Good morning johnson, Deep Space, and all on the APDN board...
I will apologize in advance for the length of this post, but I feel the need to speak my piece.
Good or bad, I think the next 4 weeks will reveal to us what is going to happen with APDN in the long run. The next 2 months surely should.
I believe that either the ship we are on is going to sink so fast that us little "rats" aren't even going to have time to swim to safety, or, the share price is going to flare up faster than a fire through dry pine needles.
I've been on edge about this stock ever since the news about the mandate. Excited about the prospects, but cautious and skeptical at the same time, because as the line from the old Shadow radio program goes..."Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?" Oh where is the Shadow when we need him most?!
I enjoy games and puzzles where I have to figure things out to get to the end, and as a result, I find myself doing that in every day life, constantly questioning people's motives for why they do what they do and I have to admit that I am no Shadow. I do not know what evil lurks within my fellow man. But I am learning.
When I first got in to the stock market, I did so with a naive, country bumpkin type of attitude. (No offense intended to the country bumpkins out there...) I wrongly assumed that if a company said something in a press release, or that they had a great product, then it must be true. I mean, c'mon, this is the United States stock market! People and companies wouldn't be allowed to blatantly lie just to cheat unsuspecting investors out of their hard earned money would they? Would they?!
Oh indeed they would, and indeed they do. There's the old saying that "There's a sucker born every minute." but from my perspective, there are no suckers in that sense, just people who put their trust in others because they want to believe (trust) those others are good at heart, not liars or cheaters. To me, the suckers are the ones who take advantage of this trust. They suck the good out of people and turn them into un-trusting, bitter individuals. So in that sense, I would have to say that there is probably a sucker born every second these days.
Anyway...I didn't mean to get on a soap box here. My problem with the stock market, and companies like APDN, is that we just don't know what is actually going on behind the scenes, nor do we know the type of people who are running the show. Dr. Hayward seems to be a respectable person, but he may just be a little pawn in the game. And the problem with the stock market game is that it's tough to win because the rules are constantly changing, or in a lot of cases, there were no rules to begin with, or at the least, we weren't told what they were. If we knew them in advance, chances are we wouldn't have played the game at all, because we would know they were all in favor of someone else winning, not us. At least in Vegas we know what the odds are before plunking down our money on a bet. I would be more inclined to gamble on 2:1 odds, then I would 10,000:1 odds, but, even with astronomical odds, I still buy lottery tickets because as the slogan goes, "You can't win if you don't play." So here I am in the penny stock market.
Anyway, back to the here and now. We have an obvious problem (counterfeiting) that is exponentially growing. It already is having a huge financial impact on economies across the globe. The ramifications to national security/safety (microchips) and personal health (medicines) are alarming to say the least. We know about those problems because the mass media (television, newspapers, internet)has told us about them. So we believe that to be true.
Because we are "investors" in the stock market, those of us on this board found APDN in some manner and know that there is now an inexpensive, viable solution to that problem, and has been for some time. It may not eradicate the problem of counterfeiting, but it will go a long ways to help reduce it. We know that because APDN has told us that, and because of what we know concerning the government's involvement with that company. Based on the information we have, we are on the APDN bandwagon because we believe the company truly does have a great product (solution) that no one else out there has, and feel that we have a really good chance of reaping some of the profits to be had by it.
We really feel that we are on to something good, but we are definitely not out of the woods yet. I love analogies, so I will bore you all with one.
Imagine we are villagers in an earlier century and our country is plagued by dragons. Not because we have ever seen one mind you, but because our ruling bodies have told us there are, and that they are wreaking havoc everywhere. We do our daily work, pay our taxes, but mostly stay inside our homes and don't venture out into the dark woods for fear a dragon will get us.
Lo and behold, a midst the gloom, along comes a company that has a dragon killing machine for sale. They assure us it will kill any dragon we would ever encounter, and because of the complexity of the machine, they assure us their one machine is the only dragon killing machine to be had in all the lands. We villagers can see the potential of being able to go from town to town, ridding communities of their dragons, and charging a fee for it of course. Seems like a somewhat high risk deal because of being involved with dragon killing, but the rewards would potentially be endless.
As a result, all of us villagers use every spare dollar we have to buy the machine. We feel good about our decision. We come out of our huts, climb onto the dragon killing machine, and start traveling through the deep, dark, woods to go find a village that is being terrorized by a dragon. Unfortunately, the dragon killing machine company didn't tell us the woods were full of wolves that jumped on us, tore out our throats, and killed every last one of us. If we had known that, we probably would have passed on the deal and stayed in our huts. Or at least prepared ourselves for the wolves. But, alas, we did not, and did not end well, obviously...
Later on, the well armed company's men retrieved it's dragon killing machine from the woods, and sold it again to the next village down the road. The company's owners did this time and time again, and lived happily ever after.
OK..if you are still reading at this point, you are probably wondering where I'm going with all this.... lol
I find it strange that with the problem of counterfeiting being as big as it is, and with the mandate specifying APDN as a known solution, why we haven't heard anything on television or radio about them.
Here's my biggest concern - the company keeps reporting losses even though I really don't think they needed to last quarter. Why did Dr. Hayward receive as much compensation as he did recently I wonder? To me, it would not be unfathomable that APDN may declare bankruptcy which would make every current investor's shares worth absolutely nothing. They would then set up a financing deal with a major player to pay off their debt, with that company taking over ownership of APDN and their technology, patents, etc. Dr. Hayward and his bunch would no doubt be retained and be compensated well to stay on. The only people really affected by the whole process would be the little people like us who helped finance the company early on. Ain't capitalism grand?!
It's always tough to decide if we should stay the course or go, but we can't settle back in our comfy little chairs thinking we are through the worst of it, when we just now are getting into the thick of things.
Anyway, to make a short story long, all I'm saying is be wary. Watch out for the wolves and keep your hands on your swords (or sell buttons in this case).
Again, I'm not bashing, or promoting, I don't know nothin' about anything...I'm just sayin' as I've had it happen to me before with a Fortune 500 Company no less.
I'm going to continue to hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
Ignorance is bliss, so I say again...
APDN - What's not to like? lol