MORE GOOD NEWS from senior VP Joseph Nicholas,,,IMO. Here's the PR.
Dated January 11, 2018, a week ago. Mr Nicholas seems very upbeat,
did NOT give the precious platinum nugget I was hoping for! Just
HOW MUCH of the $50 billion GSA contract award did STG get? Does
anyone have the exact answer? My ultra-conservative speculation,
and it is only that. Lets say STGG bagged,,,oh,,,,a whopping 1%?
Shorts would have to agree, 1% very well within the realm of
possibility. OK so, with $45m in debt, against a potentional
$500,000,000 contract award, 16.6m share O/S and only 2m float,
HOW IN THE H*LL is this stock at 34 cents? If Im even close,
which there is no guarantee and I have NO way of knowing, a very
conservative estimate of this stock should be $12 to $13. Do your
own DD and see what you think.