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What was the date?
There is when this hits 25 cents. Lmao!!!!
Cant is the same arguments brought up over and over again. Looking forward to the next 3 weeks. Expecting 3 to 5 cents next. Then once the CE is removed DBOOM.
Data are ticking to DBOOM!
Good to see you too homebrew.
It will be moving upwards over many days and weeks. This wont be a 1 day pop.
I didn't hold this for 5 years for chump change but a chance to destroy naked short sellers based on those who provide death spiral financing to otc companies.
There is a chance for a reverse merger. Time will tell. Glad i own shares. December should be the month.
50 cents would prove naked short exist in my mind.
Longs have been right for a long time.
Thats whatvl the otherside hopes but its not going to happen. Just a financial loss of x magitude of one side. Which side? Time will tell!!!!
It was a mistake imo. ce removal will happen Q4 imo.
Shorts are so screwed. Its not funny anymore.
Do NSS get share certificates?
Lol. Who told the NSS to short Mercedes too......shhh it is a client now..... shhhh now they are spreading insider information. Lmao. funny. Its the only BS argument left.
NSS are never disclosed which is why its called naked.
I dont trust any data pre 2015 there was a reverse split 100 to 1 so volume is probably reduced the same but the bs sources dont describe which shares and it could be 100 times larger. The 2016 through 2022 data is probably the best. Opinions are opinions.
Going to watch football today. Its going to be a fun few weeks. Enjoy.
MMer might take this up to 5 cents this week prior to CE drop. This could be the week.
Loan sharks always short on death spiral financed deals. You get 10 times or 100 times more shares if you do.
1.00 is coming here minimum if GTII can hit 8.00.
The SEC didnt challenge the ruling only requestedva review by the commission. NOT AN OBJECTION of the SEC ruling. This will wrapped up shortly and resume regular trading. The SEC will then issue its final due to the ruling, and due to being fully compliant for 4 years now and set a precedence against loan sharks that get into legal trouble with FINRA as a special circumstance.
Been here for 6 years and ill wait it out. This stock will trade again and ill be there when it happens. Dont care how long it takes its been 6 years so days weeks or a couple months wont matter. Expecting a second wave to start up in the next 2 weeks. GLTU. Never expected to be in a position like this on this lotto play. No risk here for me. Free shares for a big win if the CE is removed. News updates are pending after resumption of normal trading. 6 years of this will be revoked and look its now pink current with a sponsored MM and the company beat THE SEC in court. Only a matter of time it resumes normal trading. glta.
Nice read. Yes alot of people will be buying when this trades again. Expecting a 1000% to 2000% pop day 1. and who knows how high it could go with a NSS!!!
Cheap entertainment for a Saturday.
Its a Saturday. Just chilling waiting for payday!!!! Dont care if it takes many more days, weeks or months.
I would not want to be short this ticker. REMEMBER THE PLUS 1 BILLION SHARES TRADED into the days just before halt because the SEC tipped them off to halt trading? I do that when i bought. Just in case it survived and was told it would never trade again. Here we are 6 years later about to trade again.
True but also all it takes also is if you smack the ask 800k and its 200k, the MMer might fill 200k which shows as a buy then raises the ask and then fills the remaining 600k and it shows as a sell. The reality is 800k was a buy in whole but the green and red can be manipulated and is not reliable.
Any trader can test this out on any stock. People know and if they dont they should be trading.
If its in between it counts as a sell.
Green is green.
Its not tradable right now due to a Caveat Emptor marking that management is in the proccess of removing. Once it removes then trading returns to normal and we probably get a 1000% pop instantly.
The only way to buy right now is if you own specific Canadian trading accounts because America is no longer free to trade anything anymore under the BS guise of investor protection.
Hey Ed. Im in this lotto play. Good to see you here.
They need to uplist and take it to $4 so people here dont panick sell at 50 cents
States between now and 2030 thevworld needs 1.3 trillion a year in energy projects to be energy secure. I hope Falak et al. Go bigger this time around.
no but its on my watch list looking for a pullback.
you sold way too soon. should have waited for normal trading to resume. Lots of heavy hitters waiting to pounce.
Hello buddy. Long time no see. Been waiting. Thats right i got this in the tripsbfor my lotto play!!!! GOOD LUCK!
glad im long this play. But some fool sold me the trips. i may have to open a canadian trading account.
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