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I understand the appeal of the physical stuff but don't get where the fund ends up. They state that they won't sell so what are they going to do with 50 million pounds of U308?
They have effectively soaked up the slack in the spot market, forcing spot prices up and basically taking away a source of U308 from the utilities that will eventually have to contract for the stuff at higher long term pricing.
Japan still appears to be the closest near term source of real demand. They had long term contracts for U308 and have periodically sold into the spot market, helping create the long term bear market. But if they speed up their revival of refurbished plants, they might impact near term contract pricing.
Of course China is building many new plants as well. But they will probably get their U308 cheap from their comrades, who will probably have a surplus.
I recently got interested in Uranium again. It blasted off in late 2020 without me. The U stocks faded this year so about a month ago I bought UUUU, URNM, UEC and LEU. I also bought smaller positions in GLATF and BSENF. I did so after reviewing a bunch of youtube videos presented the bull case for uranium. Obviously the war in Ukraine has turned a spotlight on energy and Uranium is becoming a pretty big part of the story.
Russia is a big supplier of uranium but probably more importantly is a major player in enrichment, turning the raw U308 into a usable fuel source.
I always thought it was kind of crazy to rely on Russia for this task but it worked for several decades. Unfortunately they did it so cheaply that the uranium enrichment industry in the US went away. France still relies on nuclear more than us so they still have enrichment capacity but not enough to totally replace Russia right now. Luckily the nuclear reactor utilities typically plan well in advance and have sufficient fuel supplies on hand for awhile.
But the resurgence of the US uranium industry is really going to happen. The existing players aren't really producers. They have mothballed projects that can be activated with money and time. I expect US producers to be subsidized at first. So here's why I bought the various stocks:
UUUU Energy Fuels has the only licensed plant in the US able to turn yellow cake into U308. The plant is currently being used to separate rare earths. They have survived the nuclear winter and the White Mesa plant ensures that they will be part of any nuclear renaissance in the US.
URNM is an etf with uranium stocks run by Sprott.
UEC has been collecting uranium assets for a long time. They have several uranium producing projects in mothballs waiting for the price of U308 to rise so they can profitably produce. They bought Uranium One and acquired several projects as well as 5 million pounds of U308. They are a billion dollar market cap player with no production! But they are well positioned with several ISR projects that can be restarted relatively easily.
LEU Centrus Energy is an active supplier to the worldwide nuclear power plant industry. They help design solutions for utilites and provide the potential for improved fuel rods for the industry. They actually have revenues! Their stock was hurt by the fact that they have contracts for enrichment with Russia and could be hurt by tough sanctions. But if there is a nuclear revival in the US and new, better fuel is part of it, it's hard to imagine LEU won't benefit.
GLATF Global Atomic is building a uranium mine in Africa. They are well into construction and will likely beat many of the restarts into production.
BSENF Baseload is further down the chain and is a true junior explorer. They are much small in market cap than the others on this list.
A secondary theme in Uranium stock revivals is that the whole clean energy revolution has turned up a big problem. Solar and wind are intermittent. They haven't been able to provide baseload power. Ask Germany if pouring billions into solar and wind has worked. In addition, whether they like it or not, nuclear emits no CO2. Yeah, we still have the spent fuel problem but this winter, Germans and Europeans will have a much bigger problem than theoretical arguments about spent fuel. They could freeze to death. Nuclear provides safe baseload power. That's why the Chinese are building 150 nuclear reactors. The Chinese are building traditional very large reactors. Another interesting part of the nuclear story is SMR. Small modular reactors could become very important to the mining industry as well as small remote towns and villages. These smaller reactors can theoretically be built in a more factory like manner and bring down costs and time to build. US plants can take 30 years to design and build. The first Western SMR is scheduled to be built and operating by 2027. Success here could invigorate the industry and open up much wider usage of SMR's.
GCM never got credit for the big minority ownership it had in Aris Gold. Of course, Aris hasn't successfully started their underground mine yet either. But now the combined entity will have the big names, Telfer as Chair and Woodyear as CEO.
They already have lots of ounces in the ground and decent production. Just need the market to value the combined entity for what they have. In a couple years, this could be a nice mid major.
check out Vermillion Energy VET $24.72
Vermillion is a Canadian oil and gas producer but has significant European natural gas production. US natgas producers are jumping for joy with $9/mcf pricing, VET is getting $35/mcf for their gas. Wait till this winter!
Market cap of US$4 billion with 1 billion in debt scheduled to be paid off by 12/23.
Free cashflow estimated near 2 billion for 2022!
Some of the cashflow won't show in current interim statements. They made two acquisitions that are still pending. Probably most important is Corrib acquisition. They were 20% partner and purchased 36.5% more. Will close in next few months. They are being credited with the income from the 36.5 position from 1/22. Income will be netted against purchase price at closing. Looks like a 2 year payoff for $600million acquisition. 7700boepd production from this acquisition expected to generate $400million in FREECASHFLOW in 2022!
This production plus their onshore Netherlands wells will generate over 50% of freecashflow from European natural gas. This stock is a great way to play the European nat gas crisis. Once debt is repaid in 2023, Free cashflow will double from 2022 levels.
Check out the presentation, review financials. This is a safe way to play the European crisis.
FCX +.20 to 29.11
We'll see if markets are right and copper usage is headed way down. I know supply isn't going way up because copper mines are hard to find in big size and take a lot of capital and time to build.
FCX +.34 to 28.91 Bought some more FCX. Historic low inventories in copper don't equal the sharp price drop in copper that we've seen since the recession scare started. FCX is profitable and has both copper and gold. Like the CEO said in comments about Q2, Freeport has been thru this before and knows how to adjust to different economic conditions.
If even 1/2 the projected increases in electric cars happens, copper will be in deficit and prices will be higher. If times get tough, many juniors will be unable to finance the large capex required by large copper mines but FCX can either self finance or borrow the necessary funds. They have been reducing leverage during the high prices and are in good shape, financially.
Hecla was probably a poor choice. Market is ignoring short supplies in Zinc and other base metals and Hecla is known primarily as a silver play. Maybe at earnings release, investors will hear about zinc but will then forget that HL is involved.
Big question is when will the market care about declining inventories of copper and zinc. Guess they figure if we have a recession, we won't need those metals. I don't think that's true but it seems that's the attitude.
Any doubts about the actual issue and you should go to and look at the longer term charts for base metal supplies. But until China comes fully out of lockdown, I guess they will ignore the problem.
There is a lot of talk about a bull market in uranium.
The Ukraine war has thrown the nuclear power plant business into doubt because Russia does a lot of the enrichment for the world industry. In addition Kazakhstan is the world's biggest source of U308. They have been a Russian ally in the past but seem to be trying to distance themselves recently. If the sanctions are extended to uranium, many utilities around the world will be scrambling to get U308 as well as enriched Uranium AND the actual fuel rods that they burn in their reactors.
Besides the war, the green movement really needs nuclear power plants to provide carbon free base power. They cannot generate enough solar and wind to ever fully replace the current base load power provided by coal and nuclear.
After reading up on uranium stocks, I invested in some of the big ones. The whole industry will likely move together if this thesis holds true.
I bought UEC, URNM, UUUU, BSENF, GLATF and LEU. I don't know how long this is going to take but plan to hold for at least a year. Many countries are coming to the realization that the green energy conversion isn't going to happen without nuclear. In addition the new Small Modular Reactors are coming this decade. They are smaller and promise many safety features that make them much safer than the old generation of nuke plants in the US and the world. They still have the disposal problem but are carbon free and provide good base load power.
China is on track to build 150 new nuke plants. Unlike the US, they can build them in 4 or 5 years.
VET Vermillion +1.42 to 21.53
energy stocks went up today. Russia has cutoff gas to Europe. Vermillion has onshore gas in the Netherlands and also produces gas offshore in the North Sea.
They are diversified with oil production in Canada as well. Vermillion should report another solid quarter and has two catalysts coming. They bought out their partner in the Corrib gas fields off Ireland. They have 20% and are buying another 36% but the deal doesn't have govt approval yet. In the meantime, the gas is accruing to VET from 1/22 and will be added to the P&L when the deal is closed. They also have another purchase pending. Vermillion is getting $35+/mcf for their gas. If Russia does cutoff Europe from further Nord1 gas, ngas in Europe will spike even higher and VET will be one of the beneficiaries.
Here is a Seeking Alpha article discussing Vermillion:
sqz.l +.41.4 to GBP3.465 big pop in Euro nat gas due to Russians shutting off Nord 1. Will they turn it back on after the turbine gets installed? I think they will but they'll make the Europeans squirm before they do it.
Serica is almost all ngas so it should respond to Euro nat gas pricing.
VET is puzzling. They get 20% of their revs from European nat gas and they are down today because oil is down. Investors don't seem to get it. Amazing free cashflow is coming from the Euro nat gas. Oil is the major source of revs but their competitors don't have the same pricing on the nat gas. Oh well, have to wait for Q2 p&l to wake folks up. VET will be debt free in 2023 from free cashflow and are talking about raising dividends and buybacks after that happens.
watched video from Eric Nuttall and Nine Point Energy on youtube. He had a guest on that reviewed the prospects for oil usage and prices going forward. Very convincing review of prior recessions and the fact that energy usage hasn't fallen that much during prior recessions PLUS European situation.
TRLEF -.0182 to US$.1558
Trillion CEO did an interview on something called Emerging Growth Conference 34 today. It was a good overview of current situation. Had a couple of slides showing where he spent several million buying supplies so that Trillion is ready for the drill rig when it gets there in August. Said they will send expert to inspect the rig and get any repairs done before the rig travels to SASB and before they have to start paying daily rig fees. Drilling company is responsible if there is a delay in getting the rig to SASB due to repairs that are their fault.
Art is focused on getting everything ready for the drill campaign. Went over financing and rationale for why he did what when. He made a good point. Said imagine if he had waited to raise money until now. How hard it would be to get investors interested right now. Anyway he raised the money when it was available.
They spent about $4 million on early supplies and securing rig( had to send them $1million to ensure they would come in August) and another similar amount will be spent in July to ensure everything is ready when the rig arrives in August.
Went over exploration plans AFTER SASB is drilled and wells are online and producing. Said there are big prospects and they will use SASB cashflow to pursue prospects in 2024-25 after cashflow is well established.
Agreed that valuation is very low. They raised C$40 million and market cap is around US$45million. Investors are valuing SASB at around US$25 million, which is very low given size and certainty of well sites and equipment.
Had question and answer period. Someone asked why the stock price was falling.
Duh! Everything else is falling too.
Another asked if he was going to use the money he raised to support the stock price now. Very glad to hear him emphasize that the money raised will be used to generate revenue thru drilling. Short term thinking in supporting share price is stupid in my opinion. The prize is revs and profits. Let the market figure out what it's worth after they start cashflowing in the millions per month.
It was a very good interview. Art mentioned that during fundraising they were prohibited from conducting any IR. That is over and he is trying to drum up interest in the stock. But in the end, we have to wait for the first well results. After that, every 45 days, they will start drilling a new well until the previously drilled wells at SASB are drilled and operating.
SQZ.L -.115 to 2.835 gbp
Serica should have an excellent Q3 based on this story regarding European gas prices:
another ugly day TRLEF -.0457 to .1671
low is .1566
Bought a few more shares at .163. Lots of small orders to sell. The announcement from Trillion that things are moving along seems to have spooked people. Maybe the confirmation that the drill rig wasn't going to be on site until August caused some of the selling. This first well better go smoothly or the bottom will fall out.
Thanks for the tip Matt. Bought some SQZ.L today at 2.955 gbp. Had to chase it but it's a nice combo of European ngas prices/crisis and the chance for some upside if they hit their exploration well in Q3/4. Hedging is declining too. Wish they reported quarterly but that's part of investing overseas.
Yeah, there's no easy answer. Nukes can't be brought back online quickly or cheaply(Germany you dummies)
There are no big new sources of natural gas to replace a huge producer like Russia.
They can probably crank up some old coal fired furnaces a little more quickly.
Winter is coming and Europe is going to pay thru the nose! Who's going to get reelected if nobody has heat in their homes.
We've redirected LNG from Asia to Europe but that's not going to last very long. Asia(China) is going to need that LNG to reopen their country and if there is a cold winter, LNG is going to fly.
are you buying Serica in London SQZ.L or the otc symbol sqzzf. SQZZF doesn't trade much. Hasn't traded for a few days.
Looks pretty interesting. Mid level producer. Not a startup by any means.
The Central Bankers threw a wet blanket on the stock markets, energy, metals, you name it. Might wait a bit for the dust to settle. Fundamentals are pretty solid unless world economy goes into a BIG recession. Still need energy to keep the lights and heat on. Still need food. Still need metals to make anything.
SD kinda greedy aren't we? you want to double eps in one qtr?
I used a conservative number for avg price of ngas in Q2. SD gets a little over 50% of revs from ngas. Oil and ngas liquids did not double in price from Q1 to Q2. Since they make up ~48% of revs, that will limit eps gains.
$1.35eps X 4 = fwd annualized $5.40 eps for a $17 stock. That's pretty good.
Production has been pretty stable. SD hasn't been drilling new wells. They have just been bringing back wells that they mothballed during the bad old days to maintain production. So capex has been limited. Another plus and they are growing cash. Should be around $200 million by now. No debt~!
SD, $17.39. Sandridge Energy earned .95/share for Q1 ending 3/31.
They got 3.84/mcf in Q1 minus a few hedges. All hedges fell off at 3/31 so Sandridge will earn all of their ngas production. In Q1 they got about 82% of Henry Hub pricing. In Q2 ngas looks to average somewhere in the $7+/mcf range. Assuming SD gets 82% of 7.25/mcf or $5.94/mcf for Q2, you have earnings in the $1.35 range plus some extra for higher oil and ngas liquids.
Most producers have lots of hedges and it's tough to figure out their earnings. SD is a clean play on ngas. The LNG plant explosion will hold down exports for the rest of 2022 but things should improve in 2023.
SD has substantial oil production so they will benefit from the higher oil prices and eventually benefit from the surge in LNG to Europe and Asia.
Looking for a conservative way to play the natural gas crisis in Europe. Vermillion, VET, has oil and gas but specifically ngas produced in Europe. They are getting those massive $40/mcf prices. It may not get a lot higher but spectacular gains for the next few quarters. Vermillion has a nice mix of oil and gas in safe jurisdictions. 52 week range is 5.51 to $25. Bought around $20.
Vermillion gets 40-45% of it's cashflow from European ngas. VET fell along with other oil names but those other companies don't have the ngas on the continent.
P/E around 4. Don't see a solution anytime soon for the Euro gas crisis. Wait until this coming winter!
Bought some Hecla Mining today at 4.34. Hecla is one of the primary silver producers in the US and has perennially disappointed me in terms of production and profits. However they remain one of the few relatively pure silver plays.
Recently I got interested in zinc as a metal that is approaching significant shortages. Hecla also produces a lot of zinc as a by product.
Their mines are in safe jurisdictions and set to produce for many years. We'll see how long I can put up with mediocre results. Stock is down dramatically from the 52week high of 7.71 about a year ago.
There is a country risk with Gran Colombia. They are trying to diversify with the mine they are building in Guyana and changed their name to GCM to remove Colombia from the name. Country is having elections and there is a hard left wing candidate that is currently in the lead. It's a two person election. So we'll find out pretty quick if Colombia heads down the anti mining path.
The project in Guyana is truly a company maker so in a couple years, Colombia may be in the rear view mirror BUT watch the news for the short term impact.
TRLEF/ +.0165 to US$.30
Trillion Energy announced they signed the contract for a drilling rig to begin drilling their SASB project offshore Turkey in July/August 2022. They also recently closed a financing of over $10million.
Trillion is unusual because the field they are drilling has already been producing and the four initial drill sites have already been drilled and proven to have gas. There is probably some risk of mechanical failure but largely low risk drilling. In addition, the drilling will be conducted from already existing drilling platforms. The producing portion of the field already has connections to a shore based production facility owned/operated by Trillion's partner, the national gas company of Turkey. So once drilled, the wells will be brought on production within 40 days of spud plus completion time..
This short time frame should allow Trillion to reach cashflow positive status relatively quickly. Another positive is that the Turkish national energy company, Trillion's 51% partner in the project, has recently raised ngas prices to just under $18/mcf.
Here is the latest investor presentation from Trillion just a few days ago.
re mglqf
I don't think Magna will awaken until they publish their 2021 results. IF they were profitable in Q4 and show the market that they represent an 80K/year producer that will be profitable going forward, they should get a rerate.
Over 2022, I expect positive news out of the silver project to give the market assurance that they will increase production in the next couple of years. Investors in this stock will have to understand and appreciate the "mexican" way of mining. They don't drill the crap out of the deposit. They drill to define the near term targets and grades. Reserves may not rise in a predictable and regular pattern. They are focused on cashflow and profitable operations. The silver project will be a low capex mine that will start construction without the normal, pea, pfs, fs routine.
They will likely do a pea but then will make a build decision. Capex for the new mine will come from San Francisco cashflow.
We shouldn't have too long to wait. Annual report will be published in April.
Magna Gold, mgr.v/mglqf US$.5998
Magna is a profitable gold producer at about 75-80K/yr. Has about 7 years of production left. Magna is looking for near term production from nearby projects and bought several silver prospects last year. Margarita is the best near term prospect for production and today Magna reported first batch of drill results. These are very good, high grade, shallow holes. Goal is to get to production very quickly. May have to change the name to Magna Gold and Silver!
Been surprised that market doesn't appreciate GCM increase coming from Toroparu AND Marmato. Both projects forecast 2024 production so we will have to wait thru 2022 and 2023 and probably most of 2024 before we see results. STILL both projects are forecast to produce over 200K oz of gold EACH. That would boost 2025 production for GCM to the 500K oz/yr range. Latest interview with GCM Mining discussing 2021 results and upcoming construction of Toroparu gold/copper mine.
latest interview with GCM Mining on
Agree that not as good as having cash without debt BUT they have the money and used debt instead of dilutive shares. The fact that they qualify for $300 million in debt shows lender comfort with existing cashflow and balance sheet.
Most miners contemplating a big mine build have stock price volatility coming depending on how they finance mine. GCM is already past that. I still think they are undervalued and have positive catalysts coming in the next two years that should cause a big revaluation. GCM recently changed their name from Gran Colombian Gold to GCM Mining to signify the change from a single mine, single country company to more of a regional player.
GCM is strangely undervalued. Market cap is US$438million. But they have $300 million in CASH AND they are profitable producer of 200K oz of gold every year from their Segovia high grade mine. Their biggest problem is that Segovia is in Colombia.
Last year, GCM bought Gold X to get their Toroparu Gold project in Guyana. This mine has at least 5 million ounces of gold and could ultimately be a 10 million oz mine. GCM has raised all the money necessary to build a mine that will produce 200K of gold for well over a decade. This mine should be in production sometime in 2024 and will double GCM's total gold production to 400K oz. They are already profitable with 9 month earnings of 2.32, including one time items. The Q3 earnings of .26 or US$25million probably is better for short term forecasting. Using estimated $1/share earnings vs the $4.46 share price gets you a p/e ratio of 4+.
In addition to Toroparu, GCM has other short term catalysts. They used to own the Marmato mine in Colombia. They sold most of their interests to Aris Gold and retained a 44% interest in Aris Gold.
Aris has an all star mgmt team that thinks that Marmato has high grade gold at depths and is building an underground mine to exploit the deeper gold. Aris was founded by Neil Woodyer, successful founder of Endeavor and Leagold Mining. He recently sold Leagold to Equinox Gold ane created Aris to repeat his successful track record of creating value for shareholders. The mine should begin construction in 2022 while near term improvements are made to the existing mining at Marmato.
So GCM has two big catalysts coming up in the next 24 months. Their new Toroparu mine in Guyana will provide geographic diversity and long term production while they will received 44% of Aris production from the new deep mine at Marmato.
In addition to their assets, GCM provides shareholders with a 3+% yield on monthly dividends while they wait for the catalysts.
Here is their latest presentation:
I think the combination of Toroparu and Marmato will cause GCM to triple over the next couple of years. I think the market is waiting to see if Marmato works out as planned but I think the stock is a no brainer for anyone in mining stocks.
SYTA has never delivered on promised of 4G and beyond technology. For some reason first responders in US and overseas have never adopted their 4G cell unit in big numbers. When I first invested in Siyata, they had annual sales of $20 million/yr selling mostly their 3G unit overseas. Sales since they switched to the 4G product have never come close. They are doing better with their rugged hand held devices and signal boosting products than the 4G product. Been losing money for years and continuously raising money.
Glad I finally gave up a few years ago. Bobwins
new article on Seeking Alpha from Peter Arendas. His top 5 picks for mining stocks in 2022. is his #1 pick.
MGLQF .5949
Very cheap gold miner. 7 years left at 80K/yr without considering any new exploration. .04eps/qtr should continue.
My only worry is that Magna just doesn't get any credit from market. Mining very low grade but profitable ore. Will the market care if it gets cheaper? Maybe not. Market sentiment for gold miners is near record lows, in spite of rising gold prices, huge deficits and rising inflation.
Mgr.v/MGLQF .6783
Magna Gold published their Q3 financials on sedar. My crude estimate was off because I didn't deduct depreciation or taxes.
My estimate does come close if you are looking for cashflow.
Gross revs 32.8million minus costs of 25.1 leaves gross margin of 7.7million. Net income of 3.6 million equals .04eps
Add back depreciation of $5million and deferred taxes of .77million gives you cashflow of 9.3million or .10 for the qtr!
Annualize and you get US$.40 forward cashflow vs the current share price of .68 gives you less than TWO TIMES Cashflow!!!!
Cheap, cheap, cheap!
There is a YouTube video from interviewing Art that posted recently.That’s why the stock is up. Says he has financing if moving stock to Canada is successful. Also explains why some of other announced financings didn’t work.
MGLQF due to publish Q3 P&L towards the end of November. I think company is way undervalued based on likelihood of 7 to 8 years of 80K oz/yr. Here is my guesstimate of what the P&L could look like.
Company has told us that they produced 19,102 oz of gold during Q3 at cash costs of $1134/oz.
Gross revs = 19,102X estimated avg gold price of $1775 =$33,902,500
Cash costs 19,102 X cash costs of $1134 =$21,659,400
Estimated Gross Margin =$12,243,100
I doubled G&A costs to $ 2,000,000
Used financing costs from Q2 $ 500,000
Used Other misc(currency fluctuations,misc) $ 1,500,000
Estimated Net Profit before Income Tax $ 8,243,000
$8million is a huge improvement and dividing by 90million shares outstanding = .09eps
Magna seems to have turned the corner, approaching steady state production levels and reducing strip ratios.
If they actually report .09eps or anything close, they are due for a dramatic revaluation. .09X4=.36 fwd eps vs current price of US$.80.
FTCO +.13 to $7.25
Small resource of 163K oz including inferred. Very preliminary and not significant for most junior producers BUT Fortitude made a production decision for Isabella Pearl with similar info.
We know they need to increase resources and mine life so it's logical that they will proceed with Golden Mile. They are forecasting 40K/yr from Golden Mile.
Valuation is tricky. If/when they produce 80K/yr from Isabella and Golden Mile, will you value the company at that level when they are almost out of resources at Isabella and 4 years left at Golden Mile.
I would feel a lot better if I was holding FTCO if they would announce incremental increases in resource at both Isabella and Golden Mile as they proceed with the production decision and construction of Golden Mile. The increases should be MORE than the annual production so that mine life is actually extended beyond the initial 4 years.
They have stated that there is additional gold at both sites. They need to prove it by drilling and finding more resources in the near future.
That said, FTCO may determine it's more important to drill and explore the next potential mine vs extending mine life. They may be very confident in their expectations to extend mine life at Isabella and Golden Mile and figure it's more important to build a third mine. Their past history of dividend payment out of profits may convince loyal and/or greedy investors to trust them. We'll see how it plays out.
Blackrock Silver BRC.v/BKRRF +.03 to US$.8274
A little late but I should have mentioned this when I bought a couple of weeks ago. Blackrock acquired about 1/2 of the historic Tonopah silver district in Nevada in 2020 from Ely Gold Royalties, who assembled the land package from private land owners. Tonopah was the second biggest silver district in Nevada behind the Comstock lode. Production stopped because of WWII and not because reserves were gone. This is high grade. Blackrock has multiple drill holes exceeding 1,000 gm/tonne.
Since they acquired the tract in 2020, Blackrock has drilled almost 100K meters. They have been steadily financing and so share count has gone up a lot. FD share count is close to 200 million shares. They just announced another $7million raise last week. First Majestic has participated in the last two financings and Eric Sprott is also a big investor.
Here is the latest presentation:
Blackrock has moved 30% in the last two weeks. I think the stock is moving due to expectations of an initial resource estimate that is due in early 2022. This is the largest drill program over the past year and investors are expecting a big initial resource.
Apparently CEO sent an email recently in response to a question about financing that was due in September. Supposedly said that financing would be delayed again to early 2022 and would be bigger than the original $10million. Also said it would include equity. Production now not expected until Spring 2022, if then, instead of 12/21.
I sold today because an equity financing will be done below market and hurt short term share price. Track record of completing announced financings is poor. Project looks too good to be true. Something is holding up the financings. Maybe it's political situation in Turkey. Don't know. Good luck.
MGR.v/MGLQF +.113 to US$.7590
Nice pop on low volume for Magna. Gold and silver are moving up and there are LOTS of undervalued miners. Magna certainly fits the description.