mine.
TOTALLY MISLEADING - SFMI did do a sample program in the sinker tunnel and also had results from prior companies that had assays done in the Sinker tunnel.
The quartz veins that you see on that show were sampled and results came back below 1 oz/au /Ton.
You' re referencing broad historical findings. I'm telling you what the ACTUAL assay results from 2011 where! FACTS.. or maybe those don't matter.
I think you are confused.
Integra made a deal to purchase Carton Trust mining claims. That press release doesn't mention any deal between Integra and DSCR.
The same guy who stole SFMI's assets for pennies on the dollar.
He's going to do it all over again with DSCR.
No I think you are mistaking. The sinker was sampled throughout and results were below 1g AU/Ton.
Sorry to burst your imaginary bubble
10 day avg volume of 61 MM shares/day and a float of 4.9 BILLION SHARES (accurate as of 12/31/18), it only equates to about 0.0125% of the float being traded on average past 10 days.
There are BILLIONS of share at or just above this level.
This is going to take a huge amount of buying to go anywhere.
Also, you should expect a huge amount of dilution in the near future to pay for any work performed on War Eagle Mountain.
More downward pressure.
Always do your own research and Due Diligence.
Reality Check for existing shareholders;
Taking this inflated 10 day avg volume of 61 MM shares/day and a float of 4.9 BILLION SHARES (accurate as of 12/31/18), it only equates to about 0.0125% of the float being traded on average past 10 days.
There are BILLIONS of share just above that level. This is going to take a huge amount of buying to go anywhere.
Today, only $853.00 worth (2.8MM SHARES) of DSCR stock was traded!!!
You should expect a huge amount of dilution in the near future to pay for any work on War Eagle Mountain.
More downward pressure.
Always do your own research and Due Diligence.
GReat. why would that be? Care to elaborate?
That's a well thought out and informed plan... Hope and "Optimism" do not bolster investor confidence. I think I would want a FEW more details before investing int his YOLO stock.
But thanks for contributing.
Common Stock Outstanding: 4,986,913,081 (as of 12/31/2018)!!!!!!
Billion with a B
Looking forward to it...
I Agree Lucky - Mill Onsite "ORE" piles are maybe 10,000 TONS. But here is the catch... Probably assay below 0.5g/ton AU... THAT'S less than .01 AU/oz per TON ....
Unless you can substantiate your claims - I call BULLSHIT to that.
Any proof of NEGOTIATION with other owners? Who are they? Can you give us names? or just your opinion?
BILL EARL profited at SFMI shareholder expense...
The fact remains that he PROFITED from SFMI when the going was good and came back and stole the assets (Mill & Properties) for pennies on the dollar. As a shareholder who got SCREWED - F$%k Bill Earll for screwing over the SFMI shareholders in the end.
What I'm saying is he's going to do a repeat performance with DSCR. IMO
BILL EARLL profited MILLIONS of $$$ from SFMI
Bill Earll and Earll excavating made MILLIONS with SFMI.
Good honest/CONVICTED Bill Earll!!!
Wouldn't want to see him driving on War Eagle mountain with a driving record like that
SolarEdge is an Israeli company,
(Head office - 1 HaMada Street Herziliya Pituach 4673335, Israel), tariffs will put them on the same playing field as all other foreign solar companies. I don't think they'll be able to compete with HUAWEI
HUAWEI coming into the US market.
They came in to the US market in February.
SolarEdge is a $500MM company.
It will be very hard to compete against this giant.
HUAWEI product is said to be more reliable & at a better price.
See Barron's article:
for years you've been pumping this POS and now you change your tune.
Go to your corner and hang your head in shame...
The sign will be when the directors issue themselves more promissory notes and trigger another 300:1 reversal.
Dundee Sustainable Technologies has developed proprietary hydrometallurgical processes for the extraction of base and precious metals from ores, concentrates and tailings, which cannot be exploited with conventional processes because of metallurgical or environmental issues.
The broad approach used is based on chlorination, either with hydrochloric acid or elemental halogens, chlorine, bromine or a mixture of both.
A closed-loop approach of liquids and gases is also a feature of Dundee Sustainable Technologies technology along with the production of inert and insoluble solids after treatment.
The selection of chlorination is the consequence of the fast rate of reaction, at atmospheric pressure and relatively low temperature of the chlorinating agents with a great variety of minerals.
State of the art low price materials rendered possible the construction and operation of equipment without significant corrosion problems.
$735,000.00 USD for Executive & Director pay for 2016!!!
What do investors get in return?
Executives GET "Promissory Notes" from Oct.3rd, 2016 @ $0.04/share - way above the share price average for that period!!!