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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
I agree far Mr Dufort has come through ALWAYS!!! The proof is in all the filings...he could have R/S on us but he didnt...Im done bothering him and posting negative on IDGC..let the man handle his buissness...WE WILL BE REWARDED...why would he go through all that money and trouble for nothing..GO IDGC!!!!
AMA is he still the owner of it?
I agree. I'm here for the long haul.
I doubt that is true....someone is loading up here big
Nothing...gone silent...happends every time right before something happends.
a little shareholder update would be nice...just saying that they removed the c/e and things are happening...maybee also introducing the chairmans from that big weekend meeting that happend ...I cant even remember when it did
I know budd.....just venting a
That ATDF idiot with 4 milly on the ask...god learn to trade dipshit
its looking like those rumors are still holding and continue to do so...but fkkkkkkkkkkkk me this drives me nutzzzzz
Another day of nothing...;(
Hmmmm..... Looks good :)
anyone care to do a little that is...
40 k in volume knocks it 10%
What we need is these bidders to step up to the ask...or at least half of it on the ask
Idiots walking the ask
oh i hear ya...i feel the same..
I didn't invest here because of a roofing company. I invested here because of his track record, the fact he lowered the o/s without a reverse split, got up to date on filings and removed the c/e and because of the numerous acquisitions that are coming. To me it's worth the wait. Sorry I couldn't figure out a way to make it
LOL...its friday
Nice grab brotha!!!
Look at PTSH...thats what a shareholders update does...if only we would get one
I agree...only way in is at ask
Level 2 is set up nicely for a pr to come out...Cmon Dufort update us least a little pr explaining the c/e removal...I know you are busy but throw us a bone!!
Hey where did the big bidder go?? these mm's are pissing me off
Imagine a 20 million volume day here...
Have you noticed every day the bid gets bigger...its at more than 4 million...then they disappear and never hit the ask...WTF is all that about?
So very true...
The way I see it is like this, so far i assume only the ihub world knows of IDGC, maybee someother trading group as well, but ihub is not the stock market in whole. People buy in, the majority are flippers and yes I dare to say DAY TRADERS...when they buy in and the stock doesnt move, they move on...bidwhack out of fear of the stock going back to trip a school of fish, when there is food they are going crazy. But when the food is gone they move off to find more. That is what is happening here. But when they whack the longs are soaking up the shares and locking them in. As soon as pr's come out it opens the doors to the entire stock market world and now we have 20 million volume days. What do you think would happen here with that type of buying preasure...think about that...if 1.5 million volume drops the pps 10% what would 20 million buying volume do? Add to that the ceo has a solid track record and has done everything he has said he would, granted slower then we want. I know this is going to go big time so here I wait, and while we wait...ladies and gentlement...Lawrence Welk!!!!!
MM's trying to walk her not buy one share at these levels...hold the .005...we can do this
I have a dream....that one day we will wake up and find big pr's and shareholder updates playing together in OTC land...yes...I have a dream!!
that will be an indicator that news is coming...fingers crossed!!!
IDGC that 3 mill bidder needs to move up....only one way in...the ask!!!
IDGC that 3 mill bidder needs to move up....only one way in...the ask!!!
Exactly...and he knows the pps will be much higher if not the prefered will not have much value to them...there is a bigger picture here in my opinion and DuFort wants no mistakes...
Tic Toc...wall coming down...
that wll is getting hammered little by little...
Engines are running
yup...but 2 million i dont ever recall seeing...that is big
2 million bidder on IDGC wow!!! biggest ever
TJG...the way i always trade is by doing my own dd...when i first jumped in i called the t/a for sharestructure, then i read a post that the ceo answers all his emails so i pm'd him and got the email, after several conversations with the ceo i decided i liked the stock and will stay long with it, all i do is post what is said to not an insider nor do i have any inside connections...i still believe this stock will surprise everyone. Its all up to DuFort now and i think we will be happy...
Will the fktard etrade seller chill the hell out and break up that order...