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Lolly why are you yelling at me? I was replying to ArthurW's post. I know exactly what kind of risk play I have gotten myself into. I was responding to his comments about people addicted to this stock and it is true. Some people are addicted to it because I know some that are.
That's not saying it's still alright for the company to string the investors along as long as they want because it's a pinksheet. Anymore than it's alright for the MM's to short the heck out of it just because it's a pinksheet. Being a pinksheet is not an excuse for wrong doing. It's a stock board with less restrictions allowing companies to manuever in a stealth like manor for one reason or another. Many abuse the lack of regulatory oversite but it still does not make it right. I think CMKX is doing what it has to do to get where it wants to go. I'm not bashing but I will not give them unlimited time before certain actions are explained because they are a pinksheet.
I think they are about ready. You don't have high level meetings and come out the next day with everything together. Things take a reasonable time to sort out and prepare with a lot of going back and forth between one another. Remember there were I believe at least seven companies present at the meeting that I know of and possibly even more. That's some big business of some sort.
Drilling seems to be going real slow for some reason if the little I hear about it is correct. They could have drilled several holes by now in my unprofessional opinion. Gump would know.
We just have to wait and hope for the best for now I guess.
ArthurW you should have been a preacher. You are so right with that post. CMKX has got to get it done soon so people can have their lives back. The shareholders need and deserve answers to a lot of the mysteries that surround CMKX as patience is wearing thin with some.
I still think this is the weekend when we will hear something that will give value to the company. Possibly even as soon as tomorrow as some believe.
The Indy race seems to have some significance for the company for some reason that I don't know. Hopefully to celebrate a PR that brings us out of the dark.
I think whatever plan the company has set in motion it will have to be revealed soon. A company can't continue to operate in a cloak of mystery forever if it wants to keep shareholder confidence even if it is for a good reason. The emotional roller coaster ride of anticipation followed by disappointment sooner or later will take it's toll on most.
It's too quiet. Bashers don't disappear just like that. When no one else is posting they will pass negative spin amongst themselves. They seem to be absent from other boards also. I guess the full moon scared them off. LOL They will probably bombard the board now that I posted this. Later
Quiet board tonight.
Is this the calm before the storm?
I don't know about quiet periods when it comes to the SEC but I do know what happened at the end of the last quiet period that CMKX had. CMKX came out with a 1000% run up in PPS.
I think everybody is anticipating significant news from the company between 12 midnight tonight and Tuesday AM when the market reopens after the Holiday weekend. Whenever they do decide to release "THE BIG PR" I do not think we will ever return to these price levels.
The faithful have held when it was truely difficult to do so at times. I have had my finger on the sell button several times and canceled after considering the DD that led me to this investment in the first place. If this stock does take off it will change lives forever. It also may change a lot of lives for a long time if it doesn't. Best to all the longs.
There is nothing of subtance in that popular post to you maybe as your sign off on your post suggest where you are coming from. Just because you don't want to hear the speculative value side of CMKX and it's partners does not mean it's without substance, especially with Shore Golds results next door. This is the mining business not Microsoft. You don't know what you have til you have it and even then you don't let anyone else know what you have til you are ready for them to know. I can think of no other reason for all this maneuvering by the company other than for the company to protect itself against a massive short possition with out having to go to court to clear it up. CMKX could be making a lot more money without all this manuevering at a higher PPS if it were a scam. All the time wasted to set these partnerships thus allowing the PPS and trade volume to drop is not how I would run a scam. Roger Glenn is not with CMKX to run a scam. He has stated what the purpose of his involvement in this company is and all indications are that he is doing just that. You can not devuldge certain information publicly if your corporate structure is under attack. That would be suicide if done before certain protections where put into place. JMO
So why are people posting they have recieved approximately 15.5 shares per million if it was ammended? No one knows anything for sure. We just have to have faith for now. No one likes being in the dark on this one. It is one big puzzle and hopefully the pieces will come together soon. The company will not get a pass forever and will have to address the shareholders questions fairly soon if they want to keep the faith that people have put in them. The company is still moving forward but maybe not as fast as most would like. I believe big news is coming very soon.
The 500 to 800 billion is a major concern to me. I am sure it will be the first question posed to the company from a 1000 different directions. The Green Barron has stated they will be at the races asking questions and I'm sure there will be others there asking as well. That is why I expect a major PR within the next few days that hopefully will address this as well as other concerns of I have. I will wait and see what the companies explanation is for the increase before making a judgement. I don't think this will be a boring weekend for CMKX investors.JMHO
I have a lot of problems with the way things are done with CMKX but I do not believe that they are deliberately done as a detriment to my investment. If this is the greatest scam then I know I may lose everything I have invested. I do not invest with blinders on and let me say I do not believe it is a scam. I hope and believe we will hear significant news on what is going on with CMKX before Tuesday of next week.
"What if" we merge and force the possible shorts to cover? There is always a what if. The PR stated they were looking to go public. I'm invested in CMKX because I trust UC and Glenn to be working in the best interest of all involved in this company as an investment. When the company loses my trust through some action on their part that I believe does not look after my best interest. Then I will most likely be looking for the exit door. I have not seen anything as of yet to give me that impression. It seems that the company has a plan that is cominig together and hopefully will be revealed this weekend. I look at the glass as being half full not half empty as you apparently do.
The $1 million cash CIM recieved is to be used for futher drilling and getting the company ready to possibly go public. There are a lot of possitive things going on that aren't being reported in the public eye that could directly or indirectly have a possitive effect CMKX.
I think we may be very surprised how valuable the CIM shares become in the future. I hope this weekend will reveal a lot.
Who says massive shorting doesn't happen?
Brigg, What broker does the person who supposedly recieved shares in their account use? You mean you had contact with someone who gave you information like that and they didn't tell you who their broker is and you didn't think to ask? If I had recieved shares in my Etrade account the first thing I would have said when passing that info along was who my brokerage account was with and that I had already recieved shares of a dividend in my account that wasn't supposed to be there until Sept.24,2004.Who is their brooker?
I also don't believe UC plans to keep all the claims. He has the aerial survey to tell him which ones are worth keeping and which ones are not.
Earlier Janice you made the statement that you thought UC had been keeping certain info secrete from Roger Glenn such as the real O/S and A/S. Now do you really believe that Roger is working with CMKX to make it fully reporting and doesn't know what the O/S is? You are a very intelligent woman without a doubt but for you to make that statement really makes you look bad and shows your real purpose for being on this board. Janice you are to good at what you do to try and pass off a statement like that.
Also (Texas Yahoo) you make a good point about selling into the short while it was being covered. This action would help raise the additional capital to make new partnerships and develope the rest of the claims at the same time.
IMO No scam Gump. You and I both know the two main assets of CMKX are the around two million acres of claims in the Falc and Roger Glenn being on board. It's not if CMKX hits something valuable with these claims,it's when and how many times. Anybody familiar with the Falc area should know the true value of the claims that CMKX has in it's possession.
The lack of news from the company also seems to have everyone on edge giving the bashers a free run for now. The weak will sell and the faithful shall reap the fruits of their labor IMO. Hopefully around Labor Day weekend, which is when big news is expected to be released. Keep the faith just 8 more days.
The only thing you bashers can can bring up for a possible negative is the 800 Bil.A/S which could be a good thing depending on how it is put to use. Why don't you try to say CMKX's claims are worthless? Tell us how DeBeers wouldn't like to have our 200 million acres in claims because they are not worth having. Hell nothing in the area has any proven value. That little 100 thousand acres that Shore Gold and DeBeers has right in the middle of CMKX's claims is only worth 100's of billions of dollars. What could the 200 million acres right next to it be worth. Probably not much more than a few trillion. Why should we waste or time investing in something with such little potential? You bashers know how rediculous you make yourselves look with all your scam theories. You are worse than the pumpers. Anybody that has done their DD knows the possible upside to this investment. Get real and stop making yourself look bad with all your spins and examples of companies that aren't CMKX.
I choose #1, 2 and 3. I think a little of all three could be going on. I think what ever is going on will be reveiled by the Indy race. Either CMKX will release news that will propel it to new hights and never look back or your #3 scenario is most likely true and there will be the huge sell off that all the bashers have been working for to happen. I have been in CMKX for over a year and will hold til Labor Day as a faithful investor. I feel sure that we will get some of the long awaited answers to a lot of our questions around that time. If not I will start looking for an exit point. I believe there is a massive short and also that there is someone dumping at the same time not necessarily the company or insiders but I don't completely discount that possibility.
Correction You are right. No joint venture as of now. I read the PR wrong. I've been looking for a PR from Shore Gold or CMKX since the meetings. I guess I jumped on it to quick with what I thought might be forth coming. Some of CMKX's anomalies appear to over lap into Shores claims in the area we are drilling. Also Shore has moved their drills to the same general area. Sorry again.
Joint venture with Shore Gold...
Time will tell TATRADER. CNBC mentioned this AM that hedge funds are shorting stocks that would be a part of the hurricane recovery. These stocks would normally get a bounce at this time and are not due to being shorted. I have never seen so many posters try to change the subject or spin the facts against the company when shorting is mentioned. These are the same posters who have never had a good word to say about the company but are here every day working in shifts. That being said, I also think if the company doesn't come up with something significant by labor day weekend that they will have a hard time selling those 300 billion shares if what you suggest is true and I in no way believe it is. All the moves this company has made seem to me to have been done for the sole purpose of going after a short. Changing the company symbol and cusip number at a huge expence when the company could not afford to do so.Also the inner mingling of companies with dividends being paid that would increase the pressure on any short as each dividends pay date comes due. Due to these moves and others. I do not think we are being conned out of our money by the company, but I do think we are being conned by some here on these boards. As long as CMKX has the land claims it is worth billions.
If that is that case then silence is golden.
Good post Waterhouse. It seems everybody wants to ignore your post and start some meaningless conversation to leave the subject untouched. Bashers will jump in quickly and try to change the subject on this board when any possitive info is posted on the side of CMKX. It has been stated that the float could be less than 40 bil. Let's hope so. Watch for a possible PR of some kind Wednesday. I would say we are due one soon.
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