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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
Does anyone know what "burst basket" means. On the trades page it is the "type" of trade....but what is it and what does it signify?
Question: All of the 100 share trades are NOT retail buying. Has to be mm manipulating...
With the sell volume higher than the day's buy volume, coupled with the trades intended to manipulate, no wonder we lost .11. I imagine that most of today's trading was NOT true retail or institution trades. Until we start seeing solid sales gains I'm afraid this is what we will continue to experience. This is a true long term holding!
Good morning. I definately was't expecting a drop to happen this morning. Any thoughts, insight or speculation as to what's going on?
Strong volume going in to the close and interestly, in to the weekend. Great sign!
Strong buying going in to the close and interestingly, in to the weekend. All positive signs!
Has anyone else noticed the .pk is no longer necessary when entering stock symbol into yahoo finance? Does this mean we're no longer pink sheet and have moved to a higher exchange?
Hi invest2win. Weren't you in on BCIT?
EOD upward move was on heavier volume..usually indication of positive news leak rather than general accumulation.
How big of an step forward is this event?
Sitting on the sidelines and wondering "don't the lower gaps from last weeks run-up still need to be filled. Looks like the initial gap up at the .30 cent mark still needs to be filled plus one at 50cent. What are the thoughts on lower gaps filling or are we so parabolic they don't matter??
Thanks for any insight.
Yes...very nice news. Looking forward to NAVB 2012.
Any thoughts on the 65k and 13k sells at the EOD for $2.98? I'm long and holding...just took me aback....
Oh yeah..what about our BVIG shares? What happened to those?
Anyone have any thoughts on when or if ever will this company have any value for shareholders. Value other than from swing or day trading it?
thanks in advance.
When I originally invested in this company, for all purposes it appeared to be a truly legitimate investment. Needless to say, that was years ago. When are the people that "be" running this company going to be concerned at all with company value. Doesn't appear to have any.
Really? My brokerage only margins on $4 and higher pps.
Once $4 is solid again...we should start to see cummulation compounded as ppl will start to buy on margin.
Nice 66k share AH trade.
An intended back a##ward comment. It simply amazes me how this sort of crap manipulation is allowed and tolerated by seemly "everyone"....rather, almost expected. It's pure BS!
This guy is "f-in" comical. Such a shame his article (imho) was capable of playing such an influence in the stock's share price.
Neoprobe: Why I'm Closing My Short Position 1 comment | by: Martin Shkreli August 5, 2011 | about: NEOP Font Size: PrintEmail Recommend 0 Share this page
Share inShare0I am closing my short recommendation for Neoprobe (NEOP) at $2.00. I think the risk/reward of shorting NEOP is not so favorable as to initiate a short. I still think the stock has more downside. I have material concerns about the study design and study results of Lymphoseek.
I also think sales of Lymphoseek will be tiny. However, I cannot in good faith recommend shorting Neoprobe to you at this price. I do not think being long makes sense, either, however. If I found myself in a position where I was long Neoprobe, I would sell and move on to my two other published long ideas: Biomarin (BMRN) and Chelsea (CHTP).
Neoprobe was $5.25 when I submitted my article to Seeking Alpha. Today it is $2.00, a decline of 61%. I believe in all of my other published ideas and will inform you in this manner when I "close" them. Hopefully, this way, I will build an online "track record" for you, the general public. I am not perfect and I will make lots of mistakes. Picking stocks is a journey for information and opinions and together I think we can succeed.
Disclosure: I am short NEOP.
Additional disclosure: I may change my position at any time without notifying Seeking Alpha.
What's up with AMAG...? Saw article headline but I don't have subscription so could not read the article.
NEOP officially added to Russell 3000
thanks trishy....
What's the certainty that neop will be on the list?
Any thoughts on what time the Russell announcement will be? (a.m. or p.m. release?)
Yes...a BIG Pr!ck!
PPL on margin have maintenance calls to cover if the close is still below $4...any thoughts.
Martin is a real A##H#ole!
Thoughts...does anyone feel like we'll get a close today above $4?
Went to the link, but said page not found...what news is out???
Figured it to be manipulation...just now sure the purpose...
Sorry didn't mean to post to this board...MSFT fan though....FWIW
What do the 100 block repetative buys indicate?
Thanks in advance.
The FDA should not consider complaint issued by ANYONE who has any financial gain by such a claim...ludicrous if they do!
Shaken the trees to see what falls....solid company.
I guess it boils down to whether one is trading the stock or "investing" in the stock.
With regards to the bearish article....he did this once before that I experienced...dropped the stock, which 7-10 later...rebounded better than ever.
Traders bailed...investors still in...
Russell 3000...has anyone heard or know if the rumor of moving to the R3000 board is legit or not?
Hi dade....yea I guess I should know better...
Have a GREAT evening!