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buy:sell [before the 2.4m form t] 4.1m:1.6m
so what's going on here? hmmm,, look like clear manipulation, shorty, whatever, confirmed now,,,maybe some dilution, maybe a combo,,,look at that ratio up there,,,every day since last thursday, buys outnumber sells and many days lopsided like today,,,unfortunately doesn't bode well for the pps here,,,PENA certainly a short maybe BNCH, and maybe HDSN and ETMM selling company shares,,with all the buying last 6 days, pps should be .03+ today if all were equal,,look like all thing very not equal here
also unfortunately it look like the ceo not able to say what many want to hear,,,i trim my postion today at a little loss because this ceo still have a bit to learn about how it work to be public,,i think the guy very genuine, but also nieve and he taking ALL his queues from his "advisor",,that not the best sign as i would like to have a ceo that think for himself,,,it throw doubt in my mind about the a/s shares for example,,,what i get from his web message and other emails now is that he will do whatever his "advisor" tell him,,and since i don't know his "advisor" it a big unknown now,,,and that web message should have been a pr, it that simple,,,as much as the effort was good by him!
he also in the message tell it like it is about the growth curve for him,,,he in no hurry here so it good to know his view on that,,so meaning for most of us, it will be slow going for shareholder profit also,,,what we experience on friday and monday i dont think we'll see again now for some time to come but over time i believe stock will rise,,clearly this ceo just in no hurry whatsoever,,and what make matters a little worse is it give time now for new shares to slowly be introduced into the float,,bottom line is 28m float is tiny and some of the lowest floats out there are 100m, so still plenty of room for a bit more dilution outright,,,and after what he say in the website message, he certainly in the mindset to sell more shares if it helps him with growth,,,after now seeing last 6 trade days, i no longer believe float is only 28m,,,no way! sometimes T/A can be lagging by weeks when new shares being brought to market,,,too bad because it really look like there was a great opportunity here,,i think there still is but now in a much longer time window with this many trading games going on just when the pps wakes up,,look like they wasted no time on this and cut us off at the knees for now,,,
as i say, most likely still a good LT investment because i dont see him doing abusive diluting,,just hard to say what the timeframe is exactly now,,,it looked like this was really ready to move up but they jumped on it,,,still like the company i think some swing trading here on dips going to be the best answer while also holding a long position,,,as of now, this float SHOULD be well locked, but clearly there too many share selling that are unknown origin,,,i think as masked superstar say though, the ceo had better watch his step here or he will risk putting his pps back to sleep as shareholders move on,,i also sell today because the ticker not updated and that should only take a day or two tops,,,so it look like he might still have a bit more work there to get current to satisfy otc regs,,,and will need to submiot a new letter and maybe another filing or two,,,for some comnpanies it does take a few tries,,,still a good company but it look like it will have a sideshow that go with it keeping the pps surpressed, jmo,,,i could be wrong of course,,,glta and it was exciting stuff for a few days!! in all honesty, we should have hit .04 on friday and then maybe pull back to upper .01s or mid .02s,,,just didnt happen,,funny how some stocks like this they let run a while and some they just step on like a bug,,,
seriously, what is having an establish relationship with Old Republic, the largest title insurance company in the States, chump change??? i say it HUGE,,and clownface posters and shorters are shorting this stock?? huh??
college,,,suggest break out that info tomorrow BMO!! perfect time and maybe we'll see a CI ticker also! plenty of great stuff here that MANY other ticker just cant produce! they rely on smoke and mirror, with no revenues, mergers with BOGUS chinese companies no one ever hear of, etc, etc,, etc,,,TITL a known company [used by no less 2 of this boards posters!] and ALREADY have they own $1mm+ revenues, they dont need bogus chinese mergers,,,what not to like about that??? just solid
lets put the past behind us,,,shorty has been knocking this down last two days which clownie's buddies may be involved with,,,now it time to make them unwind it,,,a new day and a new attitude going on here,,i say before, friday we went from .008 to .017 in less than 30 and on only 5m share,,,let's retake this pps back to where is should be TODAY were it not for shorty,,,im talking .03+!!! no doubt the company well worth that price if not higher,,
look at the difference toucan make here,,,he a positive guy and the minute he get back in charge of the board, stickys are updated, clownfaces lose they person marks, and a lot of positivity is in the mix,,,anyone who critcize this guy should look at what they do for the board other than criticise or complain and then after realizing you pale in comparison to this guy, just shut up!!! thnx toucan for all you hard work,,much appreciated by some here,,,titl ready to rock and roll, shorty who knock this down last two days now ready to unwind it!! glty
bottom line,,this ticker and company one of the BEST out there,,,the only reason the current a/s became an issue around here is because a clownface poster showed up here and yelled fire in a dark theater,,,yes, that mark of a TRU clownie,,,but as been said very nicely by takechances, myself, toucan and others, it clear this ceo have no intentions of diluting,,,why? simple IT WOULD BE DONE BY NOW,,,habitual dilutors NEVER wait a few months when they need the cash NOW,,,just doesnt happen that way,,if dilution were the name of the game here, there would ALREADY be 2b+ o/s as we speak,,,this ceo have a real comcpany that was built long before he becasme public,,IOW,,,TITL NOT A START-UP,,,TITL NOT A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY RELYING ON SHARES FOR SURVIVAL LIKE MANY PINKS,,,they a REAL title insurance company who have been perfoming real estate closings for years now and have well over $1mm+ in revenues BEFORE THEY BECOME PUBLIC!!!
so please everyone lets get it straight and speak the truth,,,the clownface who yelled fire in a dark theater is gone and moved on to his next pump and dump,,,what he leave behind for us is still a TINY float of 28m, most of which is already in strong hands and a 115m o/s,,of which the ceo himself owns 89m sh,,,as another poster say, why in the world would he have that many shares just to dilute them?? makes no sense!!! habitual dilutors OWN ZERO,,,say it again with me,,ZERO shares of they own public company,,,instead here his incentive is to make those shares of his as valuable as possible and he gets rich,,WHILE he also does well for his shareholders,,,KNOW THE GAME GUYS,,,
make no mistake,,,what going on here in terms of risk is NO DIFFERENT than any other public company,,,mainly what you want to know about you ceo is is past and present and how likely is he to be a reckless diluter and you also want to know how the company pays for they business operations,,,if they no revenues and the a/s is high, and the ceo has a history of of it, bet on dilution non stop,,,if the conpany makes money, has good size revenues has a large initial a/s but a tiny o/s and float still after 3mo and longer from they articles of incorporation,,that the best sign you can get that reckless dilution not in the mix..the ceo already refer to shareholder value and his pps value so we know it important to him,,that's best case scenario,,,
what we should concentrae on here is locking up this float asap!! why?? jsut look at cdiv or feel or the host of other example of what can happen when the float is under 30m share!! stay focused ont the right things here i suggest and every investor will DO WELL and make a nice profit both short-term AND over time,,spread the word of this opportunity and watch what happen,,,
bottom line, this ceo already proving he head and shoulders above other scammer ceos,,,look at how he take the time already to meet with a local shareholder and look at how a shareholder [goingup11] already give him a new contact in valcom who do the live home auctions and he already having a meeting with valcom this week becasue of it,,,this guy more into the way he always have done business, face to face and with people,,,he not some veteran public ceo like most of these clownfaces who do nothing but dilute, r/s, rinse repeat over and over again,,that not this guy to say the least,,he just learning how to be public and it show in how he set up the ss,,,the a/s he was "advised" on and now he learning that there are issues with it for shareholders,,he not a dumb guy and hes neard it more than once now so i believe he'll address it,,,in the meantime, as investors and traders, we should see what is reality now,,,a 28m float is outrageously good for seeing pps rise NOW like a feel or a cdiv, or all the other examples,,,truth is NO company will ever give you a perfect i will never dilute clause,,,even when they a/s filed as one amount,,that can change overnight for ANY company out there and i know any investor have seen that many times when suddenly the a/s is raised without notice,,,what this guy has in a/s is inherited and it just is what it is for now,,it mean nothing that he plan to becoem evil all of a sudden and begin issuing dilutive shars like a mad man,,that not what he about and he already prove it,,,plus he already proving he friendly to shareholders and that right there deserve it own premium!
completely agree and i just post something to this effect,,,this a title insurance comnpany not a widget maker,,,tons of capital not needed in this industry and esp NO START-UP capital needed because the company already established before going public,,,clearly he already going about being publis the RIGHT WAY not the wrong one,,,had the second one been the case, the o/s would already be 2B shares,,,that not his focus though because he's a sane guy who into doing it right,,,
i somewhat disagree,,,a way too high 5B a/s never stopped tdgi from going to .06 earlier this year and eventually the ceo lowered it to 700m,,,their float was 100m,,,to be honest, even having a 700m a/s can still bring substantial dilution if that's how the business is set up,,,a company like td, who also had revenues, and titl, they dont need to dilute in the way you are accustomed on many other tickers who do it just to be up and running,,,,do your dd on this company and you will see how they are set up,,not at all like the other POS companies out there raping sharehlders,,,i agree it would be nice to have it lower, but as i say, even if it were knocekd down to 1B or 700m or 500m, there is always a risk of dilution in every stock,,bottom line is HOW is the company set up and do they have ongoing revenues to support operations,,,if so and the financials look to be favorable, then you go from there,,,the stock already had no problem seeing a .017 high on friday with the current a/s,,as always, it the O/S and the FLOAT that matter,,,obviously the ceo has already proven dilution not the thing here,,,if it were, a few billion of those shares would have been issued months ago,,that's how real dilutors do it,,,they dont keep there o/s at 99 and 115m and their float at 28m for months or years first,,,
of course it would be nice to get some kind of statement from the ceo and that is very possible,,,but i think everyone need to get over they fears on this one,,,esp the ones that faust decided to spew forth like a weapon,,,he a clownface who think it cute to yell fire in a dark theater,,,truth is this ceo has next to zero history of diluting already and that should be accepted as fact as it is proven,,,if you scared of a 28m float right here, belonging to a company with strong revenues and is a title insurance company not developing a new invention, then i suggest just finding a new stock,,, glty
suggestion,,,anyone having any further dialogue with faust,,do it on pm so the board isnt contaminated with weirdness,,,plenty of good things going on with TITL and those are what should be talked about, not the chicago syndicate lol
wb toucan,,, ;)
that's correct,,and i agree!! glty
just remember TITL shareholders,,,on friday this pps went from an open of .008 to .017 in less than 30min and on only 5m shares,,,and many mm's were scrambling back to .025-.03s,,,dont be dejected pps has fallen back,,,this can be reversed in a snap of a finger with this ss,,,everyone know this is a force,,,glta
frankly, i dont expect that to change anytime soon ;)
buy:sell 929k:1.6m,,,again just show that nothing supporting the price drop other than games!! when you know the games are going on, you know the games eventually will be forced to stop,,,the short now wound up pretty tight all the way up through .015 and a heavy position at .01- .012,,,when this unwind now, buckle up! looking for company news now and ticker upgrade and maybe some other goodies we offering up to management,,STAY TUNED!!
cat and mouse all day today,,,lol,,good day for setting up the next move now,,selling is gassed,,
good luck on your buy!
lets shove a stick right up shortys arse in the last half hour!!
nice chart,,,show the 50% fib retrace and also a nice pennant forming! looking very good here though it kay not look like it,,,it easy for shorters to use minimal shares in these low floaters, but they also much more jumpy and ready to cover when buy pressure comes back in dominant,,,today was easy work for them though i cant say they accomplished much
herb1,,as i outline earlier, yes, i think we have a bottom,,tomorrow it will be confirmed,,,and we now have a very recent short postion built in from .015 to here,,so that will recover quickly on the cover,, glty
and look who finally got up to low offer but is selling most shares at the bid,,,PENA,,,our shorter,,he had trouble getting up there today and was locked out most of the day but he made it and of course has no problem selling on the bid,,the .0057 sale is his,,no other mm would touch a .005 today but him of course since he's short imo
guess who,,,shorts,,they started this friday when they were protecting the .0125 reistance,,i called it out on the board,,,for every buy on the offer in tht area, came an answer with a hit on the bid without fail,,,,same thing still going on a bit today and it went on yesterday also and there was the little 2k share paint at the close,,,it all make sense looking at thursday on when the stock woke up,,,it woke up because of the filings [esp qtr3] and the filings showed revenues and showed that the company was getting active,,so the first day was some covering that had been dormant for a while,,then the second day friday was a big retail response spike in and a little more short covering at first,,and thats when BNCH and PENA popped on jsut as the pps was getting up to .018, and they started selling,,not consultants shares since those have long been sold, either legit short shares or naked bogus shares [with these small stocks the nakeds are easy for them since it will never be discovered right away],,but either way short,,,and of course because the move was so sudden, they counted on flippers, which came through at first and all they had to do was keep pressuring the bid to start creating doubt,,,so today they just continue they little game here and will see how far they can take it before no more retail shares are dumping,,,shorts cant work in a vacuum and by themselves,,they only are successful with retail sellers because that's who's money they making, not they own,
bottom line is when retailers stop selling into the short, the pps will stablize and then the next buying opp will cause another cover event here,,,with a just a little more firepower from retailers on friday, we could have had the next level of covering and took the pps up to .03, but it never showed,, they still would have reshorted no matter what though, why not?? again, fortunately [and the main reason i stayed in], the float is tiny here,,,and we know it and they know it,,,so that alone will make them have to cover again soon rather than sometimes they will just sit on their short with a higher float,,but here, because they could be taken out very fast now with the stock woken up, they will remain jumpy and look to cover when enough buy pressure shows up again,,rememeber for the laast 30 days solid this stock was SOUND ASLEEP and so was the short position,,,but on this next round that's how the pps will get back to .05,,now more retailers should pile in as more is known and the company continues to execute to this day by submitting the attorney letter yesterday,,,until, the short doing what they do, that's their game and how they make money,,,
heres a good place to start on the financials,,,actually a company here with existing revenues that didn't require a few billion shares to obtain lol
ok so here's about where its at,,,current buy:sell now 693k:1.2m,,so selling stepped up but a chunk of that was faust and expected and good riddance,,,other selling i would sum up like this,,,it think many who are buying here are doing so by bidsitting and cutting deals, which is what it is,,and though those are marked as sells, chances are good those shares going from weak retail hands to strong,,maybe some going to mm's accumulating who will always bid sit and never buy at the offer unless they covering,,,so all together we jsut more seeing retailers buying but unwilling to buy at the offer,,,we know no new shares in the game, so it just a situation where the new support need to be established,,once there, the next leg can fire,,,i think many just have this one on the radar now and waiting for the entry point where support is in which has to be about here and here's why,,, i get in first here last thursday and i first come to the stock when it was at .0055 offers,,,when i first call it up on L2, i see the morning trade book and though there were a few buys in .004's that morning not many,,,there was a huge sel at .0033 for 2m share, i did see that and that make up most of the volune at the time buy the time i start watching,,,and prior to that day, the pps was really pretty much inactive on VERY low daily volume for man days going back into mid june with pps remaining around .003 - .004, but on very low volume so no tmuch accumulating going on at all,,
so my point,,is from here [.006 - down] there very little profit taking to be had or to be honest desired for this kind of potential in the stock now for huge upside,,,that because most of the buying on that thursday didnt begin until .005's,,,for .003 buyers selling now is like kissing you sister!! esp when it is known now how fast this pps can run now that it has woken up so most of those people still adding not selling,,,so this area of 50% fib retrace, the 10ma at .0056, the 5ma at .0072 and the 20ma at .0049, this the only real place for support,,,and once this now establish itself, then it create the new signal to take it up,,,and i believe we'll also get a pr this week and the ticker status change will help recharge the bigger interest and make buyers hit the offer much more,,,it the same old story,,,when there no need to hit the offer and things are slower paced, then buyers will work the bid only,,,still mean they want in, just there time to try to cut the deal,,,rigth now the train came back to the station for extra passengers,,,next time it leave it wnt be coming back,,,
nice horns,,glad to have you on board,,, glty
good news is now the ticker rid of faust shares,,and his bad energy,,,he the devil himself imo,,,and you dont need the devil anywhere near you stock,,,and tonight we get toucan back,,he have good energy and its been missed,,,good thing on the horizon!!!! this trade today meaningless when you know that the company actually top notch and with over $1mm revenues already and they dont need to dilute jsut to achieve revenues,,,when you have that in hand, these little down price swing on a tiny float just a nuisence,,,
and btw,,,50% fib retrace is right about here,,,no surprise there either,,,
oh i agree 100% with you,,,shares even more hard to come by now then a few days ago,,,the pps is lower not becasue of huge shares being dumped, it because of easy manipulation by mm's,,,have to realize, they are desperate for shares here and it will get worse the higher pps go,,so they trying to stock up here for whatever good it doing,,frankly they not getting very many shares here at all,,,any retailer dumping is either hurting themself with no gains or a needless loss, or they just trying to hurt other shareholders like faust,,,simple,,, there little other reason to be a seller here with a float this small and when because of that the pps could move up a penny anytime on 5m shares or less no problem!!
after faust dump his .006 shares, 50k sh take out .006 offer and right back up to .0075,,,everyone keep you eye on the trade here,,,frankly, that one reason i stay in,,,why? because i alredy see how fast thing move up on 5m sh, and it will do it again very soon once htis little shake period over,,very classic situation here,,,and once they force all the retailers to sell out lower, they wil ltake it back up now with a vengeance on the next news or filing,,,,buckle up!!
bye,,,have fun but it would be better if you decide not to come back to the board or this stock,,,glty
agreed,,, and probably there just went the last of faust shares! he say he was in at .006,,lol what a clownface,,,good riddance to him and now the devil is out of this pps!! no wonder it wouldnt hold with him holding shares,,,CONTAMINATION!!
ive seen many upgrades up to current info from limited, remove ce, some stop sign, etc,,,,but rarely have i seen it done when the company actually have ongoing and stable revenues of over $1mm,,,many of those "other" tickers with no revenues and just alot of hype and someday we'll have revenues after we dilute your stock more, pps do even benefit from the upgrade,,,here with TITL having good revenues already, it should really make a splash,,,why not, it jsut another step pf proof of how far this company willing to go for shareholders and the namesake of they company and ticker,,,this ceo imo wants the cache of what coem with being a top notch public company,,,he doens't want the embarrassment most of these other ticker have day in day out,,,
i agree,,i'm done and back to titl, the company and the stock,,,,
in all honesty, it the second one,,,he's become obssessed with mm PENA, who i dont think has sold even one share today! lol
how's you sbrh doing?? lol
exactly and textbook!
buy:sell 622k:531k,,all this tell you is quiet accumulation continuing,,,transferring more shares into retailer hands,,everyone just see how crazy this get on a surge,,,up to .018 offers on air,,,every day one step closer to much more than that this time
pretty much game playing today on low volume, no surprise,,decent buy volume and they ratchet down a bit try to shake out, then quickly raise back up,,,just typical for a consolidation,,,buy:sell is 597K:510m so no selloff or whatever,,each of the last 5 trade days buys have out numbered sells,,,jsut holding here until 2nd leg go time,,,
yes, t/a verified yesterday 7/19 after hours by toucan,,unchanged and upgrade to current info in process as attorney letter was submitted yesterday and it takes a day or two for otc review,,,curretn filings/fincancials were submitted late last week,,,28m float here is very small now after last 4 trade days of 39m total,,,pps was hit a bit with profit taking 0and a littel protection of resistance levels] due to first big pop up and many holders base now have buys in .01's,,next leg up for the pps imo is .025 - .04/.05 range,,,glty
im confident we'll see a pr this week!!