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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
Rock on FORW! I thought the Info Box for FORW
would resemble the companies landing page with current information.
much appreciated, thanks for sharing
the DD in your posts.
Me too!!
Lot's of the folks like me that don't post.
This has been fun the last 2 weeks.
Keep up the mojo! This may play out well....
There are a lot of folks that don't post holding a position here and some positions are large.
full on BEAST mode.
Some things a guy wants to forget IM.. bla bla but not GRDO!!
Good for you, best place here.
Sessions speaks and markets move..or not.
Thank you NOBO, Glad to see you here to keep us up on the latest info and company updates
this is exiting stuff goin on here,
I went from bag holder to a GRDO LONG!!
Hi all, lots of familiar folks here.
Thank you, I really like that post!
Kop, you got balz of steel going after that interview, Thank you.
One of my favorite quotes is "don't let them @#$%@#$% wear you down"
This ball may roll nicely for a very long time.
The opportunity for this company is virtually un limited.
This is blasting off NOW and could get crazy at any time!
I haven't chimed in lately but have a lot of this stock, looks more promising all the time, Thank you for all your input and hard work, I can only wonder at how you do it, awesome!
Hey NOBO, When 15SOF website has a few million unique web hits and repeat hits it's sure going to be easy to get the advertising going to create revs huh! Like clothes, cars, shoes, Iphones, music, sunglasses, wide age demographic to approach for this company. LOL cha ching, GRDO!
Pay day is coming sammy...always watch'in the dog ya know.
When news hits I think it will be very, very good, look at the stuff they dont talk about, great mystery so far!
Perfectstorm, Thanks for your posts, I enjoy them, they/you are well grounded it appears. You know how the game is played.
Things are heating up NOBO, Looks good, who knew this would be this for crying out loud!
Hey Sammy, I'm gettin s'mor in the morning, I like s'mors. 350k smors!!!! rock or bust dang it, go GRDO!
Something will need to drive the value of share price higher.
Hope its exciting!
I new the A/S would go up or a R/S, I really like them taking us with them with a forward split. We'll see how much gets sold into the market I guess.
Hopefully the price goes up 1st. Liking this alot!
you're really good at this!
Hi Dawgs! Good things coming I think!
Offices in other parts of the country are also being considered.
hmmm, for what? Some brick and mortar something?
Hi NOBO! If this turns out the way I think it will I hope W lets us know his next deal. He needs to get out of this with a pocket full of money too. You have a great day tommorrow, you're gonna be very busy..............kzr
10-4 ROGER THAT! The faithfull longs have certainly waited a long long time. Lots of excitement building here and James Watson is our ex c iting CEO!
Ready for an uplist and forward split and sky high PPS!!!
anticipation of the event is sometime greater than the event itself.... this could explode!
its aruba backward, actually is a place!
Always lurking here, You're a super moderator regardless NOBO whatever way this goes, I think we go up. GLTA
Maybe W wants to go to Aruba too, if he delivers, why not? Otherwise he can go to this place.....Abura-Dunkwa, a town in Ghana. LOL
Mon, 5/23/ I placed a order GRDO, AON 120k shares, limit .0015 before open, Ask was under .0015, order filled at noonish for .0012.
What does that tell anyone? Ask was .0014? Usually that would fill in a minute. HHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMM!
Hi NOBO, you seem to be holding up very well indeed.
I think social media companies are becoming the next .com era in investing and W may have something here. Still in the game, never invest more than you can lose "they" say. Them "they sayers" anyway, so howdy to the longs and GLTA in the next few days and weeks!!!
I like the condensed time line, not waiting a month now.
James Watson get post of the day award! LOL
Awesome pic! LOL
Not that I'm aware but change is in the air and if this aint linkedin look for an IPO later in the year, I just got an investment email about it. Would that be handy if it was!
Hi dawgs! Much Much better day today! GLTA!
What about Linkedin? jus' sayin.?
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