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Might be fixed now.
In the UK. In bed.
New bug - give me a bit.
You shouldn't have to now.
Try it now.
Actually, it looks like I did that while fixing something else. Give me a bit to ponder how to fix both things ;)
I'm afraid to ask.
Try again please.
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We're working on it - sorry.
Try it now.
Try it now.
Try it now.
I see it. Hang on while I figure out what happened.
You can't access it in what way? You're logged on now.
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Quicktime was it. Firefox uses it to play wav files. Although I'm puzzled how it was playing on the My Settings page without it.
Oh, one other thing. The new mail sound only gets played from the Favorites page.
I use Firefox and I just turned on the New Mail sound - I normally don't have it turned on - it disturbs the voices in my head. It worked for me.
Do you happen to have javascript disabled? Due to the Eolas patent nonsense we have to use javascript to write out the embed tag now.
It's more of an admin book... ;)
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Sounds more like a local network problem. Are you connecting via wireless? dialup? broadband?
No, you're more like jetsam.
What Churak said.
Actually, we were testing the friggin load balancer again. The only time we overlap with the London guys is unfortunately during market hours.
She looks cute - Matt should call her...
One pulled at random:
There's a green buttom that says "Customize with Windows XP"
It's still an option at Dell anyway.
You can have an AOL email address without having AOL now. I'm not sure how that marketing ploy was supposed to work, but there you are ;)
Is there any has-been celebrity entertainment?
I love a good straight line ;)
Oh sure, leave the poor boards to fend for themselves. Heartless bastage.
Luckily the good folks at Adopt-A-Board are there to step in:
Funny! It's possible, just not high on the list of priorities at the moment. It will likely be done sometime within the next year or two.
That happens quite frequently on the Meatloaf Testing board. I frequently post "Test" after I've changed something. Since those are of very little interest, I delete them ;)
Server 3 had another "issue" and Dave and I had both looked away for a moment.
It's a bug. It qualified to be in the list on two separate days. I'll fix it in a bit.
I think Matt just missed it. Yo, Matt - whats the ruling on that board? Toast or no toast?
Suspended Until: 6/15/2007 2:17:22 AM Eastern
Turn the air conditioning off ;)
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