Email from Joe this morning.
I apologize for the length of time in responding to you. However, I have been heavily medicated over the last several days while passing several kidney stones.
We are still waiting to hear back from Southeast Bottling. As soon as we hear back from them, we will have no problem in putting out any information that we believe to be newsworthy. We appreciate your continued patience while we patiently await to hear from our co-packer. The length of time it has taken for this testing process should not be construed as a negative and we are all very anxious to announce a final production date. At this time, this date can only be given by Southeast Bottling as they complete their testing and put us into their production queue.
Please feel free in contacting me with additional questions.
Joseph M. Vazquez III
Infinity Global Consulting Group, Inc.
Office (800) 554-5659
Cell (754) 204-4549
Conference Call: (605) 477-2100 Code: 180300#
SKYPE: infinityglobalconsulting