I am not a financial adviser, don’t buy or sell based on my posts, I maybe posting something negative and buying or vise versa
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Excuse my ignorance what’s greensburg?
Finally you have good dd?
All did you are talking about brought to you by other longs long time ago
You have read all of them
What did you find different last 3 days that you are now calling a good DD
Care to share ?
Not saying you r going to get scammed here but we witnessed many pros getting scammed.
Glad we have you on board, that means we are in the right path
I actually feel bad for the entire board that we may have to see you crying for another year lol
Hope you didn’t panic and sold for a loss slimpicken
Thanks for the link but where do l place UNVC name on that ?
Do l have to connect the dots with my 9m shares?
Sorry but this is just a pure rumor until we get a real news mentioning UNVC in it
Correct me if lam wrong
I am not here to flip or make 50k
I am here to make $1/2 million
Will wait for miracle to happen
Linked in is the main news source
Otherwise nothing available
Rest is rumor
Beer, good dr has to donate some big chunk of $$$for the wall so illegal drugs are not in the us spil
Only Unvc made
Trump-wall- mj- bigmoney - shut down all leading to Unvc
I didn’t sell a single share but knew it was going to happen. For years never seen good news came, after long waits and tons of promises.
Almost 20m shares were dumped
Let’s just hope they are done with dumping
Feel bad for beer
Yeah. He sent signal Friday and thought big Is going tto keep adding lol
Must be company dumping since we have created a cult here. Don’t think any long was trying to get out since we all love big DR and trust him that he will connect all the big holes together
Remember what he said “ beyond MARIMED “
Whatever that means since then stock started crashing lost half of its value in 2 days
Isn’t that interesting ?
Hmmmmmmm again
What did I say?
Beer is great when it’s cheaper
Monday, 01/21/19 08:58:23 PM
Re: BeerIsGood post# 38350 0
Post # of 38400
Why didn’t you put your $$$ in them instead of UNVC
It seems like Unvc will be trading around 0.0023 0.0028 range
If no linked in news for anouther month you will be crying everyday :(
We need a miracle beyond MARIMED
Absolutely agreed
Of course he is a dreamer
How many user names dr Dalton have ?
Filings coming
It must be dr dumping to get the $$$$$ for filings lol
News soon ?
Almost he pocketed 20k in last 2 days
Dr is not excited anymore
Yesterday linked in respond was only “SOON”
I would never average down
It might get really ugly
I tried to warn you
After linked in news somebody desperately wanted out
Flippers got screwed very bad
Never average down but up
Why didn’t you put your $$$ in them instead of UNVC
It seems like Unvc will be trading around 0.0023 0.0028 range
If no linked in news for anouther month you will be crying everyday :(
We need a miracle beyond MARIMED
Interesting part is 2m sell order came after dr daltons linked in is post
Later we had 500k sale order at 0.0028 timing was very interesting
Lowest large number of sells
Do you guys thing somebody is playing or basically getting out
Still have faith in our dr Dalton
He will connect the “ black holes “ as beer started. And we will be “beyond Marimed “ as our ceo dr dalton stated.
Believe it or not there are tons of lazy awzz business owners with many negative unfair yelp reviews but still paying yelp tons of $$$ for nothing
That’s the reason this scm won’t go down that easy
People have to wake up,
One thing l do t get is this reviewers have no balance at all. If you are posting a review and if you are true to yourself post your # too.
You can’t rven reach scm posters who’s helping yelp to scm people more and more
Believe it or not there are tons of lazy awzz business owners with many negative unfair yelp reviews but still paying yelp tons of $$$ for nothing
That’s the reason this scm won’t go down that easy
People have to wake up,
One thing l do t get is this reviewers have no balance at all. If you are posting a review and if you are true to yourself post your # too.
You can’t rven reach scm posters who’s helping yelp to scm people more and more
Can’t believe this Conpany is trading over $30
$10 next year mark it
No activity !, Google is taking over big time
Yelp reviews /scams going down soo fast that yelp management don’t know what to do
We cut our yelp adds to zero and our reviews went down to 20s from 40s
Almost 6 months no reviews added
Meantime 30 google reviews added
That tells you something big time
Biggest scam on earth
That’s why l told someone to be careful when sometimes talking negative/positive -and buying/selling (trading)
Might be violating some sec rules
Maybe you have a point. Since 2012 same story keeps coming back to table
That’s a long long time.
Excitement here kooled off, no more flag holders
One by one it’s fading away. Even the other board don’t have them anymore
2m sell order is in fact huge for tiny Unvc
Plus we had another 500k on sale
What surprised me was even after linked in news” Unvc is beyond Marimed “ didn’t convince the seller to hold on to his shares
Let’s hope this time dr Dalton will deliver huge !
Come on dr if you can talk about anything on linked in you should be talking about unvc share structure and devt if there’s any too and nothing legally can stop you
Agreed, been watching this one
Nice build up here
What’s the share count and expecatation ?
Let’s see how it will shape up this week
Marimed has a $billion market cap while we have. $ 4m market cap
If this is beyond MariMed as dr Dalton claimed we
Should go pass $1 easily
I don’t see that excitement here anymore
Even the closest sources to dr Dalton have no hope and seems like gave up the idea of have no faith in him anymore.
It happens when it’s least expected !
You might also be manipulating when you are saying negative things without clear clarifications
You have to be careful!
Just saying
Yet you are still adding ?
Did you ever wonder why somebody wanted out desperately @0.0028?
Ceo is just a pure talker/manipulator not delivered anything for years and years
You know it
I have been in this market for years and years
Never seen any good news coming at the end of long waits
So now you have 8m
I have 9m
I have 1 m more beer, are you going to add and be 50/50
Now we both own the entire Conpany with dr Dalton
If you can’t find the black holes to connect st the end
At least you can be proud you are dr daltons partner
It’ seems like this time dr daltons linked I. Post didn’t have any effect on so
Even if it did; it triggered someone to dump 2 m shares
Very interesting
Getting negative vibes ?
“Unvc is beyond Marimed”
That’s bigger claim than “get ready” but someone must not like it
What? That’s never going to be connectet; hole means zero without 1
Keep trying to connect nothing to nothing
Why did you buy 2 m shares Friday?
That’s a very interesting action by you,
I wonder anybody else is buyin Unvc shares other than this usual l hub crowd
Where are all these “connect all the dots “ dots owners and friends to buy Unvc shares
There must be a reasonable explanation to your 2 m buy Friday beer
Hold on it’s not Unvc is it
Or is it agrimed ?
If it’s agrimed what does Unvc has to do with it
Beer 2 m shares bought on the ask ? If soo
That’s something
Let’s go UNVC
Close over 0.0035 today
My last post for the day
Send me a pm if we close over 0.0035
He must know something or and in the works for getting Unvc to couple hundred million $$$$! Market cap
Otherwise he wouldn’t make that big of a claim.
He s someone don’t want to talk bs or just say things to push the price up
Great progress must be happening
Let’s get the smell of it !
There’s a reason UNVC didn’t crash back down to trips
As all other penny stocks did
I always watch stock that don’t pull back all the way to where they start
UNVC is behaving differently
Good luck to all
Basically dr Dalton is claiming UNVC will be bigger than Marimed ?
That’s awesome folks
I love it
Come on Dr please !
Good luck to my fellow shareholder