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jcg, I have no degrees and agree with you. It seems that the "specifics" are somewhat of a moving target from time to time with what we've seen so far.
yellowjacket, I have a theory [OPINION] about YA and Neomedia's relationship going forward [especially after July29th 2010] I think you know somewhat as to what my OPINION is. I have thought from some of your postings you may hold a similar theory. If mine holds water, it will be good for us all. LOS
Thanks krays, I started to look back before I asked and should have. LOS
Thanks Arp. Nobody better than you to dig it out. Keep digging, it may shed some much needed light. Our management seems to like to keep us in the dark. LOS
krays, Why did they show those Oct. conversions in a report that ended Sept 30th? Is there any significance to that? [It was a 3rd quarter report and they took place in the 4th quarter.] Probably no significance but just curious. LOS
krays, that's what I was thinking and why I asked earlier if we knew who the new holder is. It could mean something if we knew.
Arp, If they were distributed as preferred shares there is no record in Neom's filings of anyone else converting. How would this be the case? LOS
There you go SOG, attend this MMA program and get certified as a certified MMA MASTER MARKETER and you'll land your dream job.
This just shows my lack of research, I guess, but do we know who the other investors were that YA distributed 3350 preferred shares to in the second quarter of '09? Thanks anyone please. LOS
lucky, It's none of my business but you've waited so long, I'd consider giving it until July 29th 2010. Might be some good surprises as to how YA is dealt with at that time if not before.
Arp, I believe you're correct on both counts. By the way, is there any meaning behind showing Oct 13th, Oct. 19th and Oct. 23rd conversions in a report that should have ended as of Sept. 30th. and events prior to Sept. 30th. Just curious, Thanks.
Well done JP, Well done!
hangdog, Many thanks for voicing all our concerns about that dividend conversion scheme on the CC. I feel it was forced on Neomedia by YA and for Neomedia to correct it at this time is significant in the fact that it appears that Neomedia just may be beginning to act like a company who no longer fears their lender for their continued existance. If that's the case then this is really big. I hope it is. Los.
Thanks Arp.
Arp, I'm not too good reading these things. Did you read it as they corrected the numbers of shares as well as the money involved in that dividend below par conversion "mistake" LOL on their past sins as well as going forward or just going forward. I think it is correcting past as well as going forward. Thanks
Sorry, now Scottrade has the PPS showing .0143 but for a while this morning it said N/A
Why does Scottrade say N/A on neomedia's PPS? [What's going on?]
ryan, Just look for the huge building with the sign out front that says NOKIA-NEOMEDIA. LOL [Who knows?]
ImTC, when I read a little about dark pools, that Argo, Credit Suisse 77mil share deal in Sept. came to my mind. If I were an investor in Argo, I'd want a better explanation than any I saw about that sale. [.002]?
cjzak, I agree with Yellowjacket's assessment of what YA should do to maximize profits for all concerned. If we don't see a clearer picture of their intent before then,[I believe we will.] With the 65 day notice in play, YA should have to show their hand by or before May 24th 2010. 65 days before due date of debt.
vero, I believe that they did, because Christopher Legg who is a partner at Argo left Credit Suisse to go to Argo.
Me too.
Clawmann, Iain McCready sure fits the Joe Friday mold "Just the facts mayam, just the facts" when it comes to what he's willing to tell us. LOL
That's for sure. I believe he will.
Thanks hangdog. Do you think if his employment contract is renewed he'll get more options? Los
I can't do private messages but from what I read, Iain owns and has options for about 33,000,000 shares of Neom stock. Is this correct? Los
zacked, Is Iain's commission capped at 200mil or capped at 2.5% of 200 mil? That's the ambiguity I was referring to. [P.S. I hope it's capped at a 200mil commission and he gets it.] 8 bil. for this company sounds about right to me. I WISH!
james, YA knows that the toxic financing has to go as well. The toxic financing can go but YA doesn't necessarily have to go along with it. YA knows how big this Co. can be without toxic financing just as we do. Revenues enough to require no futher funding would be ideal, but if revenue isn't enough to accomplish this then non-toxic funding would be necessary. Non-toxic funding is Non-toxic funding wherever the source, YA or someone else. YA wants to be along for the ride same as we do and will be a part of this one way or the other.IN MY OPINION.
I've always been troubled by the way Iain's commission agreement was written pertaining to the 45 mil. but not to exceed 200mil part. This could have been written much more clearly if only to limit his commission.
What's keeping the PPS low? Dillution. What's keeping investors away? Fear of further Dilution. What if the new funding without fear of further Dillution is not new funds at all just rewritten debt instruments by YA with the Dilution written out? Or a purchase of part of the co. by YA using debt already owed them as part of the purchase price? Hence "YA will be a part of Neomedia going forward" statement by Iain McCready.
hangdog, I don't believe a sale of this company will occur on or before either of the dates; Nov. 29th or Dec. 10th That's my opinion. With that being said, It appears there is a conflict in the 10K filing sale deadline date and the original employment agreement. Should a conflict arise over this, it is my opinion that the date in the employment agreement would prevail. I would love to hear clawmann's opinion on this. However, I still don't think it will ever come into play. LOS
vero, No apology necessary, keep digging all info helps Thanks again Los.
NeomRocket, Come to think of it, either or both is good. I hope for the rapid growth. I am not hoping for a management buyout at this time unless it is a buyout of YA.
Apax Partners, In Reading their site I see they bill themselves as investors ahead of the curve in rapid growth companies and also skilled in assisting in management buyouts. Which is their interest in Neom?
Thanks, vero
craydon, I know very little about the market. What do these numbers on this chart mean as you see it? Thanks for posting it. [Not nearly enough institutional interest?]
My simple minded thoughts on the Neomedia-Scanbuy settlement, Suppose I'm Scanbuy and I have ambitions on holding the key roles in the [I'll call it the marketing chain of all this emerging ecosystem] [1] I intend to drive my opposition to ownership of the process to be used [NEOM] out of the way. and reap revenue from licensing from all who use it. [OWNER] of product. [2] I also have ambitions on being the clearinghouse and registry of this [DISTRIBUTOR] if you will and reap revenue from this role. [3] I also intend to be a Campaign manager and implimentor of this process or product [RETAILER] and reap revenue from this role also, and with the stroke of the pen in the settlement agreement just lost my role as owner of the product and with the same stroke of the pen I lost my chance at being the clearinghouse [distributor] and was relegated to only revenues as a [retailer] of this in the ecosystem, then I'd feel like I just got my ass kicked in the settlement. in other words it's my opinion Scanbuy got their ass kicked in the settlement! P.S. I'd rather make a little on all who use my product as only make money on what I can do.]
Clawmann, Can I have my stock certificates sent to me and also accomplish this. I don't want to put a sell order on mine for what Scottrade will accept. Thanks
Yes, And puts China in play from the get go.