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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
When you click on the number in Favorites, it clears the number and takes you to the board starting at the post right after the highest post you've read. If you leave the board before you've read all the messages, the number in Favorites is still cleared.
However, if before you leave the board, you click "Last Read", that post becomes the new "highest post you've read" and the number in Favorites will be updated.
Dunno, could be my choice of colors. I pulled the colors directly off of a weather map but I'm not sure it's got the right vibe. Got any alternate color choices?
The routine to fix the board numbering runs every 3 hours, so if it hadn't been toasted, it would have been fixed automatically.
Looks like a moot point. The board you were talking about has been toasted - it was a duplicate.
No, everyone gets directed to the board page. Are you saying you're getting directed to the quote page? I'm looking at the code right now - that's pretty much impossible ;)
No, no one is monitoring them. It's just a rare occurrence that the right criteria would be met to trigger it. It specifically looks for a Member search with the Select keyword.
I'll take that out. Obviously not needed.
The session idle timeout is 60 minutes. That's the same for everyone.
Also, I don't see posts getting deleted for calling someone a pumper, but heaven forbid if we call someone a basher.
That would be because you lack the tools to look. I on the other hand, have the tools and checked your allegation. What I found was that the ratio of deleted posts containing the word "basher" vs posts containing the word "pumper" in the last month is very close to the same ratio as the undeleted posts containing the same phrases.
Just another form of bias that gives licence to the bear, and not the bull.
Perceived bias perhaps, but not substantiated. There are fewer "pumper" posts deleted than "basher" posts simply because there are so many more of the second variety.
Fixed. The board had an extraneous space in the ticker.
That's not our call actually. Quotemedia doesn't recognize that format.
Very possibly. Pages taking a while to load could be a result of a DNS problem.
Yeah, we've got the London guys online and are trying different things. So far the consensus is the load balancers are expensive door stops.
It should be back up now.
Slight boo-boo with the load balancer. Should be fixed shortly.
Sorry, we're trying something else with the load balancer. It would be nice if the equipment we paid for would actually be of some benefit ;) Patience.
How odd. I'm using Firefox and see the same snappiness.
Should be much snappier than that - I'm seeing almost instant reponses.
On my list of things to do is create a link off of free members profiles for that. But, until that happens, send a PM to Matt and tell him what you want to do.
Poor at the moment? Or poor earlier?
We just switched to 3
How's the performance at the moment? We've taken the load balancers out of the loop and IH is all on WEB 4 at the moment. Seems snppier than it's been in quite some time to me.
Who is the registrar?
It should clear when he accesses that particular board again. If it doesn't, let me know.
Ah, young jungle love ;)
$33 to get into the zoo? Dang, the monkey should kiss you and take you to dinner for that ;)
Yes we do! It's every Friday at 4-5pm Eastern. This is in the FAQ:
It doesn't look like you've ever tried the free trial. I don't know how people manage to miss that. Anyway, follow this link and live it up for 2 weeks ;)
Here's an official answer. Read the Terms of Use. This is all covered.
I considered that as a possible proof ;)
Can you disprove it?
It's new. Bans can now be done for a set amount of time and at the end of that time they automatically release. Bans can also still be done for an infinite amount of time. Depending on what you're looking at, the infinite bans show up as "Until Further Notice" or a little infinity character ∞ in the number of days column. I'm not sure why it shows up as something else for you.
I put this in my "keep" list for future consideration.
Going to the Zoo and of course BBQing.
Ummm... you can't BBQ the animals at the zoo - you're just supposed to look at them.
You're showing as premium now.
The cross site search is on the list of things to do on SI.
Should be better now. I was adding an index.
Unbelievable. Read the Terms of Use that are linked at the bottom of every page:
Particularly this part:
By accepting the User Agreement, you warrant that you have no other registration(s) with iHub. You also agree to maintain only one active registration with iHub. Failure to follow the User Agreement will result in your immediate termination from iHub.
I just booted your third alias. What were you thinking?
No need to start a new board, I updated the current board.